Scatter far across the dawn
Your effervescent sigh
Gather up the things you long for
Toss them to the sky
Is there a pinnacle of joy
On which to fix intent
Or are there simply moments where
Its happiness is spent?
The perfect summit of true love
Lies far beyond the cloud
Little shadows it may cast
Are but its feeble shroud
Breathe into your prayer
Each heartache and each tear
For it will reach the portals where
There is no toil or fear
Triumphs here on earth
Are momentary gasps
The only measures of true worth
Lay far beyond man’s grasp
The treasures we compile
That cannot cheer the grave
Are simply decorated bile
How wretched is its slave
The music of love’s song
Is life’s most precious prize
For it is very hard to dance
When its music dies
Scatter across the dawn
Your claim of wants and woes
For soon its dust is gone
To sleep beneath the rose
To beautiful to forget, too deep to overlook, I love this poem! The honesty that gives clarity to this stunning piece, makes the imagery vivid!