Thursday, July 2, 2020

Oh, Heaven-ness of Sweet July

 Every year the same thing...
July feels like a beloved family member come home
after a long stay away...

Oh, em'rald hill from blue heights hung
Plethora of wildflowers flung
Across your sanguine, wild-grass sweep
A free-for-all for none to keep

Oh river, rambling jewelry
Like rhinestones sparkling to the sea
Where we are lured like fish it seems
Toward the dangling bait of streams/dreams

Oh, garden, in the cool of day
We love to come to you to pray
And sense a glimpse of Eden where
God's Presence walks upon the air

Oh, heaven-ness of sweet July
Cerulean apple of Time’s eye
Where green to gold the wheat fields run
Beneath a bold and blazing sun

Oh summer, like a jar that spills
Its salty stars to dusty sills
Where soft dusk’s dewy ebbs and flows
Clings to our skin like echo-snows

Oh, hollyhock, delphinium 
Oh, clock of petal-pendulum 
How faithfully you flare and fade
An orchestra of pieces played

Oh, heaven-ness of sweet July
A laughing twinkle in time's eye 
A flicker of sun-shadow art
That hangs forever in my heart

© Janet Martin

off to dead-head peonies and hoe onions
in the sweatiness, oops, heaven-ness of July 😎😍😊

Sweet seven-day forecast!!
(nope, we are not going to complain about the heat after May snowstorms!)
 Keep cool, comrades.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

A Canada Day Thank-you Hymn


For freedom to get on our knees ten times a day if we so please
For blankets spread with unrushed ease beneath a canopy of trees
For picnic baskets unpacked by three-year-old happiness run wild
For fearless laughter sparkling skyward between mother and her child

For living without giving second thought to constant hunger pangs
A world outside each window, beckoning, without barbed wire fangs
For leisure hours among flowers that no gardener can tame
For the innocence of wonder no matter our age or name

For the beauty of life’s Duties in the trench of home, sweet home
For words like ‘we’ and ‘together’ to weather whatever may come
For family vacations whether one week or an afternoon
For special celebrations or the ordinary, gone too soon

For liquid diamonds splayed against backdrops of blue, after the splash
For bills to pay and chores to do and God, where hope and heartache clash
For more than we deserve, without reserve, goodness out-poured
For freedom to linger over a cup of tea, we thank Thee, Lord

For neighbours who are friends and ‘love thy neighbours’ flawless law
For New-day’s faithful second chance that mercy grants to humbled awe
For we-who-once-were-younger feeling comfortable in older skin
For breezes that lilt across leaves like bow over a violin

For masterpiece montages played on earth’s eastward and westward edge
Oh Lord, my God, when we see these we vow to keep faith’s earnest pledge
If these are but the outer fringes of what none have seen or heard
For welkin-inkwells, grass-blade quills, where poetry spills undeterred

For Favor bending over backwards to save us from ourselves
For rain-bejeweled woodlands hosting mushroom-sized fairies and elves  
For we who are our own worst enemy and yet our most devoted friend
For bygones we would change except for what they taught us in the end

For the fine art of love in spite of highest highs and lowest lows
For the divine partaking of heart-breaking thorn and healing rose
For quaking grit and shaking ‘sit’ as teenagers learn how to drive
For this and so much more, dear Lord we are thankful to be alive

For time that takes its tender toll but always only day by day
For morning-tides that roll the crumpled charge of yesterday away
For plain cocoons that hold and unfold butterflies and petal-wings
For this and so much more dear Lord, the dazzled poet sings and sings

© Janet Martin

Oh Canada, Glorious and Free (oh North America!!)

 below, yesterday's tot-craft!

Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. 
Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.
Psalm 127:1

 Sharing the prayer at the close of Peter Marshall's sermon, The American Dream
(click link for the whole sermon)
Have you read it lately?
 It's truths apply to Canadians just as profoundly!
a few more excerpts (and this was preached in the1930's or 40's!!)

Ah liberty is never free; lest we forget midst common plan
To treasure with humility its prize, to serve our fellowman
And never take our eyes of He who keeps our true North strong and free
Where man’s downfall will ever be contempt for God’s supremacy

...for power-hungry greed destroys and pride always precedes the fall
And ignorance is greatest where God’s Word is treasured least of all
And then the blind, wise in their own eyes think they see and dare to lead
The flock over a precipice then bind their wounds with chains of need

...for freedom cannot long survive where godless logic takes the wheel
Ah, liberty is never freedom to forget its bloody seal
Or founding fathers full of faith; hope’s symbol raised on foreign sod
To proclaim peace and give first place to the authority of God

To pray for peace is ludicrous if we abandon its True Source
Hope without God is foolishness; a ship blown off its charted course
As wolves dressed in sheep’s clothing mingle with the loud, gullible crowd
And gloat at the prattling, pathetic prey of the godless and proud

Oh Canada, glorious and free; but oh, how certain seems thy fall
In vain we’ll stand on guard for thee if we forsake the Lord of all
Oh, Canada, the beautifully blessed because God’s grace is great
Our home and native land, oh Lord, waken before it is too late

Oh, Canada home of fine churches empty, because man neglects
The One who gave purpose to hard-working dreamers and architects
Oh Canada, glorious and free but doom looms large; thy lovely land
Of rocky heights and grassy sweeps slipping into heathen quicksand

Ah, liberty is never free; its privileges lent, not owned
Oh God, its loss is gathering momentum with each ‘prophet stoned
And unless we repent oh Lord, our true North strong and free will fall
Oh Canada, before it is too late, pray for a miracle

© Janet Martin

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

If She Could (a Farewell to June)

And so begins the beauty-blur of summer in its beaming prime
And if she could she’d try to slow the hurried foot of Father Time
Where June slipped through her fingers with its flurry of petals and wings
And if she could she’d thread each day like pearls upon silver-swirled strings
As fields are folded into hay and longest days still seem too small
And if she could she’d heap a tray with keepsakes felled from nature’s hall
For always she is overcome with a parental tug of heart
And if she could she’d frame the spectrum of Echo’s elusive art
Where part of her will always stay entangled in June’s wonderment
And if she could she’d find a way to let go without fond lament
But love is always a fine mingling of bitter and sweet entwined
And if she could she would (sometimes) return to places left behind
For June never seems long enough to satisfy the poet’s yen
And if she could she would (just once) turn back and do it all again

© Janet Martin

I really would do June all over again if I could! 
This June the weather was almost perfect!