Friday, September 6, 2019

Of Miracles, Music and Moments....

Moved by the miracles of bloom and birth from earth’s vast vault of ‘Wow
It makes the commonest of noons feel like a Masterpiece somehow
And turns complaint to Shame-on-Me for who are we but fellowmen
With call to bear each other’s care and make the sad heart glad again

Moved by the music of the rain that thrums the laneway note by note
They pelt then melt in mirror-panes and little lakes where leaf-boats float
Like golden gondolas that seem to drift at ease but tug-tug-tug
Until the Very Thing that Is slips through the grip of hug-hug-hug

Moved by the moment always meting so much more than meets the eye
Something about the clout of clocks makes tick-tock seem more like good-bye
Or is it hello that murmurs like cello-solos through ramparts
Where miracles, music and moments tune the tides that move our hearts

© Janet Martin

Even in the silence we sense the essence of cello-strain...

Best Sweetest Ever....

 I've discovered something in my lifetime of being around children;
(starting with being a big sister to many younger siblings
then becoming Auntie Janet, then mother, Sunday School Teacher, child care-giver
and last but by far not least, Grandma!)
Through all this I've come to realize that every single child is the Sweetest Ever!

Our Sweetest Ever Grand-daughter turned 5 mos. last week!

Her Sweetest Ever Brother is quite a handful ham...
Photo credit goes to their mom!

The little girls in my childcare leave me speechless with utter joy
by the Best, Sweetest Ever!!! did all my previous kiddos, drawing the conclusion below!

Oh, there is no one quite like you
So pure, perfectly innocent
You make all that we say and do
A sacred sort of wonderment

You are the Best; I know it’s true
And I can tell you this because
Each precious One and Only You
Is the Best Child there ever was

© Janet Martin

...and on a final note, don't you think that is how God loves each one us?!

Mini Morning Meditation

The east is filled with starlight reaped
The earth, beneath its flare
Is like a groaning table heaped
With love’s unfailing Dare

Each breath we take is grace at large
Though free, its charge is great
Mortality is like a barge
Instilled with Deathless Freight

Where each new day is like a gift
Dawn like a breath-breadth lease
And only love/God can bridge the rift
Twixt misery and peace

© Janet Martin

 Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.  
 No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, 
God abides in us and his love is perfected in us.
1 John 4:11-12

Thursday, September 5, 2019

A Sometimes Poem For All-Times...

Sometimes a meal made of muffins and milk feels fit for the finest of kings
And even a mess spilled midst happiness is counted ‘mongst life’s sacred things
Sometimes the blue sky above you and I, flawless backdrop to ‘just livin’
Makes the smallest task seem as if we were asked to work in the foothills of Heav’n

Sometimes just to sit in the garden a bit is better than trips abroad
To spend an hour face to face with a flow’r amazed at the hand-work of God
For time flits by like a butterfly, like a sparkle of sunlight on sea
And all that we hold of moment-gold molds touch-and-such into memory

Sometimes when life’s brush is the colour of rush its good just to pause and pray
For the one who cares for the one who bears hard illness that won’t go away
Its good to slow down and kiss the sun-kissed crown of little mister or miss
And recognize the precious prize unraveling in Now’s westering This

Sometimes when the swish of the millionth swing-push has lost the thrill of the thanks
Or the millionth mile made of laundry piles makes smiles feel like wooden planks
It’s good to recall those who sacrificed all …while we gripe at pricey ‘stuff’
It’s good to give praise to the Giver of days kind-heaped with more-than-enough

© Janet Martin

...while writing this poem the insurance company called to ask for pictures of our oil tank which, if it doesn't pass the test means new furnace and water heater ASAP, but I determine not to let it dampen spirits on such a sunny September day! (that began with almost-frost!)
The B-r-r part of September-r-r is definitely making itself known very early!