Thursday, April 26, 2018

Wonder-full Wander-pull

...first she lamented the shrinking snow-mountain...

... then, after a pause she said, "Actually, it's quite spwingy today ...
I don't weally want it to be wintow anymoh (winter anymore)!"
And I heartily agreed!!
 (The same girl who lamented in January 'what kind of winter is this?!!" at the lack of snow:)

Oh, doesn't it give you an adrenaline rush as you contemplate 
what waits with the turn of the next calendar page!
(no, not the 'whole-lotta-work...the wonder!)

A world of budded wonder waits to wow the one who wanders where
A loom of green-gossamer lace breaks soft upon the dreamy stare
And mist of pink-kissed cherry tree and puddles of forget-me-not
Draw we of footloose, fancy-free proclivity to wooded lot

The daffodil with dapper grin delights us with its yellow duds
And suddenly somewhere within we feel a little like the buds
That brim with beauty’s Magnum Opus where too long gales held at bay
The sanguine song and sunbeams dancing in a ballroom we call May

Like plump gold pillows, primrose clumps are tossed to grass-lounge riverbanks
We cannot help but pause a bit and revel in the thrill of ‘thanks’
For winter past and summer’s mast raised on a massive flower-yacht
For luxury of sweat and dust and long June days and garden plot

The best of life seems better after we have weathered winter’s ‘Worst’
The zest of laughter sweeter in bare feet dandelion immersed
And oh, that first full burst of color; tulip-lilac promenade
Makes everybody fall in love with Nature and her fine parade

© Janet Martin

 PAd Challenge day 26: For today’s prompt, write a relationship poem. Of course, there are human relationships, but there are also plant-animal relationships, animal-animal relationships, and even mathematical relationships. Good, bad, healthy, and not-so-much. Dive deep today.


Role-Call (before the Roll Call!)

Waiting for Victoria's bus...

Wake up, wake up, the cup that tips and spills time’s quintessence
Pours morning’s glory-tide across the yard, brook, field and fence
It rushes through the downtown square and skims the heaving sea
A holy invitation from heaven to you and me
To break the bread of life where joy and strife their portions mete
To give the whole of heart and soul to every crumb we eat
To return to the Giver with our simple say-and-do
A hearty, humble labor that manifests love’s “thank-you”

© Janet Martin

 Bye-bye, Victoria!

 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might;

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Poetic Peregrination...

PAD Challenge day 25: For today’s prompt, pick an intriguing and/or seldom-used word, make it the title of your poem, and then, write your poem. 

Be Careful what you pray for. 
It might just lead you on a poetic peregrination
( Re-sharing to new readers what I shared almost four years ago on Nov. 12, 2014) case you wonder  'does she suffer from a case of poetic insanity?!'
here is my permission slip😉

I really felt a need to know if writing poetry was Time well spent 
and was it really what God  wanted of me or simply something I chose.
On my knees I begged God to please, please
 somehow, reveal His will/blessing regarding this!
After praying and deciding to wait to write again until I sensed His 'yes'
 I picked up a book on my night-table, purchased the week before at a Thrift Store;
a compilation of poetry and prose by many authors.
I flipped through wondering where to start so I chose The Preface (not something I normally did)
This was the first line I read; it felt like God stood in the room holding the book open to this page!!!
 Here is the full page...(click on image to enlarge) then and there I vowed to be faithful to The Call for as long as He provides 'ink for the quill'
There are evenings when I am CERTAIN the well is parched
but then He flings out a fresh misty-marmalade morning full of 
...poetry waiting to be written! 
By the grace of God for His Glory, (some days better than others)
 hopefully we all go with this in mind...
 If anyone speaks, he should speak as one conveying the words of God.
 If anyone serves, he should serve with the strength God supplies, 
so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, 
to whom be the glory and the power forever and ever. 
1 Pet.4:10-11 

Permission thus, to all of us
To give the Best We Can
Not to glorify Self
But to serve God
and fellowman

Permission to enjoy the view
Be it in sun or shade
One thing we have in common
is this day

Each high and low of 'yes' and 'no'
in Erst-while's entourage
Is but the grace whereby
commit to His 'Because'

The Giver of our live-laugh-love
In due season will ask
If, with the gifts He granted,
Were we
Faithful to the task?  

Janet Martin~


PAD Challenge 25: For today’s prompt, pick an intriguing and/or seldom-used word, make it the title of your poem, and then, write your poem. If you have a limited vocabulary, try out brabble, dandle, feracious, impavid, lippitude, or vulgus. Or pick up a dictionary or thesaurus.

Judy shared this quote in her post the other day;
 “Be kind; everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle” (Ian MacLaren)

 We have to climb the mountain...
 Before we can enjoy the view!

 Some people wear their crown of thorns, not on their heads but on their hearts... 

 One thing we ALL have access to is The Grace that leads us Home!

 We can be so wrong about people and what we think their life is like;
the things they do not wear on their sleeves might deceive us into thinking 
where we have Uphill Second Miles they have Easy Street! 
...until they perhaps confide a hidden hurt and we realize;
We are all fighting a hard battle! Be kind.

The Calignosity of Sight does not unveil The Fight~

What They do not wear on their sleeves may deceive
Our eyes with a sly sleight of guesses
And we might be prone to think we’re all alone
In our short-change of happinesses

We start to believe by the puff of their sleeve
That the ‘stuff’ love is born to suffer
Has heaped to our care more than mercy’s fair share
Of second-mile ‘love one another’

We might think the ink that shapes their legacy
Smiles wide as it spills finest fortune
While our own amount of blessings we count
Is doled out in more meager portion

What we do not know by what They choose to show
Might kindle a woe-is-me fire
When, in reality Their battle might be
Anything but what we would desire

© Janet Martin