Friday, January 12, 2018


 God sends enough yeses to defend guesses 
and enough no's to keep us on our toes/knees

How Eve-like we are; desiring to be as wise as God
How Adam-like we are; enticed by the lust of our eyes 

Sometimes we can't remember how we got through 'it' but God does

God tickles our scope of vision with glimpses of Him
All those 'important' things we think we will ask someday
 will be answered with one face-to-face look at His scars and His glory

The older we get the more learn 
about what we thought we knew
Easy to say 'surrender'
But far, far harder to do

 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And lean not on your own understanding.

What kind of winter is this?! said a little girl,
vexed at the disappearing snow...

What kind of 'winter' is this?! we say sometimes,
vexed at our disappearing comfort-zones...

Sometimes our hearts and hands are wrung and wrung with constant care
And prayers and pleas of seed-sized faith are flung to the blue air
The groundwork for grand miracles often evades our eyes
As God works in mysterious ways we do not recognize

He gathers up our trembling cries and cups us in His Hands
Goodness and mercy’s shape and size man oft misunderstands
For God knows how the heart is prone to worship wood-stone fluff
And confidence man puts in man is simply not enough

His ways of drawing strays to Him sometimes seems harsh and hard
But He, so wise, faithful and kind is always on our guard
And like a tender Shepherd He searches through dark and cold
To find the sheep that wandered from the safety of the fold

Earth’s common paradises offer a most fragile peace
Where everything we hold is everything we must release
Foolish to fix our faith on foundations that melt like snow
Better to trust the Hand that never, ever lets us go

© Janet Martin

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Sunrise Song...

Ah, nice, we say and perhaps pray
Before duty of day-to-day
Fills our hands
With toils demands
To keep the howling wolves at bay

Good, good to work but not to shirk
The Giver of love’s pain and perk
This is the day
For farmer, teacher, preacher, clerk

Thought authors deed that falls like seed
Blessing and burden intercede
Where with fresh chance
God always grants
His grace sufficient for each need

Soon supper smells and citadels
Toll toil and twilight’s dusky bells
Ah, nice we say
Oh, pray we pray

© Janet Martin

To Today's Legacy-authors

 This is the life-summary of Clarence; a faithful husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather
whose funeral visitation I attended last evening...

Such a testimony causes us to re-evaluate our own Time-expenditure, does it not?

What, when we have writ our story
Will the sum of our days be?
When death gathers up life’s glory
Was it lived for God or ‘me’?

Inhale, exhale, mercy thunders
Granting choice another chance
Morning, heaped with untried wonders
Offers kind deliverance

A new day hinged to spent ages
A new day to make amends
A new day to write on pages
That our final exhale ends

What, when grace ceases its glory
Will the sum of these days be?
When death gathers up life’s story
Was it writ for God or ‘me’?

© Janet Martin

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


 Came home much later than I thought I would from a funeral visitation for a friend's father,
Supper dishes are heaped in the sink 'cause Matt and Victoria attend a youth-group
Bible Study on Wed. nights...
but with some keen reminders recently of the ephemeral-ness of life/health
this sink full of dirty dishes is a thing of beauty when
one has the health and strength to do something about it!

When we start to count our blessings
Rather than all that we lack
Soon it leaves the mouth confessing
We get more than we give back

When we start to chart the favors
Showered on us day and night
Soon it fills the heart with flavors
Too manifold to recite

When we stop the pity party
And the doleful woe-is-me
We begin to feel a hearty
Thank-the-Lord humility

When we take a tender tally
Of daily blessings renewed
Pray, whether hilltop or valley
For a song of gratitude

© Janet Martin

Where Now we See In Part...

Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.
1 Cor.13:12 NLT

This bark that navigates the storms of life could not withstand
The crash of waves where earthy grave insists on its demand
Yet, beneath each frail vessel is a Bulwark safe and sure
Hush now, the Hand that calms the gale will keep the soul secure

He will not fail though some insist that He already has!
The Grail that pours time’s moment-mist through mortal’s hour-glass
Does not reveal the why or wherefore of Love undeterred
Though He does not forsake us through the power of His Word

Awesome Forevermore is too awesome to comprehend
Our gaze is oft transfixed on one-way ways destined to end
My friend, don’t be deceived, this little tittle we call Time
Is like a shadow-ladder that each soul of man must climb

…before forevermore; ah, we should not ignore the goal
That no one can evade as husk of breath unveils the soul
Where death is not the end though masterminds of unbelief
And enemies of God contend that dust is god and chief

Pity, pity the people who have heard with wooden ears
Instead of faith in God they cling to sticks to soothe their fears
They hate the Rod and staff that God uses to draw us back
With tender tears of love because He knows how much we lack

Life’s sorrow-storms that fill our eyes with all we cannot see
Are like an invitation to trust Mercy’s Deity
Just as we are, a mortal bark that cups Immortal Soul
Where now we see in part until death’s chill unveils The Whole

© Janet Martin

 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.