Friday, July 5, 2013

Of Present Tasks

Sometimes the grief of what is not
Torments and tests our purest thought
The anguish of our heart’s desire
Ignites a raw and raging fire

Sometimes the void of what has been
In all its scratched, imperfect sheen
Threatens to rob us of the joy
As guilt and blame and shame deploy

Sometimes the aftermath of choice
Yields harvests hard to ever voice
As in our heart of hearts we bear
The consequences of its care

Sometimes, the weight of wanting burns
As haunting of failure returns
But God is faithful; if we ask
He fits us for our present task

© Janet Martin

Living in the Middle...

This morning yesterday's 'undone' greets me as soon as I step into the kitchen!

As the dawn breaks and we persuade our feet
To return once more to tasks left undone
As the clock ticks its staid, staccato beat
Expanding moments beneath rain or sun
We are not simply enduring its bliss
No, it is something much better than this

As life’s call reverberates through our senses
Tugging us into its sleek moment-tide
We tread the rubrics of its recompenses
Not simply to suffer a home-spun joy-ride
We should remember beneath toil’s routine
We form the echo of ‘what once had been’

As we embrace this new grace-gifted dawning
We are not merely employing its space
Here in the shadow of heaven’s cloud-awning
We shape the pictures that our thoughts will trace
Oh, what a blessed opportunity
To live in the middle of a memory

© Janet Martin

Thursday, July 4, 2013

My Porch

My porch will never grace magazine covers
Or be a glossy, pull-out centerfold
But my porch in honest and humble endeavor
Is the foreshadow of heaven’s threshold

My porch has concrete all weathered and broken
But this won’t keep neighbors from stopping a bit
To talk of the weather, of gardens and children
There’s something ‘bout porches that begs us to sit

My porch is haven to small boys and kittens
Here candy-apple grins spread a mile wide
Beneath the poems of Browning and Kipling
To daisy-beamed whispers and dreams of a bride

Its borne the kisses of kool-aid pink splashes
Its worn the tracks of carefree muddy feet
It bears the tears of rain-song as it dashes
Over the proof of love’s precious heart-beat

It beams its beacon to night-owl teen-agers
It lends its front-steps to little bare toes
And oft in the evening these steps are the bleachers
Where we watch cool twilight strum rambling corn rows

My porch is nothing so special to others
But oh, how it echoes with moments of mirth
My porch is simple and yet humbly offers
A four-by-six glimmer of heaven on earth

© Janet Martin

My friend Megan (Lilacs and Lavender) and I chuckled yesterday at the thrill of being able to visit each others gardens and porches by the click of a mouse! Coffee or tea anyone?

Moments Dilute...

 Hint;  some moments dilute best in a cup of black coffee:)

Moments dilute where life’s dirt and its hurt
Mingle with heart-ache and hope’s happiness
Star-mottled midnight melts over the earth
As morning tip-toes above its dew tress
We touch our feet to its toil and its spoil
Footprints of yesterday etched in our wake
And yet we bend, tending earth's gracious soil
Too soon these moments drift over the lake
In echoes that cannot be rearranged
For footprints of the past cannot be changed

Time weaves a life, not in vast leaps or deeps
But in its half-breath, half-grin hungering
For as sweet summer smiles the hour creeps
To autumn’s brink and youth’s surrendering
The crown of wisdom is both wrought and taught
As tears of holding on and letting go
Are waged within the battlefield of thought
And in Time’s subtle, searing moment-flow
And though our fingers clench what love imbues
An hour eases from our grasp its dues

Darling, sometimes it seems we race and chase
For what? Its why and wherefore sadly lost
We are recipients of a holy grace
Our hands can never justify the Cost
And while moments disperse in miles, tears, smiles
Their purpose is of paramount import
This life is but a turning of the whiles
Its end begins what Time is all about
Moments dilute; we trod its dust and sod
Not to the grave but to the arms of God

© Janet Martin

Grasping His Goodness

Who but our God can paint thought on the air
In whispered pink, or on sod, shadow-blue?
Who tunes the quadrille of four-season fare
Or etches the limb on moon-lit avenue?
Who can restrain the darkness; rend its veil?
Who fills the bud, draws the fruit from its seed?
Who but our God pours the dawn from its grail?
Lavishing Light on our blindness and need
It is too much for mere poets to pen
This Father of nature and angels and men

Who, in the spring tints the earth with His Heaven?
Who plants the hills, guides the bird to its nest?
Who, with his blood can cry; all is forgiven
And bend to the whispers that bleed from our breast?
Who designs eons of petal-perfection?
Planting the earth with wilted aftermath
Who can declare, I am the Resurrection
Instilling Life where death threatened its wrath?
Thought in its greatest endeavor falls mute
Who dares His holy Deity to refute?

Who can fulfill the heart’s deepest desire?
Offering peace where life’s storm beats and brawls
Who threads vast ramparts with oceans of fire?
Yet beholds the wee sparrow as it falls
Who but the Author of creation’s grandeur
Longs to hold nearest the offspring of man
None can exceed His wonder and splendor
Or count the ages that God’s mercies span
The very soul trembles, within His embrace
Faith grasps His promise and drinks from His grace

© Janet Martin

 He does great things which we cannot comprehend. Job 37:5


It chatters through the eaves-trough
And rushes down the lane
And where the yard was dusty-drab
It spills its splashing strain
It falls in silver anthems
To still the farmer’s sigh
As from dark, tumbled heights it pours
In rivers from the sky

It sings to poets in their den
A sweeping, soulful lay
It rouses in a wee child’s heart
Sweet thoughts they cannot say
And from the polished maple leaf
It’s dazzling diamonds drool
To ponds beneath the dappled sway
In circle-notes they pool

A melody of nature
A poem with no pen
A love-song of benevolence
From Gracious God to men
A fount beyond our reaching
It whispers, soft and low
We are the children of God’s world
And by His grace we go

© Janet Martin

Yesterday, after a sudden thunderstorm passed Victoria sighed and said, 'I wish it was still raining. It made me feel so...' She couldn't find the word to describe what she felt. I asked her, 'Did it make you feel kinda safe and happy to be in the house?' She said it did and I agreed that I have that same 'feeling'. One that's hard to find the right words for. This morning the song and its feeling have returned.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

July Sonnets

July; topaz on summer’s diadem
Dazzling creek-banks embellished with wild bloom
A misty, musky, sweet-dusk gilded gem
Co-mingling of both haste and languid plume
The ivy wanders over gate and fence
Enticing us to gardens and sea-shores
A sentimental door of lenience
As dictation of routine softly snores
We linger in cool shadow-haunts and pools
Lulled by the hum of lawn-mowers and such
Like children breaking duty’s rigid rules
We revel now beneath the sultry touch
Of amber noon and amethyst sundown
July; jade jewel on summer’s fair crown

July; strawberry-flavored offering
The burly tones of winter long forgot
As breezes fall beneath the murmuring
Of hazy sighs and hues shimmering, hot
Yet, we embrace the perspiring mid-day
This suffering, not harsh or hard to bear
Our voices drifting, soft and far away
As we fill baskets with ruby-red fare
This is the hour that we hungered for
Of honeybees and strawberry-kissed grins
This is the road that leads to sandy shore
Where the end of our school-year care begins
This is the pinnacle of azure sky
And surging meadowland; this is July

Here summer splurges with sanguine caress
We reach for her; can anyone resist
Her whisper giggling in the poplar-tress
Or crooning in the morning’s purple mist?
Quick raindrops plunk into the silky dust
Where bare-feet dash, seeking timber-lined trail
As we surrender to the wanderlust
Of daisy-field or willow-song regale
Its melody wafting upon the scent
Of fresh-cut grass or clover canticle
The busy noise of our discontent
Relenting to its sweeping spectacle
July; where heat waves ripple placidly
And we, earth’s little people swim its sea

© Janet Martin

We've had a soft start to July, a slow running of hands over wedding plans, a sweet lingering on its shimmering afternoons, and long languid evenings.

Let's Dance


And man is as its flower
We pass this way but once, my love
Let’s fully taste each hour

The bud that spills the rose
Soon renders its romance
My love, the imminence of death
Inspires us to dance

Sweet summer scrawls its sigh
Across the hazy slope
And oh, my love, I sense its haste
Beneath this sun-spun hope

Ah, morning noon and night
How seamlessly you pass
Let’s take this chance to dance, my love
For flesh is as the grass