Saturday, May 25, 2013

We Will Never Be Alone


Wherever life may lead today
Through meadows plush or fields of stone
Though skies gleam gold or glower gray
We will never be alone

Autumn may snuff the boast of spring
Beneath Time’s weight of truth we groan
Yet in spite of what life may bring
We will never be alone

Though loneliness clenches our hearts
And pricks the core beneath our bone
Cling to the comfort Love imparts
For we will never be alone

What God has promised He will do
Dream-dust and tears are soon wind-blown
We cling to His word; it is true
And we will never be alone

© Janet Martin

Morning Celebration Song

Upon earth’s shores of sod we pause
To drink Hope’s wonder in
Dumbfounded in our thought because
Love cleanses our sin

Not love of mankind’s feeble schemes
But love coursing in red
The blood of Jesus Christ redeems
Where law and works fall dead

See how His grace unfolds the dawn
Then soon day’s breadth expires
The bud unfolds to sing its song
Then falls beneath wood-spires

The love of Jesus Christ our Lord
Flows infinite, eternal
From God to man freely out-poured
From Mystery supernal

For hatred, love; for our greed, hope
And for our sin redemption
We bow upon earth’s transient slope
In humble celebration

© Janet Martin

Amazing Grace


Friday, May 24, 2013

Of Fairy-tales, Nursery Rhymes and Dreamers...

Maybe there’s a little Cinderella in all of us
Waiting for a prince to come to the ball
Maybe in those poor, lonely, lovely eyes of blue
There is happily-ever-after, after all

Petals, stars, Humpty-Dumpty and tears fall
None can be put back together again
And if the dreamer out-lives the dream
He is miserable above all men

© Janet Martin

Just watched Inside Daisy Clover; some stark and moving scenes!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Still-life Pageant


Oh, still-life pageantry embellishing the air
How fluently you come to me
Like whispers in a prayer

Then run those whispers near where I can almost touch
The echo of those days I love
In scenes I miss so much

Though my cup over-flows with laughter, love and hope
I feel the kiss of longing’s bliss
Ravage thought’s hidden slope

And when the day is still or filled with spring’s cadence
Then suddenly you come to me
In tender confidence

Oh, still life pageantry from fathoms silver-blue
I touch your face as I embrace
Those tender thoughts of you

© Janet Martin

This year's spring-cleaning is unlike any other. I am packing boxes for my daughter who is moving out when she gets married in the fall... a separate container with winter things, a 'don't send it to the thrift-store 'cause Emily might want it' box,  etc...Much opportunity for reflection and echoes.

Cherish the moment soon to be a memory!


So, here we are
Another sheaf of moments granted
 For us to pursue
And we do,
Opening them with coffee,
As morning spills its silver silk
Over the hill
Into the valley
And mercy spills
Its gracious hope
To the heart

So here we are,
On this forward-facing journey
Not to the grave
But to a Gate
As we press fear into prayer
And hope into faith
Sweeping up spilled cheerios
And toast crumbs
With purpose
Because this sheaf of moments
Comes but once

So, here we are
The thresholds of flood and famine
Someday will
Fall away
As faith becomes sight
And treasure chests are opened
To reveal
The measure of our love
And the treasure of our hearts
Proven in sheaves
Of gathered moments

© Janet Martin

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Quandary of the Spring-steward

Shall we declare this day a day of rest
And set aside our brooms and tools or plows
To taste in full the little wind that blows
Through lilac bloom and pastures newly dressed?

Then will we pause to touch those fingertips
Unfurling green in vast and sundry hues
Or savor purples, pinks and golden-blues
Spilling garrulously from nature’s lips?

Or shall we carry on and strive instead
To drink the cup of blessing midst our toil
Praising the God who nurtures soul and soil
For if we dance then who will buy our bread?

© Janet Martin

Arms of Love

Even as we grumble, stumble,
On this broken road of life
Even as we ponder, wonder
At its thrusts of grief and strife
Even as we clamor, stammer
Stilted prayers to God above
We are not alone but ever
Carried in His arms of love

© Janet Martin

Of Hugs and Holding


They draw and hold us near
A cradle in our grief
Enfolded in love’s arms
In tender-sweet relief

Compassion reaches out
Its consoling embrace
Comforts the broken heart
Within love’s kind solace

Lord, hold the suffering
And as our tear-drops fall
May we lean on Your arms
Beneath, around us all

© Janet Martin

One thing keeps re-impacting me as I view the images of the Oklahoma tornado; the arms, reaching, helping, holding, hugging...

Arms hold Tim Bosma's widow and child this morning at his memorial service in Hamilton.

Over and over I find myself praying, Oh Lord, hold the suffering and may they feel Your arms around them.

We live in a broken world but God's arms are open wide and He invites us to Him. He draws near to the suffering. "we never cry alone"