Monday, January 21, 2013

The Wonderment of You, My Love

The wonderment of you, my love
Evokes a glimmer in my eye
And in the dead of winter-dread
I hear a love-song drifting by
Where melody of green-leaf tree
Seduces me as dreams implore
While imminence of bitter winds
Threaten bold outside my door

The wonderment of you, my love
While show-men brag and weak men boast
This flesh-blood veil conceals a grail
Cupping the vaunt that matter most
Intangible, its ecstasy
Indelible its hard-fought gain
Alloy of love’s great mystery
We do not flaunt its sacred pain

The wonderment of you, my love
Though blood of pen may seek to spell
Its fantasy in poetry
It cannot its full fortune tell
For how can word shape oceans stirred
Or speak of things too rare for script
Where rushing tides cannot be heard
Beneath the brush of finger-tips

The wonderment of you, my love
In declarations barely breathed
From depths beneath to heights above
Its utterances are bequeathed
In soft-sigh kiss, in whispered bliss
And in the trembling touch of thought
The wonderment of you, my love
Perfects the void of what is not



Image Source:

Oh, for a little while
You nurture us,
Dear darling child
With pure lips and dimpled smile
With innocence
In blue-sky eyes
And wonderment
In each new day

Your wee milk-cup
Holds the world
While we drink up
The wonderment
Of untainted joy
In milk-mustache grins
From girl and boy
Before they fly away

© Janet Martin


Sunday, January 20, 2013

This New Day...

When nighttime’s clutch yields to the touch
Of soft chartreuse and silver-gray
When ebony tranquility
Unveils the shades of a new day
When morning spills across the hills
We grasp the tools of our trade
As we rejoice with grateful voice
In this new day the Lord has made

When onyx space brims with new grace
And darkness-drenched horizons gleam
As morning light dispels the night
Beneath hope’s benevolent beam
When errors of our tainted love
Into history’s crypt are laid
We raise our voice, praise and rejoice
In this new day the Lord has made

© Janet Martin

Saturday, January 19, 2013

No Small Thing

Tis no small thing
To bow before God’s holy throne of grace
Relinquishing our pleas and cares
Into Love’s kind embrace

Tis no small thing
To realize that all we cannot know
Is held in tender nail-scarred hands
By One who loves us so


This week I was reminded on more than one occasion of the miraculous power of prayer.
No, His ways are not our ways, nor His thoughts our thoughts; His answers are not always visible to our groping understanding, but when they are we humbly cry, thank-you.

Last night, as I knelt to pray before going to sleep I was suddenly, in the middle of something else, struck by an immediate urge to pray for my children’s safety as they come home from their youth-group event. Approx. 5 min. later Emily bursts into my room breathlessly shouting ‘Mom! We could be DEAD! Someone just pulled out in front of me and I screamed and slammed on the brakes! Oh Mom, if it would have been icy somebody would be badly hurt or worse” I asked her where it happened and then I told them how suddenly at that time-frame I was compelled to pray for their safety…!

Today Lord, I pray
For healing to those who hurt,
For comfort to the sorrowing,
For strength to the weak,
Lord, I pray that we may learn
to love one another
as You first loved us,
Lord, touch the lonely
with Your Presence
and be our guide today
I pray

In Jesus' name

p.s. Emily just came into the kitchen and asked me if by any chance I just wrote a poem about answered prayer:) I tried to read it to her and ended up blubbering, so she read it:)

Walk in the Winter-woods

Maybe it’s the hush as it traces dappled spaces
Dripping from lofty and bare-naked limb
Or the meekness of nonchalant hemlock fingers
Strumming the hour in a reverent hymn

Maybe it’s the absence of mortal creation
In this sanctuary, not made with hands
Where winnowing winds murmur kind, tender mercies
Softening duty’s despotic demands

The nuthatch flits from its tree-hole safe-haven
The language of leaf-song has slipped to the earth
Yet the breeze slides through the turrets of summer
Teasing the silence with evergreen mirth

Maybe it’s the absence of primal persuasion
Here, in the off-spring of Eden’s paradise
There is no clamoring intimidation
Where century-shaped pillars reach to the skies

What is it about a walk in the woodlands?
This beautiful garden bereft of cruel strife
Where shoulders, care-weighted upon our arrival
Are no longer bent beneath burdens of life

Time charts its discourse of four-season struggle
The woods are a glorious four-season reprieve
And perhaps we all would remain carefree children
If we wandered through the woodlands every eve

© Janet Martin

Friday, January 18, 2013

When We Begin to Count our Blessings...

When we least feel like
Loving or
Hoping or
We ought to anyhow...

...for when we begin
to count our blessings
we begin to give thanks
to sing and 
pray and
rejoice and
love and
hope and
trust and
wait and
keep on 
keeping on


Tug-of-war Tango

Oh, quell this eager, effervescent surge
Kissing my mouth while subtly it steals
Rending my heart while tenderly it heals
Author of love song, lullaby and dirge

Oh still the rampage of this ruthless stream
Luring the child from mother’s pleading eye
Yet, she has prayed her young-ling learns to fly
She will not snuff the splendor of a dream

Oh, quench the fount of moment-melody
May I have one more dance; curve melding curve?
Yet, one half-step is more than I deserve
Passion and pain align intricately

Oh, hold me close, for I cannot resist
The imminence of what is yet to be
And love is such a precious agony
Twixt farewell tears and waiting to be kissed

Oh tease me, tease me not, hold me, let go
I cannot bear, yet must endure its ploy
Of bitter-sweetest misery and joy
Wrought by the tempo of life's moment-flow

© Janet Martin

Most Wonderful Wonder

I wonder
What is my most wonderful wonder
For surely each day reveals wonders anew
But in the end, I am certain, my friend
That my most wonderful wonder
Is loving you
