Friday, February 17, 2012


Slip not your hand in mine to lead
Or with intent to tether
But if you would a comrade be
Then let us walk together

Hold me close, not to restrain
Or as affection’s duty
But may our hearts and hands remain
United in love’s beauty

Slip not your hand in mine to lead
Or with intent to follow
But side by side, together we
Will face life’s mantled hollow

© Janet Martin

Definition of comrade:
  1. A companion who shares one's activities or is a fellow member of an organization.
  2. A fellow soldier or serviceman.

Ethereal Pastures

 I took this photo one morning last summer, across the field behind our house...

They leave
Not all at once
And never entirely
But, from wide-eyed
And apprehensive
Kindergarten child
To the 'standing eye-to-eye child'
They begin leaving
And continue
To leave us
Subtly, swiftly
Moments dissolve
Into years, gathering behind us
In an ethereal mist.
These precious,
Oh so precious
Pieces of ourselves
Are leaving
And sometimes in the happy
Bustle of life
We forget
They are leaving
But only a little at a time
And never
Entirely or

© Janet Martin

I was thinking these thoughts as I heard our oldest daughter, Emily
leaving early this morning…and my mind wandered through ethereal past.
Where does it go…time? and suddenly I am excited to drink in the present moment
before it too slips away to ethereal pastures.
Then Laurie’s comments at RGMIT which most parents can
relate to, really tied into my thoughts.

Laurie’s prompt: Use the words ethereal

Emily reminded me that she will be twenty in 4 mos.
Twenty years pass incredibly fast!
It reminded me of a Kenny Roger's song... 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Tea Time

It’s that dip in the day
When afternoon slips away
But it is not quite yet eve
When the sharp-tongued wind
Slouches low behind
Another day slowly taking leave
This is cup’o tea hour
This is ‘stop, smell the flower’
This is dream anything that you please
Tangle your thought with mine
No, I really don’t mind
The way that you whisper and tease
I’ll just close my eyes
In a brief paradise
Flavored with hot chamomile
In that dip in the day
As we slip away
And do nothing for a little while

© J~

Even if its just 5 minutes…STOP! Close your eyes
Smell the flowers, or the cookies,
 whatever it is you like to smell ;))


It is a frightening thing to live…
…in tomorrow
God, teach me to live fully in today.

I didn’t know what to do
So I prayed
Without prayer
I had nothing
And with it:
I have everything

God bless our home…
…and those without

If I followed Your footprints, Jesus
Would I really choose to go?
The Son of Man had nowhere to lay His head.

The mind is a gathering place
For thought vast as an ocean
God, fill it with Your goodness
And purest devotion


Universal Quest

image source: wikipedia

What spurs the soldier onward?
Or the miner in jaws of dirt
What drives the laborer forward?
What adds true worth to our work?
What calls the wayward drifter?
Or the sailor out of the storm
What is this universal quest?
Why, it’s one small syllable-

© Janet Martin

No Other Word Like It

There is no other word quite like it
No matter where our feet may roam
There is no other word that will leave the heart stirred
Like four humble curves spelling home

The world has much wonder to offer
Of foothills and kingdoms to poem
But one square of sod holds the whisper of God
It’s the dear little box we call home

Here lies the spoil of tender-sweet toil
Here is love’s hearth, safe and warm
Here is the cup that family fills up
In a wee little haven called home

Here is a door always open
A solace from life’s heartless storm
The old kitchen chairs glow with laughter and prayers
In a humble respite called home

Here is a poor man’s palace
Here is the small child’s nest
Here is the awning of simple belonging
Here is forgiveness and rest

There is no other place quite like it
Wherever on earth we may roam
None can compare to the brick-mortar square
Of beautiful home sweet home


"Home is the most beautiful word there is"
Laura Ingalls~

I found the wall-hanging at our local dollar-store.
Beautiful words at a bargain:) H-m-m-m-m...
can one really put a price on beautiful 'home' and 'family'?
May we never take these wonderful blessing for granted
and may we always give them our utter-best!

Doing Dishes

Because we are the only family left
in North America
without an automatic dishwasher
I get to spend time with my precious children
Every night after supper

This is where
I learn things about their day
I am taken back to teen-age angst
The dilemma's of an on-again-off-again romance
I hear about the elementary woes
of far too-strict principals,
or who got new clothes.
I hear who was suspended
or about a guy named Ipod
We discuss things like music
relationships, God

Sometimes we are just silly
Or I might regale
their compliant ears
with ancient tales
of when their mother was young
and how five plates isn't so bad
or six on weekends
when Dad is home.
because when I was a kid
there were twelve plates to dry
and stacks of dishes at least a mile high
we walked to school and back
(up-hill both ways;)
and they wonder why anyone
called them the 'good old days'
We argue about the merits of cell phones or facebook
and just to annoy me, my daughter says the e-book
should replace all the bother and clutter of volumes
that we read once then store on a shelf, by the dozen
but mom says you can't smell the face of a screen
and someday she is not going to think like seventeen.
They give me all the answers to those things I should know
I laugh and listen; because life will show
them soon enough, it does not come with a patent
and someday,Lord willing, they will think like a parent
so I am content to hear their wit and their wishes
in time well-spent
while we do dishes.


I have been offered dish-washers, but right now
I decline those offers. My kids don't know it yet,
but we are not merely doing dishes. We are making memories.
I grew up in a large family and have done miles of dishes., with ever-so-many memories attached.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Go to Sleep, Sonny

What is that sound on the ground, oh Mama?
What is that sound on the breeze?
What is that sound crying outside my window
Weeping through stark, barren trees?
What is that sound underneath my bed, Mama
Tiptoeing over the floor
What is that sound on the roof, oh Mama
And knocking on our back door?

What is the sound on the ground, dear Sonny?
What is the sound on the breeze?
What is the sound that you hear, dear Sonny
Weeping through winter’s bare trees?
I’ve heard the sound that you hear, dear Sonny
I’ve heard its soft, muffled rhyme
It’s nothing at all to fear, precious honey
It is simply the tiptoe of time

© Janet Martin~