Thursday, March 17, 2011


Moments…clamoring for my attention
Then dissolving before I can give them
Their just due
Duty……in every shape and dimension
Crowding around me, distracting me
From you

Blessing…….imperceptible in its grandeur
Of minutest and invisible detail
Surrounds me
Life….. a passage of splendor
For I am slipping and sliding toward Your
Arms around me

Seasons….marked by changing faces
Evolving into a lifetime
Of yesterdays
Reasons…..silent, motionless traces
Outlining thoughts of You
In poignant praise


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

He Is Good

There are so many things in life we would change
Or alter if we could
But there is one thing we would not rearrange
God's power and love; He is good


For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope

21that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God.

22For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now. Romans 8:20-22

Yesterday's Tomorrow

The shrill beeping of the alarm clock
Tears a merciless slash
Through thickened folds of slumber
As strong wills suddenly clash

Somewhere across days worth of miles
Others are rising too
Some with groans, some with smiles
Setting the coffee to brew

I realize, with a tug of sorrow
As I gaze at dawns awesome display
How swiftly yesterday's tomorrow
Becomes today

We stand where we have never stood before
Or ever will again
On the brink of today; I open the door
God’s love comes pouring in


Monday, March 14, 2011

It's Not So Bad.....

It’s not so bad
This getting old
If you don’t mind being
Too hot or too cold
If you don’t mind keeping
Your teeth in a cup
And if you fall down
Just hope you can get up
And it really is
Completely okay
If you can’t remember
And if you don’t mind
Your evolving physique
Or forget what you’re thinking
Before you speak
Getting old really isn’t
All that bad
If you enjoy your back-ache
With a heating-pad
Aches and pains
Make great discussion
While snoring offers
Background percussion
Then there’s the daily
Exciting intrusion
Of sorting out
Misunderstood confusion
The shuffle has become
The favorite dance
Secure in dependable
So cheer up,Bro
Don’t be sad
Getting old really isn’t
All that bad


Happy 32nd Birthday, baby brother!
from your OLD sister:)

I posted a few memories from the 'good ole' days':)

I think you were two.

Beautiful Day......

Even the hills in the distance
Seem to quell a sigh
Nothing offers resistance
To the gray pall of the sky
I search for a point of beauty
On which to fix my gaze
But nothing reaches to me
In the misty morning haze……

…..until you
And the thought of you makes me smile
My heavy heart skips a beat
It really will be but a little while
My dear, until we meet

The sun cannot break through the silence
It looks like another day
Where I must search for brilliance
In a painting mostly gray
Today the wind’s a wanderer
And within its undertone
I sense a restless hunger
Begging me to weep and moan…..

……..but then you
Oh, you come rushing to me
On a lighter breeze or two
I can feel your arms around me
In a perfect shade of blue

Ah, the day is not pure gray after all
Though it lies llistless and still
I sense within this motionless pall
A weakening of its will
As the silence that would pervade me
With a bleak melancholy
Kindly wraps around me
In a soft serenity….

…..because you……..
Oh my darling you will never be
A single shade of gray
Fireworks explode inside of me…..
Oh, what a beautiful day


It seems like we've had a week of gray!
You know, where the land and sky are exactly the same shade.....

Well, as I write this the sun is pushing through!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Already Taken...or First Spring Rain

Suddenly, softly the eager breeze scatters
Her deluge in a chorus of pitter-patters
Its music resembling distant applause
As it spills on the tempered gardens and lawns
We’ve waited so long to hear this refrain
This is the song of the first spring rain

Smothered pastures grasp for each drop
Hoping at last frigid gales may stop
Here in the harbinger of warmer dreams
Her laughter pours into burgeoning streams
Taunting, beckoning us to dance once again
To the rippling ballad of the first spring rain

Robins appear and sleepy buds waken
I’m sorry my dear, but I’m already taken
I’ve chosen to dance in the arms of the wind
In his blue-eyed glance I shall twirl and spin
For my anticipation has not been in vain
Oh the elation of the first spring rain


A Girl can dream....can't she? ;)

Special Reservation.....

There is a special joy I feel
When I think of you
A blend of certain and surreal
In twenty shades of blue
I wrap your pleasure ‘round my mind
Your gentle smile releases
My little sorrows to the wind
In small forgotten pieces


Piqued Interest.....

There’s so much about you I still do not know
And I realize like never before
That perhaps this is what keeps me loving you so
And always wanting more…………
