Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Of Reaching Our Prime

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Psalm 90:12

Never in a million years did I imagine when I was younger
 that a person's prime might be later in life!
Oh, the fantastic joy of discovery!
Finding in fumbles, not failure, but grace!
 Finding in dreams never come true
those we never dreamed!
Finding in relinquishment
love's meeker joy

Yesterday when the youngsters yelled 'go! go! faster! faster!!!'

...after a bit of trying to heed their  'faster, faster' 
I turned around and sang this song to them😅
The Old Gray Mare (aint what she used to be)

But in everything lost there is something found!

I am too old to be carefree 
The years have got the best of me 
The silhouette of leafless tress 
Is like a mirror, more or less 

I am too old to waste a day 
Wishing for what has passed away 
The penmanship of ‘how time flies’ 
Has etched its friendship in my eyes 

I am too old to make-believe 
About what time will not achieve 
Where gain and loss are like two vines 
As pain and pleasure intertwines 

I am too old to not look twice 
First at the cost and then the price 
Lest bites that seem so sweet at first 
Blind us to seeds, destruction-cursed 

I am too old to merely wink 
At the control tower of ‘Think’ 
For thought is the precursor to 
The Very All-important Do 

I may be too old for cartwheels 
To put much faith in how ‘one feels’ 
Rather than in the love of He 
Who calls to all ‘come unto Me’ 

...and I am not too old for joy 
To pray for growing girl and boy 
Or tune the common march of days 
With melodies of thankful praise 

Aha, the more I have of time 
The more I have to reach the Prime 
Of what Objective ought to be 
Love’s kindness and humility 

Love's kindness and humility
Will then in turn begin to be
True worship to the One who gives
True value to each day one lives

© Janet Martin

The ties that bind grow dearer
as the clock of life unwinds
Where each day draws us nearer
to the life we leave behind

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

December's Fleeting Greeting

The final month that makes a year greets us as we awake 
Where tides of tick-tock disappear like ripples on a lake 
And makes us take a longer look where leaf-song bursts and fades 
And sweeps up youngsters in a book of childhood’s yesterdays 

The door that gapes beneath the tolling of a shapeless bell 
Invites us through; hearty handshakes always precede farewell 
Where ‘hello dear December’ like a twinkle in time’s eye 
Is soon snuffed like an ember on a hearth of years gone by 

We all start off so small in the Wherewithal of Today 
The Hand of time soon draws us all from carefree hours at play 
As January soon gives way to June and June to fall 
Until we too are stooped and gray that started off so small 

Hope lights the candlestick that sits in windows of the soul 
Without it we are all quick to lose sight of Goodnight’s Goal 
December carves through ages, turns back pages of thin air 
Until we find the manger and the Christ-child lying there 

© Janet Martin

Found an oldie wee Sing Christmas cassette when I was fall cleaning the other week
Love this song! 

And one more brand new song for your listening/worshipping wonder/pleasure

Monday, November 30, 2020

November's Exodus (a farewell mosaic)

November exits like a white frosted cake!
Oops! wrong photo!

This is the cake Victoria baked on Saturday!

THIS is November's exodus!

Tonight, the wind raids woodlands stripping leaves that hung aloof 
Ice-pebbles dash black windowpanes and tap-dance on the roof 
And where we had commiserated with earth's brooding bars 
We sense the lowering of lintels laden with white stars 
As if nature was waiting for November’s cheerio 
To deck the halls of hills and fields and boulevards with snow 

Tonight, we sense a keener, meaner tone to After Dark 
We shiver. Gone the melody of leaf-laughter and lark 
The maniacs that hide and bide their time in lofty meads 
Crawl from their sanctuaries and shake out their featherbeds 
They rattle sky-high rafters over countryside and town 
Until earth’s sweeps are swaddled in sheets of soft eiderdown 

The river, a black sateen serpent slithers through the dell 
December holds the door and bids November fond farewell 
Adios until next year; may the days till your return 
Unfold and spill like flowers into Bygone’s phantom urn 
And may the echoes wafting in the wake of morrows met 
Be as pure as the snowflake’s swirling, twirling pirouette 

Tonight we put the kettle on and sip sweet, minty tea
We set sail on book-schooners to lands far, across the sea
We snuggle beneath blankets and count cozy blessings, oh
And thank God for each beauty that earth can never outgrow
Tonight the poet duels with the fuel of a poem 
Tonight the tug of farewell tangles with the hug of home

© Janet Martin 

Tonight we set sail on book-schooners...

The R&R of Prayer (Replenishing Relationship or Request-Result?)

Be still and know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10

sunset and moonrise happened simultaneously the other night...

This past Sunday morning our speaker challenged us 
to consider what our motive is when we pray; 
Is it result-driven or relationship-driven? 
(confession!! I was thoroughly convicted!)

In Need-Praise and Harmony

Oh God, I must confess my sin of emptiness and woe 
When Your reply frustrates my ‘I’ with 'why' or 'when' or 'no' 
Sometimes my prayer is more about results rather than You 
When I allow despair and doubt to dictate Point of View 

Help me to learn to be more still and know that You are God 
Forgive me; my interpretation of Your will is flawed 
How deceitful and wicked is my heart; You fully know 
I grasp a microscopic part of the grace You bestow

The hollows and the holes of human nature gape and plead 
Where only fellowship with God consoles our greatest need 
God, help me to be meeker in my effort to depend 
And be a humble seeker not of answers, but a Friend

Oh glorious Creator, we see but a glimpse of You
Greater than rolling sea, four-season-lea and yonder blue 
The universe is but the outer fringe of who You are
How faint the whisper that we hear, hinged to Your thund'ring pow'r

Then help me Lord, to trust in You with all my heart and mind
My understanding is confused by perception, sight-blind
Forgive me when I put stock in matters seized by my hands
Forgive me when I balk at what obedience demands 

God, you are not a God who lives in temples mortal-made
How often I forget who gives us Invisible aid 
Then teach me how to pray through so much more than words I speak
And let relationship with You be the first thing I seek
© Janet Martin 

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, 
and all these things shall be added to you.
Matt. 6:33

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Down the Road, So Thankful Then...

Inspired by my friend's comment about the effort it takes to get a family photo done!
She said' Surely we'll be thankful to have them, down the road!'
Her words impacted me with the thought of how often struggle and effort is
for something 'down the road we will be thankful for'!

For all the times we didn’t take the easy way, for where it led 
And suffered loss for Jesus’ sake to look after the poor instead 
And did not follow after what indulges pleasure’s endless thirst 
Because it did not imitate the example that Christ set first 

For all the ways we failed, yet did not fall prey to the doubter’s lies 
But confessed our sin and then once more pursued the Runner’s Prize 
And threw off all that hindered us; the sin that easily besets 
Fixing our eyes on faith’s Author and Perfecter, and not regrets 

For all the times ‘Thy will be done’ required surrender’s hard parts 
And sacrifices no one knew but He who knows our heart of hearts 
Way down the road (or near at hand, ah, who can tell) when we look back 
So thankful then, for all the times He kept us through the foe’s attack 

So thankful then for hope that did not make ashamed the love whereby 
God poured his Holy Spirit into us in trustworthy supply 
So thankful then to hear Him say ‘well done’ as humbly, joyfully 
We worship evermore the One who said, I draw all men to Me 

© Janet Martin 

(this next little poem also inspired by another friend's remark a few days ago
about trusting the Author and Perfecter of our faith...
and I realized often
The author is easy to accept/trust, but oh, 
the Perfecter; we cannot begin to fathom His ways!

The Author of our faith we gladly acknowledge is God 
But the Perfecter, this is where He tests the faith we laud 
The Author we embrace and hail the grace whereby we go 
The Perfecter; His ways we do not understand or know 

The Author gave His Son to save us from just judgment’s wrath 
The Perfecter (or finisher) tries words with Real Life’s path 
Where both blessing and hardship play a very vital part 
In proving through response who is the Lord God of the heart 

© Janet Martin 

Does our faith dare to utter the prayer of Habakkuk in Habakkuk 3

v.2  Lord, I have heard of your fame; 
 I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord.
Repeat them in our day,
in our time make them known;
in wrath remember mercy...

v 16 I heard and my heart pounded, 
my lips quivered at the sound; 
decay crept into my bones, 
and my legs trembled. 
Yet I will wait patiently for the day of calamity 
to come on the nation invading us. 
17 Though the fig tree does not bud 
and there are no grapes on the vines, 
though the olive crop fails 
and the fields produce no food, 
though there are no sheep in the pen 
and no cattle in the stalls, 
18 yet I will rejoice in the Lord, 
I will be joyful in God my Savior. 

19 The Sovereign Lord is my strength; 
he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, 
he enables me to tread on the heights. 

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Approaching Advent...

Your eyes saw my unformed body; 
 all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
Psalm 139:16

(one of my favorite advent hymns!)

Miracle of Love

No matter what we dread or fear, crave or anticipate 
Or hate or love, or wish or wonder or doubt or debate 
No matter what we have and hold or lose, bind or set free 
All of our days were written down before one came to be 

Naked we came into this world; naked we will return 
No matter what we boast or brave or crave or learn or earn 
Each morn, like a banner unfurled, advances certainly 
The Doorway to another world beyond the one we see 

No matter what or how or where one thing we cannot change 
The One who saw us ere we were and nothing can estrange 
No matter who we think we are, we are his workmanship 
Created for good works in He who will aid and equip 

He saves us by his grace, not works, lest anyone should boast 
Without faith it is impossible to please Love’s Uttermost 
No matter where life takes us it is no surprise to He 
Who ordained all our days before one of them came to be 

For we who have believed (ah, mortal’s most wonderful state
Do not despair but look beyond earth’s grave-studded dirt-gate 
To Bethlehem, to Calvary, to Triumph’s empty tomb 
To He who knew us when we were still in our mother’s womb 

© Janet Martin 

Friday, November 27, 2020

A Picture Hides A Thousand Words

While I was arranging my advent center-piece
the dried black beans I soaked overnight boiled over. 

(every so often I soak a bunch, then cook and freeze them)
It doesn't seem to matter how big a pot I use they will boil over 
into a black mess on the stove!
It's just ridiculous how much foam they create!
So, as serene as the centerpiece appears, all by itself
it sits among the mess and hub-bub of life
and the smell of burnt bean-water in the burner😆

Reminded me of the drama of taking family-photos
which for us is not an annual event!
First there's the, 'what shall I WEAR?!!
To the 'you're not wearing That, are you?! 
to Mom, does this look okay?
 to 'how's my hair?'
 to, mom's hesitant query to the nonchalant one; are you...ready??? 
and the not-hesitant 'yup'!.

SO much more than meets the eye goes into The Family Photo!
But. It . Happened.
Thanks to a nice November Sunday
and super photographer Brittany Ruppert 
for all her amazing farm animal noises which kept
children and adults distracted/relaxed/laughing/smiling!
(the reason Victoria is just about dying of laughter on every photo)😂😂

A picture hides a thousand words 
Behind its tidy guiles 
Is so much more than seen or heard 
In polished, paper smiles 

A picture only snares a glimpse 
We siphon from the mess 
To capture from the chaos, glints 
Of arranged happiness 

Oh, Brant 'Johnny' dear, don’t cross your eyes 
Quick, click the shutter please 
Where, fingers crossed, we snare a prize 
Midst disharmonic ‘c-h-e-e-e-se’ 

A photo (do not be deceived) 
By that which visage meets/metes 
For meek, sweet stance is oft achieved 
Through threats or promised treats 

Now everybody, one-two-three 
Oh no! I laughed-blinked-sneezed 
And ho, he thinks I didn’t see 
What Mister Kissed-her squeezed 

I’m thankful for the memento 
Of precious photograph 
I’m thankful that they only show 
The quiet, composed half 

I’m thankful for the keepsakes of 
Seasons soon turned to Was 
While time steals days but never love 
In spite of all it does 

I’m thankful for the sweet half-lie 
In tidy, pretty pose 
Of so much more than meets the eye 
…unless you are a rose 

I'm thankful for moments that smiled
Midst life's rough-tumble ways 
As we capture for morrow's child
Snapshots of Good Old Days

© Janet Martin 

Thursday, November 26, 2020

For Kids and Parents (of all ages)

We make laundry, 

Lots of messes 
Finest parts 
We make parents 
Laugh and lament 
We melt popsicles 

And hearts 

We make Ordinary 

We make headaches ...

We are loud 
We make parents 
Lose their patience 
We make parents 
Feel so proud 

We make dishes 
And the wishes 
Of mommies 
And daddies come true 
We make noise 
And joys 
And sorrows 
Cause that's what 
Girls and boys do 

We make sticky 
Hugs and kisses 
We make adults 
Children too 
We make everything 
So worth it 
With soft, chubby, 
‘I wuv/love you’ 

Did I mention 
We make messes 
We make parents 
Find their knees 
While we make 
Best Happiness-es 
While we make 
Best Memories 

© Janet Martin 

I wrote this with one on my lap 
Squeezing me with hugs and kisses and one 
Beside me who, after I read 
Part of the poem 
pleaded non-stop 
‘ple-e-e-se may I have a melty popsicle? 
I love melty popsicles, ple-e-e-e-ase! 

Sometimes ya’ just gotta 
Strike while the iron is hot! 

Now let’s see if we have any popsicles! 

So they had those while I posted this,
then Little boy climbed back up on my chair
 put his arms around my neck and right now he
is hiccupping loudly in my ear😍😂😇
(must be that popsicle:)