Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Melissa, Katrina...and all other daughters of other mothers who pray...

They come and go,
And oh, they know
Wherever they may be
Their mother’s prayers
Like heaven-stairs
Surround them tenderly

Untried Knowledge
Meets ‘life’s college’
Need tames wanderlust
While daughters learn
And mothers yearn
And learn too, about trust

…and so they pray
‘Lord, be their Stay
Their keened and Constant Truth
While Independence
Is more important
Than mother’s homemade soup

© Janet Martin

Praying this morning for my daughter Melissa, my sister's daughter Katrina and all other daughters who are learning some 'tougher grinds' of independence...

(these prayers do not exclude sons!) Aren't you thankful that God can take care of what we can't?

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Rain

This is the 4th rainy Tuesday in a row! Galoshes, anyone?

It slips like a summer-soft love-song to us
It drips from leaf-tips in silver-lisped chorus
It rolls, a cajoling love-note, splish-a-splash
It trickles and tickles each petal and sash

It patters; a tempo of tiptoe feet fly
It splatters like tears falling from heaven’s eye
It chatters in monotone regale, drip-drop
And pours from a storehouse bereft of its top

It spills, washes hills, meadows, woodland and panes
It chuckles in puddles and giggles down lanes
It sighs in the street beneath tires that hiss
It renders to each up-turned bloom-face, a kiss

It plays its percussion from bands without shape
On every surface of land and sea-scape
It washes the world in sky-rivers unfurled
Then rests in the nests of flower-cups uncurled

It dallies then sallies in its downward race
To nurture earth-gardens in rivers of grace
It weeps from the lintel, and sweeps over plain
And slips like a summer-soft love-song; the rain 

© Janet Martin

Wandering Through Word-gardens...

Thought touches suggestion
Then feels the fabric of
This frond and that
To find exact
-ly the right one to love

Thought, like a savvy shopper
Scans vowels and consonants
Until it finds
The perfect blend
Of syllable-romance

A slip of silk, my darling
A rush of raw appeal
A sob, a sigh,
A sweep of sky
-high lavender and teal

A tip-toe tango, fox-trot
A hold-me-close-slow-dance
A riveting,
Farewell or second chance

Thought does not tally moments
As they spill into hours
For oh, the poets knows
A rose
Must bud before it flow’rs

© Janet Martin

Monday, July 13, 2015

Reflections on Reflections

For all we tout and spout and shout
With devout and bold nerve
Our lives are a quiet reflection
Of the God we serve...


Not what we say
But what we do
Reflects what we
Love most, or who...


Where people are hungry 
and dying
and poor 
with never enough
of anything
God calls us
To light 
Life's hope
With humble,
Reflections of Him


As we reflect on all that 
gave on love's cross for us
It spurs the heart to seek new ways
To love-live
For Jesus!


I blush.
The truth is hard
And not
Too prettily
as I reflect on my motives
I see
Too much of


All I Need

So much that I could ask for, Lord,
As this new day spills from above
But, as I weigh my wants and pleas
All I need is
A Heart of Love 

Things cannot fill or satisfy
And they will never be enough
Lord, make me hunger, teach me how
To want for naught
But, Heart of Love

© Janet Martin

Plans Today?

In this edition of Today
Where its first mist-wrap falls away
We scan our planned perhapses; they
Are juxtaposed with come-what-may

Life’s come-what-may can interfere
With plans; our hope and-dreamland sphere
Alongside spoils of Now and Here
Where ever Unknown hovers near

But nearer still than all of this
Those bits in place, those scads amiss
A True And All-Loving God is
Caretaker of each moment-kiss

In this edition of Today
Where soon it first-wrap falls away
We trust each dust-must-come-what-may
To God who hears us as we pray

© Janet Martin

I plan to take lunch to hubby's mom today...I plan to try a new recipe which I plan to share if it turns out, but plans are ever subject to If... if the Lord wills then we will do this or that.