Thursday, October 31, 2019

End of 'October' Poem...

Fall fades in flying colors as lawns don leaf-decoupage
Treetops relinquish laughter, stripped of summer’s camouflage
October’s beaming lanterns dim as wicks of wood are doffed
And earth is enveloped in hymns where waning whispers waft

Wishes and wonder rival although Time is nothing new
Its struggle for survival oft surprises me and you
Where season’s changeless charter gathers in as it imparts
An echo-laden harvest that we harbour in our hearts

Autumn arranges landscapes in a sudden soulful lull
As it estranges leaf from tree in earth’s intrinsic pull
Where all of life, no matter how rife, rich or bold its claim
After its numbered days are spent returns from whence it came

Fall fades in flying colors; we feel like its next of kin
Surrendering the height of bloom for what is setting in
Where seasoned season-spenders, by merit of Mercy’s gift
Are drawing ever nearer to the Hand that heals the rift

© Janet Martin

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

How to Make The Most With What We Have...

 Excerpt from Ann Voskamp's FB devotion today...
 If you let something steal your thanks?
You let something steal your joy,
And if you let something steal your joy?
You let something steal your *strength.* 
"The joy of the Lord is your strength" Ps 5:11.

We give thanks to God -- not because of how we feel
but simply because of Who. He. Is.
Ann Voskamp~

This little post helped set my mind on things above, not on things of the earth this morning!
How about you? How to you manage what/who masters your mind? 

Sharing yesterday's sunrise pics because they were far more colorful than today's wet-gray...
but beyond that let's leave yesterday where it is and concentrate on today before
it is tomorrow's yesterday!

To make the most with what we have is the best we can do
We leave behind the dust of yesterday to start anew
Where seasons rise and fall like waves that surge and disappear
While we are always caught upon the crest of now and here

To make the most with what we have must begin in the mind
A powerhouse of potential, we all are thus designed
To obey thought’s persuasion; where the ruler of its roost
Inspires deed’s direction as its power is unloosed

To make the most with what we have can throw us quite a curve
Because the thoughts we entertain become the gods we serve
Thus it comes down to this; the thoughts we think are paramount
The wells from which we drink to fill its thirst none should discount

To make the most with what we have demands our uttermost
Therefore we ought to pay attention to the thoughts we host
For, what may seem contained behind a wall of skin and bones
Is that which ultimately will arrange our steppingstones

To make the most with what we have is not some trite cliché
It begins in the mind that begets all we do and say
Therefore to make the most or best is quite impossible
If we draw from a cesspool then expect a miracle

© Janet Martin

A great message on how to live victorious lives!

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Fall Falls...

 Little Girl and I spent what might be the final morning under a canopy of golden-leaf...

Our trees tend to lose their leaves almost overnight in the next week or so
and with all the cold and rain in the forecast fall will fall fast!

Fall falls in frost-kissed embers decking earth with nature’s dirge
Fall falls in flutters of farewell too copious to count
Fall falls from lofty lattice in a collaborative splurge
Fall falls in flower-showers from orchard and forest fount

Fall falls in notes of music from mottled, mosaic chimes
Fall falls in little love-letters from He who gives and takes
Fall falls in benedictions layered over fading climes
Fall falls in lullabies across lost gardens spring awakes

Fall falls in wordless madrigals that steal our very breath
Fall falls in annual estrangements; bud to bloom to earth
Fall falls from heights of glory to life’s end of story, death
Fall falls into the Hand that cups a casket primed with birth

Fall falls in Beauty’s free-for-all-to-behold, bittersweet
Fall falls in golden fathoms no merchant or thief can steal
Fall falls from vaults above us to A Vault beneath our feet
Fall falls in tears where woodlands weep and wait for spring to heal

Fall falls in wonder times ten-thousand ways a leaf can waft
Fall falls and calls to mind the cherished leap of childhood’s day
Fall falls and tucks the world beneath a blanket, whisper-soft
Fall falls prey to the wind that wails and steals earth’s shawl away

Fall falls in silver sparkles from a forge beyond our reach
Fall falls in darkling shadows over autumn’s afternoon
Fall falls in shattered rainbows strewed like shards of rose and peach
Fall falls in leaf-shaped pixies that dance to the Piper’s tune

© Janet Martin

Forever and Ever, Amen

The power is His Majesty
That metes the miracle
The glory is the part we see
That makes Him visible

The kings and kingdoms of this world
Exist for numbered days
God’s power and glory unfurled
Abides with us always

Janet Martin

 For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
Matt 6:13

Monday, October 28, 2019

Ocean-Front Property Or Something Like It...

This past week left me somewhat fatigued 
so I took a Monday-afternoon sabbatical...sort of.
To 'feel' an autumn day!

I had not yet taken the time this month to read the October chapter in the book
The Shape of a Year. Below is a peek at why this book is now in my top ten favs...

There's something comforting in the counsel of a golden, olden tree!

An autumn day can make one feel as wealthy as can be
A little like home-owners of ocean-front property
With cause for celebration for what creation achieves
Where earth is like a shoreline washed with waves of wind-tossed leaves

An autumn day can make us feel like colour connoisseurs
Although, we are all always awestruck autumn amateurs
The heart can savour flavours that evade the poet’s script
And it can sense an intense Silence, smoking-ember dipped

An autumn day can make one feel free and forever young
It tugs us from to-do lists to catch salt-breeze on our tongue
Before it is too late to seize its opportunity
Pretending we are owners of ocean-front property

An autumn day can make one feel unworthy of its ways
How sacred seems the canvas whereon Season spills its trays
The brush that paints its pictures for each one of us will cease
But not before we are all part of mercy’s masterpiece

An autumn day can make one feel undaunted by its spawn
Each moment like a leaf, one of so many, here then gone
Until the afternoon is drawn across a deep blue sea
That swallows all but echoes of ocean-front property

© Janet Martin

'why ocean-front property?" queried hubby...
'because the wind through the leaves in the trees and grass sounds like
waves washing across a shore,' I replied 😊