Showing posts with label redemption. Show all posts
Showing posts with label redemption. Show all posts

Monday, November 11, 2019

Prime Example

PAD Challenge day 11:For today’s prompt, write a prime poem.

Our Prime Example grants pure, perfect purpose to
all we do...for Him!

Lest love leaves us looking for a little more than life can give
We should use its Prime Example to learn how we ought to live
Bringing many sons to glory through love’s precious sacrifice

He with a Father’s compassion primes dawn’s blush on eastern brim
How He cares for we who He formed in His image, soul instilled

(So much more to love’s big picture than these little days of man)
We should strive with awed endeavor to mirror God’s sympathy
(He who did not spare His Best for the sake of humanity)

We are all brothers and sister, born to love and not to slay
None of us is least or greater (no matter what people say)
And His precious Prime Example; only love can set us free

Then, lest love should leave us looking for less than Mercy’s intent
We should imitate the passion that left the temple’s veil rent

For he knows how we are formed and he remembers we are dust
As a father has compassion for His Children, so the Lord
Does not give what we deserve but reserves Heaven as reward

© Janet Martin

Friday, October 25, 2019

Beneath the Shadow of the Cross

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say to the LORD, “You are my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.” 
Psalm 91:1-2 

Oft-times when praying,
after thanking God for His gift of salvation and His faithfulness
I can get caught up in a long list of cares and needs,
some my own and some my fellow-travelers.
I want to learn to get caught up in worshiping Him and praising him a little more as well.

Lord, let me think a little more
Of love, more precious far than gold
As morning flings ajar its door
And mercy breaks night’s starry mold
Let worship be my chief delight
In spite of living’s certain loss
Lord, keep me by your faithful Light
Beneath the shadow of the cross

The cross, from whence Love, blood-red fell
To purchase pardon for mankind
And victory o’er death and hell
When we have left this life behind
Then let hope’s wonderment eclipse
The weight of sorrow’s albatross
And keep faith’s footing firmly fixed
Beneath the shadow of the cross

Let hurt and heartache’s honing knife
Keen hunger for your Living Word
And as we break the Bread of Life
May awestruck gratitude be stirred
That You, Love’s Perfect Offering
Held nothing back for mankind’s cause
So death cannot inject its sting
Beneath the shadow of the cross

Lord, let me think a little more
Upon your awful sacrifice
Then let me return, as it were
To stand beneath Redemption’s price
And feel the fathoms of Your grace
Dissolve and absolve Eden’s curse
And let me glory in my place
Beneath the shadow of the cross

© Janet Martin

 O death, where is thy sting? 
O grave, where is thy victory?
 The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.
 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Cor.15:55-57

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

We Cannot Catch Love Like a Ball in a Glove...

 Time for our third Two for Tuesday of the month!
 Pick one prompt or use both…your choice!

  1. Write a catch poem.
  2. Write a release poem.

Two things we cannot catch or force; Love and Belief!

We cannot catch Love like a ball in glove
Or Belief, like a cold or a chill
The wraith we call faith has no tangible shape
Like a bubble we chase for the thrill

We cannot suppose while we wiggle our toes
In slippers or sand on a beach
That grace can be caught without intent or thought
If we never take Time to reach

…and if like a fool who plays hooky from school
We dodge Mercy’s uttermost Gift
We will not catch a break from our Greatest Mistake
While ageless eternities drift

Release from the debt that we owe
Through shed blood of His Son death’s curse was undone
Because One True God loves us so

© Janet Martin

 It is rare indeed for anyone to die for a righteous man, 
though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die.
 Therefore, since we have now been justified by His blood,
 how much more shall we be saved from wrath through Him!…
Romans 5:7-9

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The Hope Of Man

 Sometimes when discouragement's condemnation threatens to deaden hope,
Sometimes when I say yep when oh, I should have answered 'nope'
Sometimes when I believe the lies of hope's vile enemy
I bow my head and lift my Calvary hear once more from days of yore the final declaration
Of "it is finished" as He bore and conquered death's damnation
and nothing and no one can alter Mercy's saving grace
Through Jesus Christ God's only Son whose love/life took our/death's place

The ways of man since Time began
Are not hard to predict
First Eve believed and was deceived
By folly’s rhetoric

Where we in turn must also learn
How disobedience
When we are wise in our own eyes
Yields bitter recompense/consequence

Aha, aha, the Time-tried law
Of lust and pride confirms
How without love our motives prove
We are all filthy worms

And without grace, ah, who could face
Death’s cold and morbid dread
The blood of Christ, love’s sacrifice
For sinner’s ransom shed

 Love’s Master plan, the hope of man
The hope of man assured
Through merit of a Saviour’s love
Upon a cross secured

Love’s uttermost becomes the boast
As Belief rends the tomb
Where ways of man since Time began
Would else lead to hell’s doom

© Janet Martin

Monday, August 27, 2018

Knowing Full-well...(what makes worthy the earthy)

This is a case where the previous poem fired another...

 Reading Hebrews 12, verse one, led to reading Hebrews 12 verse two, 
which led to writing this poem...(based on Phil.2)
(I guess tomato-picking is one poem later than I thought it would be😏)

Pondering The Promise of Eternal Life 
and He who authored it, and how, 
Sure does make worthy, earthly strife
and sure does make Holy the Now!
(Knowing full-well Hell's triumph but for death upon a cross!)

The Author and the Finisher of faith endured the cross
Thus, all we bear of this world’s care…He wore its sorrow too
In very nature, God, He donned a robe of mortal cloth
Knowing full well the horrors of the vale He would pass through

Knowing full-well the pain and rejection that He must bear
Knowing full-well, hell would prevail without His sacrifice
Knowing full-well His Deity, yet left Heaven to wear
A crown of thorns, a cross, knowing full-well sin’s awful price

Knowing full-well how many would be saved and justified
Knowing full-well the agony before Triumph is wrought
Knowing full-well the wrath of God would-must be satisfied

Knowing full-well sin’s debt could not be paid by bull-ram’s blood
Knowing full-well his Father’s will and all it would entail
Knowing full well, He, King of kings would be the Lamb of God
Knowing full-well that once for all His Death would rend the veil

Knowing full-well that Final Sacrifice for sin was made
And living sacrifice will be the price believers pay
Knowing full-well that through His love our debt of guilt is paid
Knowing full well the full reward in Heaven some sweet day

© Janet Martin