Monday, May 8, 2023

Wind-song of Hope

It rings in nature’s thoroughfare
It sings in dawn’s hurrah...

It steals into each dewdrop kiss...

It flickers on the woodland wick
Aura of imminence
Ignites the budded candlestick
In mossy ambience...

It rings in nature’s thoroughfare
It sings in dawn’s hurrah
And rouses in the heart a prayer
Of never-ending awe

It flickers on the woodland wick
Aura of imminence
Ignites the budded candlestick
In moss-green ambience

It steals into each dewdrop kiss
It heals the broken dream
And to a world with much amiss
Florets unfettered stream

It lilts in warbling rondelay
It bursts with fresh belief
It waves winter’s chill wind away
With silky handkerchief

It refuels the poet’s pen
Benison of blue sky
Crowns worship’s refurbished amen
With wonder’s my-oh-my

Nothing compares to its cajole
This rival of defeat
Revives, restores, renews the soul
With anthems, warm and sweet

It tickles even stiffest lips
With hint of giddy grin
And kindles kind companionship
To all who let it in

It brings a bounce to farmer’s gait
Eye on yon graying slope
And satisfies war-sighs of ‘wait’
With Spring’s Wind-song of Hope

© Janet Martin

After a frigid, rainy week we are welcoming 
a warmer, sunny start to a new week!

Job 37:21-24
Now no one can look at the sun,
bright as it is in the skies
after the wind has swept them clean.
22 Out of the north he comes in golden splendor;
God comes in awesome majesty.
23 The Almighty is beyond our reach and exalted in power;
in his justice and great righteousness, he does not oppress.
24 Therefore, people revere him,
for does he not have regard for all the wise in heart?[b]”

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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!