Monday, June 23, 2014

His Poetry

Image source; unknown

Wonderful wonder of God’s poetry
Images of His generosity
Unworthy yet without cost He bestows
To our gaze first the bud, then the rose
Beneath our feet, overhead, all around
God’s poetry spills in fathoms unbound

No man can trump Divine God, though he tries
Nature’s plethora stuns and mystifies
Who can define what was born by His word
God poetry leaves mankind humbled and stirred
Summer and winter and all in-between
Russet and silver, gold, blue, umber, green

Better is little with wisdom to see
Than much that blinds us to God’s poetry
Wealth of His wonder wakens us from within
Succors our longing with glimpses of Him
Not always by what our visage can prove
But by His intrinsic whispers of love

Wonderful Wonder of God’s poetry
We its recipient, though unworthy
Lilting and lolling, love-song, lullaby
Filling our senses with, ‘God, who am I
That you should love us so generously
Lavishing lifetimes with your poetry?’

© Janet Martin

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