He could have sent a prophet
A servant, meek and low
To bear the curse of evil
And hatred's cruel blow
He could have sent a king of earth
A pauper or a priest
He had the means to place His worth
Within a mindless beast
He could have sent His angels
Legions to fill the sky
To spare Himself the anguish
Of watching His Son die
He could have, with one uttered word
Declared all man forgiven
He could have, from His visage stirred
The rocks to shout salvation
But He chose to put on flesh
The Sacred Son of Heaven
Became a servant unto men
In form, lowly and human
Upon a cross He gave Himself
A King and Royal Priest
And not one drop of love withheld
As death’s curse was released
He could have sent an army
To face the fiends of hell
But He loved us so completely
That He sent Himself
Inspired by Isa. 53 and Phil. 2: 5-11
~The more we love others, the more of ourselves we give.
~Love is fulfilled in its out-pouring.
~Love speaks in a clear voice
not by words, but by choice.
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