Without respect it is impossible to love
One without the other will never be enough
Love will grow if properly nourished
Left alone it cannot flourish
It is better to keep love alive
Than try to revive it after it has died
Love loves beyond all reason or measure
It is a sacrificial and selfless treasure
Love is not hindered by barriers or oceans
It does not depend on feelings or emotions
It is impossible to keep love hidden
Stronger than steel and soft as a kitten
Love is for both the wise and the fool
Love does not condemn or ridicule
Love is unchanged whether in darkness or light
Love remains the same for it has nothing to hide
Love is neither obsession nor possession…
Love is hope, love is compassion
Love is taught not by word but action
It is more than a quick and passing attraction
Love cannot be bought with gold or silver
Love costs time; time invested in each other
…and now abides these three, faith, hope, love
And the greatest of these is love