Wednesday, January 25, 2023


This poem is inspired in part by a few stories I recently read or am reading...
the stories of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and now, Moses!!
Also, the story of George Mueller
(the excerpt below esp.)

Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses,
 let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us,
 and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,

The beautiful 'cloud of faithful witnesses' that encompass us
 challenge, inspire and encourage
 the ongoing stories of our own lives/faith still being written!
Take heart, fellow-friend!
Stories of faithfulness cannot be written in a hurry!

I began this poem yesterday morning, but it was not a poem
that could be quickly spilled....then tot-care gobbled up the day!

Last night my energy and concentration tank was so completely depleted
to the point of feeling like I was getting sick (but a good night's sleep resolved)
so this is yesterday and today's poem!

Below: a Celebrate-the-Very-Brief-Splash-of-Sunshine-with-a-Hot Chocolate-'Picnic'!

The answers that we seek in our hurry oft seem slow
When faith’s posture is weak, not meek but impatient to know
Doubt and desire wrestle as God tests love’s utmost part
(To be His chosen vessel is not for the faint of heart)

The high call of surrender grants no accolades unearned
Faith’s Author and Perfecter leaves no stumbling block unturned
But moves in ways contrary to sight’s acumen and whim
God’s rebuke necessary to expose wants not of Him

Encompassed by a cloud of witnesses, faith’s legions shine
As God fulfilled/revealed His promises and purposes divine
While waiting-seasons refined trust and taught them to endure
And be obedient because God’s Word is just and pure/sure

What sometimes seems like pleas ignored or forgotten by God
Or futile ‘waiting on the Lord,’ is oft discipline’s rod
To dredge the depth of the heart’s measure where His Word should be
To test the timbre of the treasure only He can see

What masters of disaster mortal’s lack of patience proves
When we choose to move faster than God's higher way behooves
When foolishly we plunder gates still barred to our request
Blind to redemption’s wonder waiting to reveal His best

God's providence instilling/fulfilling holiness, makes no mistakes
He tugs at ties unwilling until pride's resistance breaks 
And probes the hold that still denies Supreme Authority
Until faith's utter boast replies 'not I, but Christ in me'  

© Janet Martin

2 Tim2:3
Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.

Monday, January 23, 2023

With Only One of Each of Us...

How grieved our Creator must be when we choose to bicker and bite
instead of lovingly forgiving each other like He lovingly forgives us!
After all, every single one of us is on our maiden voyage through life 
with so many mistakes made, to learn from...
and to top it all off there are no two of us exactly alike!!!

Unlike these birds who all sound and look exactly alike...

With only one of each of us and no two quite alike
It stirs in us the impetus to do the best we can
To honor He who drew in us His holy breath of life
Where there will never be another you or me again

With only one of each of us and no two quite the same
Is it then any wonder that we often disagree
But wouldn’t it be nice if we recalled from whence we came
Then strove to love because there is only one you and me

And no one else can take the place of only you or me
Where every single ‘us’ is originally designed
And no one else can be the person we were made to be
Now is that not reason enough to be loving and kind

…and just a bit more patient with one-only-you and-me
Where we are all on maiden voyages from here to There
With our one and only unique personality
And our One and Only Creator beyond compare

We all have this in common; He who makes us black and white
And numbers our days before one of them comes to be
He smiles with loving kindness; we are precious in His sight
For there will never, ever be another you or me

How often we could treat each other better than we do
And cherish one-and-only-me-and-you while we still can
Before it is too late because either first me or you
Will go the one-and-only way we go since time began 

© Janet Martin

Psalm 139:13-16

For You formed my inmost being;a
You knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14I praise You,
for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Marvelous are Your works,
and I know this very well.
15My frame was not hidden from You
when I was made in secret,
when I was woven together
in the depths of the earth.
16Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all my days were written in Your book
and ordained for me
before one of them came to be.

To We, Still Growing Older

Accomplishment/achievement happens one challenge/step forward at a time!
 Sometimes challenges take years to fully complete,
 some even a lifetime(such as a life well lived). 
And because nothing ever stays the same for very long the challenge is constant, isn't it?!! 
Listening to two funeral messages/tributes where children and grandchildren
 rose to call their mother and grandmother 'blessed' 
is such an inspiration to we still growing older 
and seeking to honor God in the season we are in!
Because sometimes what in the moment seems quite commonplace
 is in fact composing cherished memories and legacies! 

Titus 2:3-5(NKJV)
But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine:
 2 that the older men be sober, reverent, temperate, sound in faith, in love, in patience;
 the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers,
 not given to much wine, teachers of good things— 
4 that they admonish the young women to love their husbands,
 to love their children, 5 to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, 
good, obedient to their own husbands, 
that the word of God may not be blasphemed.

Photo shared with their Daddy's permission😅💖

When we have no other engagements Sunday Supper at Gramma's & Grandpa's house 
has become a highlight for both the young and old!
Last night Grandsonny went exploring in the room that used to belong to Uncle Matt
and he appeared beaming broadly, with a treasure he unearthed!
Hockey Card Collection!

To we still growing older there is much still left to learn
As we begin to shoulder wisdom we have yet to earn
As we begin to fill the shoes not worn by youthful dreams
But with meek awareness of dues that sager ken esteems
As we begin to weather ways, we once thought quite far-flung
While we were living in the days that seemed forever young

To we still growing older because death is held at bay
Where time seems to grow bolder as swift seasons fall away
We start to sense anew the age-old way staid tick-tock works
As we begin to do the things that once drew winks and smirks
But we excused with kindness because, ‘they are old, you see;
Who knows, with youth behind us what kind of ‘old’ we will be?!’

To we of slowing footsteps there is much to take in stride
As Time begins to show us that it is not on our side
And soon we too will join the ranks of neither young nor old
Or rich or poor; then give God thanks as His mercies unfold
The sacred charge of setting a careful example for
Young men and women whetting raring appetites for more

To we still growing older, (where the Done none can undo
For no one can unsolder the door that each day runs through)
We reassess the beauties of an unsealed legacy
And the blessing of duties that befit maturity
Of kinder, truer patience as we bear in prayerful mind
The precious generation that is following behind

© Janet Martin

  Be very careful, then, how you live—
not as unwise but as wise,

Sunday, January 22, 2023

As We Face What Waits To Be...


After two funerals, one on Friday and one yesterday
it is impossible not to be impacted by the brevity and sacredness of life on earth.
For, even though both funerals were for elderly women who had outlived
the moment life ceases to be all that matters is how we prepared for eternity!
Here we all still are, where God tips the scales of mercy in our favour,
where the invitation to 'come' resounds, 
and where redemption for sin still flows full and free!

Just as man is appointed to die once, and after that to face judgment, 
28so also Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many;
 and He will appear a second time, 
not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who eagerly await Him.

Are you among those 'who eagerly await Him 
because of His gift of salvation'?!

Daybreak tips God’s scales of mercy in our favour; faith ahoy
With the promise of his Presence we proceed with hope and joy
Armed with the awesome awareness of the power of His Word
Gladness rekindles commitment to our calling undeterred

Because no matter what happens as we face what waits to be
Nothing in the world can sever us from God and love's decree
As Time’s thread runs through His fingers and our numbered days decrease
May Hope’s finished work through Jesus fill our hearts with joy and peace

We who believe in Him receive so much to be thankful for
As the Hour is approaching that nobody should ignore
When the joy still set before us is unveiled and we shall see
He who tips morn’s scales of mercy and beckons ‘come unto Me’

Death demands life’s full attention ere it cuts time’s sacred cord
And it ushers us to reckon with the love we most adored
Pray before the hour ceases when repentance comes too late
We have put our trust in Jesus, who will greet us at death’s gate

Then, when like a little vapor time’s brief sojourn disappears
We who have believed will enter in to ‘no more pain or tears’
But for all who disregarded He whose love tips mercy’s scales
There remains the endless horror of rejection’s endless wails

© Janet Martin

Friday, January 20, 2023

This Is He Who We Adore

The call of He who was, is and will ever be resounds
The love of He who cares for all His creation abounds
The light of He who pierced the darkness of the world abides
The grace of He who sets us free through Calvary resides
The living hope of He who anchors saving faith secures
The truth of He who IS the Word eternally endures
The joy of He who is our strength consoles and satisfies
The salvation of He who shed his own blood, justifies
The armor of He who fits us for every fight defends
The promises of He who hears our humble cry attends
The holiness of He who is our helper awes and cheers
The mercy of He who is kind and faithful commandeers
The righteousness of He who is infallible prevails
The One true God in whom we trust, whose goodness never fails

© Janet Martin

Exodus 15:11
Who among the gods is like You, O LORD?
 Who is like You--majestic in holiness,
 revered with praises, performing wonders?

Psalm 92:8
But You, O LORD, are exalted forever!

Psalm 113:4-6
The Lord is high above all nations,
His glory above the heavens.
5Who is like the Lord our God,
Who dwells on high,
6Who humbles Himself to behold
The things that are in the heavens and in the earth?

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Earth's Beginning of Heaven's Eternity

Every so often I love to crank up this song...
it brings a sense of Heaven to earth!

Worship: Earth's beginning to Heaven's Eternity

I Love You Lord

I want to want not anything, save that which teaches me
To sing devotion’s worship hymn with true humility
Lest selfishness and pride take root and vanity applauds
I want to guard against choice fruit offered to lesser gods

How easily a thought can stray from where it ought to be
Fixed on faith’s Confidante and Stay secured at Calvary
To jars of clay, refined through care, hope’s priceless treasure spills
Nothing in this world can compare to what God’s light instills

For what have I of worth to bring save what is given me
To tune devotion’s offering with awed sincerity
To lift a gift of sober joy like a most valued gem
To He who alone doth destroy the shackles that condemn

Oh, help me when I falter Lord, to walk by faith not sight
To lean upon your faultless word to guide my thought aright
For what we have in common ought to gentle fellowmen
Thy sure and sacred summons to Soul’s everlasting Then

Lord, you know all the secrets of each thoughts and heart in full
Help us not to forget to who we are accountable
And live, not for the praise of man but with humility
Begin, in every way we can, worship’s eternity

© Janet Martin

Create in me a clean heart, O God; 
and renew a right spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10

Keeping 'Good Old Days' Alive...

It's another buses-cancelled day so no kiddos for childcare...
Leaving some extra opportunity to practice what I poem 😅💕

Pour a second cup, dark umber

Because I start and finish with the same stanza
 this poem can be read from the top down 
or bottom up!

Put a kettle on to simmer
Watch flame-dancers twist and jive
Let the simple joys of winter
Keep the good, old days alive

Ease the angst of hurried lunch-breaks
Like a sabbath middle-day
Count the stars that fall in snowflakes
Wake the child that lost its way

Watch the birds without vain fretting
About what we cannot know
He who feeds sparrows is setting
Tomorrow’s ducks in a row

Let prudence and leisure mingle
While chores, books and gales rekindle
Good old days waiting to be

Pour a second cup, dark umber
It is winter. Sit and nod
Sweat and toil of summer slumber
Aching feet rest, slipper-shod

Taste a bit ‘o Brit tradition
Have a biscuit with your tea
Sometimes happiness is hidden
In plain-sight-simplicity

Let nature nourish and gladden
Gather barren branch bouquets
Plant a bowl-sized indoor garden
Let winter thrill and amaze

Make music with moment measure
Shake a fist at sparrow-hawk
Practice culinary pleasure
Do not haste the hungry clock

Crosswords, puzzles, scrabble, kittens
Paint a pic with poem-ink
Don a parka, hat and mittens
Let frost kisses turn cheeks pink

Savor winter’s favors slowly
Let its flavors steep each sense
With thanksgiving, meek and holy
Drink in argent ambience

Put a kettle on to simmer
Watch flame-dancers twist and jive
Let the simple joys of winter
Keep the good, old days alive

© Janet Martin

Rekindled Delight


Across a landscape ethereal
And not yet tamed by time
To journeymen of syllable
Unfurls a world of rhyme
And stars that poets climb

Sometimes knowledge alone is cursed
And deaf to the wild sound
That plagues the lowly bard with thirst
For wisdom not yet found
And lyrics still unbound

How ephemeral is the gate
That swings softly ajar
To usher through glimmers that bait
Poems that not yet are
Save in one fallen star

…snared on a shimmer of surprise
To thwart the stinging bite
Of words cut down to arrow size
To spur the songsters flight
In rekindled delight

The bull's eye of a poet's heart
Weathers many-a-test
Long suffering is worth the art 
And hunger worth the quest
Of sorrow at its best

© Janet Martin