Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Worship Renewed (With Gratitude)

Life felt a bit heavy when I first got up this morning...
Doom and gloom headlines can steal the bloom of joy
just like that...
Better to lift our cup up the the One who overflows skylines
and timelines with everlasting wonder and/of love...

'Ah, see the world dew-pendant pearled, where daybreak steals the show'...

It is not hard on a morning like this
to 'Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; '
and to 'give thanks to him and praise his name.'
Psalm 100:4

Do not give up; but lift life’s cup of learning to thy lips
Trust in the Hand that pours time’s sand through scars to fingertips
Who breathes upon the dark of dawn until it disappears
Who stokes the reed of soul and seed with Mercy’s smiles and tears

Count not for naught the noble thought that sparks the kindly deed
Revere the care that stirs the prayer that groans from frames of need
And lean on he who drapes the lea with silver scarves of mist
Who stuns our gaze with wonder’s ways though hurts and griefs persist

Aha, the bell twixt heav’n and hell tolls with mercy renewed
And fills the earth with living’s Worth that births meek gratitude
And heaps Hope’s trays that leap with praise that snuffs the foolish plea
Till all we truly covet is more love, My God for thee

Ah, see the world dew-pendant pearled, where daybreak steals the show
And bends the commonplace with grace as skylines overflow
From fathoms of goodness and love dawn throbs with ‘I AM He
Who fills thy cup that you lift up with My sufficiency

© Janet Martin

I was going to share only verse nine from Psalms 96
until I read the whole chapter and wanted you to have the pleasure too!!

Psalm 96

Sing to the LORD a new song;
sing to the LORD, all the earth.
2Sing to the LORD, bless His name;
proclaim His salvation day after day.
3Declare His glory among the nations,
His wonderful deeds among all peoples.
4For great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised;
He is to be feared above all gods.
5For all the gods of the nations are idols,
but it is the LORD who made the heavens.
6Splendor and majesty are before Him;
strength and beauty fill His sanctuary.
7Ascribe to the LORD, O families of the nations,
ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.
8Ascribe to the LORD the glory due His name;
bring an offering and enter His courts.
9Worship the LORD in the splendor of His holiness;
tremble before Him, all the earth.
10Declare among the nations: “The LORD reigns!”
The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved;
He will judge the peoples with equity.
11Let the heavens be glad
and the earth rejoice;
let the sea resound,
and all that fills it.
12Let the fields exult,
and all that is in them.
Then all the trees of the forest

will sing for joy 13before the LORD,
for He is coming—
He is coming to judge the earth.
He will judge the world in righteousness
and the peoples in His faithfulness.

Let the fields exult...

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

As Long As Life Remains

PAD Challenge day 3: For today's prompt, take the phrase "As (blank)," 
replace the blank with a new word phrase, 
make the new phrase the title of your poem, and then, write your poem.

(Playing with these prompts as time allows!)
Oh there's another title for this prompts haha! '
As Time Allows

As long as life is granted, pray
That I/we may learn the art
(Though nothing keeps the years at bay)
Of staying young at heart

Then though the seasons take their toll
Beneath their staid finesse
May I/we retain in heart and soul
A youthful loveliness

Where as the winds of change persist
To weather wizened limb
Beneath the tresses, silver-kissed
May Youth’s sparkle yet brim

Like a gnarled tree laden with fruits
Of pure and humble truth
May Beauty’s finest attributes
Inspire green of youth

Each season is a work of art
Like links in daisy-chains
To keep us ever young at heart
As long as life remains

© Janet Martin

Love Does Not Promise Easy Street...


Love does not promise Easy Street
Or lap of luxuries
But pulls plans from beneath our feet
To bring us to our knees

Kindling desire’s sighs
Soon startles dreamers with the sting
Of ashes in our eyes

Love hones hearts to humility
With others first in mind
In the face of hostility
Love is patient and kind

No matter what thrills and delights
It will not be enough
Until we set our keenest sights
On learning how to love

The lifelong scholarship of love
Would drain all grin and grit
But for the faultless Promise of
The One who authored it

By loving grace and discipline
He helps us all life through
To wear the shoes that we are in
With purpose, glad and true
Then, when the gold of love runs blue
And snuffs the wishing star
Love is not something that we do
But something that we are
© Janet Martin

And above all these put on love, 
which binds everything together in perfect harmony. 
 And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, 
to which indeed you were called in one body. 
And be thankful.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Autumnal Eventide Aria

Twice (yesterday and today) this post wanted to be a morning poem
but by the time it was complete it is an autumn eventide poem/aria...
Enjoy! and forgive the 'stumbles'... 

Time’s trodden track of centuries bestows beneath our feet
Unbroken sod, uncharted seas, where man and morning meet...

Time’s trodden track of centuries bestows beneath our feet
Unbroken sod, uncharted seas, where man and morning meet
Life’s best and worst is blessed and cursed with universal need
Where pilgrims of hunger and thirst once more, by grace, proceed

Earth dons a burnished afterglow as woodland lamplight dims
As leaves, like freshly-fallen snow, lie silent ‘neath stark limbs
As day starts to unravel breath by breath its lathe unfurls
Thoroughfares left to travel, riddled with potholes and pearls

Life’s murmur of existence shimmers like a sun-tossed leaf
No measure of resistance can thwart Time’s four-season Chief
Where this day that the Lord has made, none can take credit for
Or blush beneath the accolades as dawn swings back its door

How reckless to suppose this speck of Being that we brave
Is nothing but a feckless trek from cradle to the grave
How reassuring to be held in love that knows no bounds
As centuries and seasons meld His changeless Word resounds

Time’s trodden track of centuries hinges to now and here
Where, like the banner of a breeze our footfalls disappear
Into autumnal eventide; a wafted wisp that weaves
Impressions of a countryside asleep beneath the leaves

© Janet Martin

Life’s murmur of existence shimmers like a sun-tossed leaf...

Into autumnal eventide; a wafted wisp that weaves
Impressions of a countryside asleep beneath the leaves...

Saturday, November 6, 2021

For Fence-Crowders

I'm trying to keep 'my eye on the furrow 
and my hand on the plow'
but wow, not an easy task 
while poem-breakers surge 
 where leaf ballerinas twirl 
and wanna-be-ballads waltz !

Sometimes duty feels like a fence
Where obligation bars
The gate between toil's diligence
And pastures full of stars

Sometimes responsibility
And ballad-bearers clash
As seasons throb with poetry
Where hands of time are brash

But in a world so full of ways
To amaze and enthrall
It is enough to sing the praise
Of He who authors all

And should a breath or two perchance
Be wrangled into word
Pray it will stir the heart to dance
In worship to our Lord

Then, though duty does not resign
Where obligation bars
The gate, may thankfulness outshine
Yon pasture full of stars

Because the One so full of love
Where hope and mercy brim
Will overflow joy's treasure-trove
With the wonder of Him

© Janet Martin

O LORD, You are my God. I will exalt You,
 I will praise Your name,
 For You have done wonderful things;
 Your counsels of old are faithfulness and truth.

Friday, November 5, 2021

From Rent Reservoirs

Beauty and duty distractions kept me from my keyboard this morning...
but not from worship!
Surely the hour is an altar awaiting our sacrifice of praise!
Not difficult on a morning like today!
(I linked to the word brigantine in the poem
because grand-sonny wondered why grandma was looking at boat pictures)😊
He arrived while I was working on the first stanza
which is why my morning poem became an afternoon poem
...with a message that is wonder-full any time of day or night!

From mercy’s boundless reservoir new morning meets its mark
On daybreak’s brigantine once more passengers reembark
Who knows what waits where welkin gates are grandly flung ajar
Where, only when time’s tide abates will we have won faith’s war

Heavens unfold the glory of love’s kind mercy renewed
Where we behold but fringes of unfathomed magnitude
Praise He who cups earth’s marbled globe in absolute control
And as we touch the hemline of His robe, He makes us whole

The train of the king’s glory fills the temple of the earth
Then tell the old, old, story of the Saviour’s lowly birth
Of how he left Perfection mankind’s sin-debt to atone
How, with His resurrection death and hell were overthrown

…and how all who believe in Him receive the gift of grace
Eternal life; no sentence grim when death’s dark door we face
Then come what may, where mercy’s kind compassion is renewed
We face the day with peace of mind and humble gratitude

...for He who rends dark yonder with a glimpse of Majesty
Where hearts thunder with wonder at whispers of 'let there be'
As mercy breaks the bower of the bud with crimson rose
And from a reservoir of love, God's goodness overflows

© Janet Martin

After the sun rose it disappeared for a little while...

...only to reappear with a sky-wide smile!

Sorry for so many pics 
but trying to pick only a handful out of a couple hundred wow-some photos
is no small joy-task!

Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, 
God hath shined.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Word 'Count

PAD Challenge day 2: Two-for-Tuesday challenge...
Write a ready poem, and/or...
Write a not ready poem.

the words we use 
to think 
and write 
and speak
should always be
with discipline
and grace
and honesty

it seems the tongue 
has quite a gift
for swift, 
ready reply
So pray the words 
we choose 
to use
will aid
and edify

So when we bow
the One
who taught
 us how to live
we will 
be ready
by God's grace
a word-account
to give

© Janet Martin

But I say to you 
that for every idle word 
men may speak, 
they will give account of it 
in the day of judgment.

Just Between You and Me...

I wasn't going to do this November's PAD challenge but just too tempting!
So many great prompts to lure me out of my writing ruts...

 For today’s prompt, write a correspondence poem.

I lack poetic confidence 
Just between you and me
These days a phrase with prominence  
Passes as poetry

 To write with utter disregard
For what was once the rule
Confuses this out-dated bard
Who is still quite 'old-school'

What authenticates poetry
These days, quite mystifies
In fact, it is not clear to me
If rhyme still qualifies

I want for poetry that steals
The earth beneath my feet
To make me fall head over heels
In love, when first we meet 

These days ink puts on quite a show
Just between you and me
I lack the confidence to know
What is still poetry

© Janet Martin

P.s. maybe I'm just envious of the poets who have mastered free verse
but either way, I enjoy this quote below...

Writing free verse is like playing tennis with the net down. ~Robert Frost