Saturday, February 1, 2020

Forge On, Fellow-Follower

Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, 
before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say,
 "I find no pleasure in them"--

Christians are under attack worldwide but forge on, fellow-follower of Jesus,
if God is for us who can be against us?! Rom.8:31

Forge on, the framework of today will fill with what we do and say
The things that test this rebel clay nobody can foresee
But take heart, all who trust the name of He who bore our guilt and shame
In spite of what heretics claim; God WAS, IS and WILL BE

His Word, infallible and sure will keep the believer secure
And help the runner to endure the race until the end
Do not despair, the oaths of they who do not follow or obey
Are in fear of the judgement day, so pray and pray, my friend

Forge on, dear fellow-follower of He who is Deliverer
Defender and the succour-er of all who by faith, trust
Be not afraid, love will not fail no matter what storms may assail
Until death lowers the dark veil that returns dust to dust

…forge on, the flesh that cups the soul where none but God maintains control
Will not escape the sacred goal (not even atheists)
Remember, every knee will bow and every tongue confess Him, wow,
Then we should pay attention now, ere Silver Cord untwists 

© Janet Martin

Remember him--before the silver cord is severed,
and the golden bowl is broken;
 before the pitcher is shattered at the spring,
and the wheel broken at the well,

Braving Beauty (with a pen)

Malcolm Guite expresses perfectly in the video and poem above what many of us feel...

Sometimes the poet feels inept to walk where former poets stepped
To paint with meager ink and pen the beauty of life’s loves again
For how, when masters of the art have stunned the bottom of the heart
Can I be brave enough to try to pen the prose of earth and sky
But even as I contemplate the reasons I should deviate
From trampled paths of profound speech I cannot quell the urge to reach
Toward what begs to be retold to we not here in days of old
Where perhaps one with fledgling wings will feel the joy a poem brings
And fear will hear hope whisper ‘try’ as trust propels her to the sky
Where all of this would never be without the bliss of poetry
To cheer the way not bound to sod that ultimately leads to God

© Janet Martin

Friday, January 31, 2020

Of Intimate Enclosures

The intimate enclosure of the earth beneath the sky
Where walked the sons and daughters of ages before our Time
Evokes in us a kinship with the seasons that sweep by
As we take our turn at being drawn to nature’s rhyme

…to drink the potent nectar from Moment’s gossamer bloom
To be inebriated by sheer wonder’s thund’rous hush
While we are overtaken by a Presence in the room
As He walks in the garden unimpressed by man’s mad rush

…where if we want to make the most of our numbered days
We should take off our shoes to watch pink ribbons thread the sky
The holy ground we stand on ought to tremble with meek praise
As we worship the One who grants entrance to you and I

Pause, while dusk’s apricot gauze drapes the window to the world
Be overwhelmed with beauty as we sense His hand brush by
For we, awed witnesses behold God’s masterpiece unfurled
To intimate enclosures of the earth beneath the sky

© Janet Martin

Prayer For The Day/Way...

So much sorrow and sickness.
So much spiritual darkness.
So much more comfort, healing and Light
So much more God!

This compilation of song was posted yesterday!
Gorgeous glimpse of Someday Soon! the meantime Dear Heavenly Father,

Make our moments wild with wonder
Help us seek the good and true
Where Your evidences thunder
Where our callow senses plunder
Fill our hearts with love for You

Today is a road not taken,
Yet; but it beams with Your grace
Thus let brave trust reawaken
Promises, pure and unshaken
Nothing in this world can replace

Teach us to trust without doubting
Then, come whatsoever may
In spite of atheist’s spouting
Lies; let their pitiful touting
Spill into tender prayers we pray

Let love suffer longer, kinder
Without second thought or regret
Make mercy’s proof a reminder
When faith feels dumber and blinder
It is not turned into sight yet

Make our motives meeker, purer
My, but mankind’s want can run wild
Guide us, make our footsteps surer
Our hope of Heaven securer
Through You, our Father, we, Your child

© Janet Martin

this song has a special preciousness to it; it was played at Ron's funeral.
Click link on Ron's name for more on that)
My oh my, how we at WBC and beyond miss him! 

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!

 In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope 
through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
1 Pet.1:3

The Glad Truth (of what Time cannot change)

 Because it promised to be a lively one...

 ...into the crock-pot early this morning went one thawed beef blade roast along with
potatoes, carrots, rutabaga, onion , salt, pepper 
and a handful of fresh from-the-freezer chopped parsley (flakes work as well)
Seal crock-pot with foil, put on lid and turn on low all day!
Nothing makes Victoria, the family smile like beef browned potatoes!

So simple. So good on a cold winter night!
One of those delicious delights that time cannot change!

Dawning upon us like love’s madrigal
Hails the glad truth of what time cannot change
Darling, the things that matter most of all
The Chieftain of progress can never estrange
In spite of all it seems to rearrange

It cannot alter the thrill of hello
When face to face, long-missed loved ones we meet
It cannot tarnish the garnish of snow
Soft on the rooftop and woodland and street
Spilling a canvas we scribble with feet

Time leaps with joy in ahoy blush and gold
As we set sail on a sea of new morn
Nature’s surprises will never grow old
Each bloom as fresh as the first ever born
Bestowing beauty to worlds weary-worn

 Modern-day mayhem’s most impressive boasts
Cannot claim credit for sunset or rise
The Hand that grants what accomplishment toasts
Is not affected by time’s age and size
No matter how swift the season-clock flies

Thus, the best things in life will remain so
 Leisurely picnics and much work to do
Teachers to learn from the tots in their tow
Hilltops to offer, if scaled, quite a view
Heaven-glimpse in four words, ‘I love you too’

Laughter that lilts like a gilt butterfly
Butter to better the best have-a-taste
Chatter of children as pure as the sky
Pleasure when we find the keys we misplaced
Twilight on velvet blue, quarter-moon graced

Thank God for puppy with mischievous lad
Sunshine that cannot be stoppered and sold
Beautiful baby and proud mom and dad
Humbled and whelmed by the charge in their hold
Thank God for wonder that never grows old

Wonder to startle the most wizened sage
Music to sweeten sometimes-sour notes
Too many poems to tender to page
River that rushes with autumn’s leaf-boats
Farewells that leave aching lumps in our throats

Supper that spells happiness in a dish
God, rich in mercy whatever our lot
Darling, the things that most satisfy wish
Time cannot altar one tittle or jot
No matter how many years it has caught

© Janet Martin

 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.