Sunday, September 15, 2019

Prayer For a Heart of True Worship

I've come to this conclusion as I contemplate my heart of worship...
The Depth of my devotion in worship is a reflection of the depth of my love and devotion to God.
My prayer then is for more love for Him because He first loved me!
(written before the worship service as a plea for a heart of true worship)
Why does a mind wander so easily?!

 Yet a time is coming and has now come 
when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, 
for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.
John 4:23

Lord, pray that we would worship thee
With unadulterated love
For thou wilt keep in perfect peace
The mind firm-fixed on things above

Lord, still our hearts as Truth imparts
Thy wisdom filling dark with light
Renew in us a steadfast love
Until hope turns from faith to sight

© Janet Martin

Signs of the Times...

We are halfway through September...already!
It is Sunday night.
When/if we awake we will be one week away from the first day of fall! 
When I dropped hubby off at work tonight it was dark before 8:00!

The air is drenched with musky scent; the rain-cloud snuffs the sun
And nighttime drops its dusky tent before the day is done
The orchard lane is dappled where the ripened apple plops
And suddenly we miss the robin’s warble in treetops

The harvest moon is like a loonie set on velvet deep
The cricket-tune is waning its incessant cheep-cheep-cheep
Soybean sweeps flutter like a butterfly kaleidoscope
And suddenly we read between the lines on wild-bloomed slope

Orange pumpkins wink from tangled fretwork that was green before
The spider spins its spangled network of silk gossamer
Now russet hints begin to tint the coppice by the fence
And suddenly we feel the tug of farewell’s imminence

…where golden candle-halos warm the nooks of heart and home
Where mellow yellow afternoon dangles from azure dome
And everywhere we look the earth and its fullness thereof
Brims, beams and bursts from seams of field and garden’s treasure trove

The brook is flecked with leaf-shaped rafts that drift, eddy and surge
A blue baton strums woodlands in A Prelude to the Dirge
Where signs of time beckon and call ‘the end is near, dear friend’
For suddenly we sense that fall is just around the bend

© Janet Martin

There is another End nearing according to the somber signs of the times
 foretold by Jesus on the Mount of Olives... 

 As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, 
the disciples came to him privately. 
"Tell us," they said, "when will this happen, 
and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?"
(click link for refreshed awareness!)

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Devil is a Sportsman...

The devil loves a challenge; yes, and decorates the sin
Where with his lariat of lust might draw his victims in
Or with the boast of busyness or with the idle mind
The best of good intentions to the worst outcome of all
Too wrapped in Self-attention to surrender to God’s call

The devil sets a snare where weakness eyes temptation’s tray
And all who dare to live without God’s armor will fall prey
There is no halfway in between; no one can serve two Gods
And evidence is always seen where Choice outweighs facades
Then pray that the confession of our faith will shed the old
As the new man seeks treasure greater than silver and gold

The devil knows that pleasure for the moment will appease
The guilt, and gloats as longing yields to evil’s expertise
Where what seemed good at first did not supply true happiness
Then as we trust Him and obey His power is unfurled

© Janet Martin

Friday, September 13, 2019

A Mighty Force Invincible

Because of this love we often do things
we would never have chosen to do on our own
and we leave undone the things we once wanted to do.
Love is as strong as death when it once gets full possession of a person
 it will completely carry them away 
and love to God is indeed a mighty force …
Charles Spurgeon

We love because he first loved us.
1 John 4:19

 The poem below was inspired by the above wonder-full 
worth-your-well-spent-while message!

Lord, you know what we love the most and why we choose the things we do
You know that we are prone to boast; Lord, let our boast be love for You
For we do not love without cause; Your love came first and set man free
Then let earth resound with applause of death to self through love for Thee

Let love not fill its due (a pew) and mingle with the Sunday crowd
Then rush to Monday’s work-to-do and blush to speak your name out loud
But let us shout our claim to love (Your name) let hearts be overcome
To live with joy, not shame, because of what Your Love has saved us from

Let us enlist in love’s pure force and serve the Captain of the Soul
Nothing can veer love’s corps off course as we march God-ward to its goal
Then, with eyes set on Recompense let love suffer long and be kind
Let not one shred of evidence of the ‘old man’ remain behind

Let love completely carry us; a mighty force, invincible
We love because You first loved us; oh, glorious, flawless principle
Then, forbid we, once having heard should still shy like a skulking fool
No bone is broken by sheer word of unbelief’s cold ridicule

Lord, loose that sacred fire-storm that vanquishes all fear and doubt
Let love’s compelling force reform our utter being inside out
So that someday with heaven’s throngs in everlasting sweet accord
We’ll sing for aye the victor’s song ‘we love You, Lord, we love You, Lord

© Janet Martin

How I Love You, Little Tot

How I love you, little tot
Helpful to the point of not
Laden with the best of cares
Trucks, books, dolls and teddy-bears

How I love you, little child
Driving joy and patience wild
My, but you are small and smart
Darling, trusting, pure in heart

How I love you, little one
With each rise and set of sun
You follow with run and play
Every child of Yesterday

How I love you, precious dear
You’ll grow up too soon, I fear
Gracious Lord, please hear my prayers
Hold my hand as I hold theirs

© Janet Martin