Saturday, April 27, 2019

Come Over For Tea

PAD Challenge day 27: For today’s prompt, pick a direction, make that the title of your poem, 
and then, write your poem. There are so many directions: north, south, up, down, left, right, over, under, etc. But there are also more specific directions like “Across the Way,” “Through the Woods,” and “Beyond the Clearing.” 
Or give directions like “Clean Your Room,” “Tie Your Shoes,” or “Get Over Here.”

( today's outdoor tea unfortunately includes mittens and a wind warning!)

I’ll put the kettle on
With sweet treat on the side
And we will pull our chairs beneath
A wreath of blue sky-wide
Then as the hour flows
Through careworn taste and touch
We’ll chat about the way time goes
And love and life and such

For tea is less the tea
Or where we choose to sit
And more about the company
We keep while sipping it
And while we pour the brew
Of first, then second cup
We’ll pour a bit of heart out too
And cheer each other up

…where thrill and spill and ill
Will always have its way
Where hurt and hope fill and refill
Without a holiday
…where life, whatever bend
The up or down might be
Is all ways best shared with a friend
Over a cup of tea

© Janet Martin

Friday, April 26, 2019

Living the Dance

 Do you ever get the feeling this time of year when the earth is sheer and clean...
to twirl, light as feather across its floor like a graceful dancing queen?
 (but when I try to fit my feet to my fancy, rather than dancing
 it's more like a bumbling, stumbling, tumbling lurch;-)

Like a ballroom swept and polished
Gleams the earth, after the rain
Makes one want to twirl and sashay
‘cross the yard and back again

Makes one wish for wings to waft where
Birds and butterflies flit by
But I’ll settle for a soft chair
Of green grass beneath blue sky

Beauty is free for the making
Wonder is a world-wide art
Moments are like primed buds breaking
Into gardens of the heart

Always on the verge of morrow
Time soon sets today adrift
No one can afford to borrow
More than now’s momentous gift

Sailing, sloughing, slipping, sighing
Over seas of seasoned sod
Breath-by-breath living and dying
In a ballroom held by God

© Janet Martin

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Because The Best Things In Life Are Free...

This was going to be a poem for the prompt the other day but due to very on/off internet 
and very busy schedule it didn't happen. the internet is still weak at best. 
(Hoping it will work out the kinks on its own...)
also to add to blogging discouragement is a camera that only half-works 
so I'm borrowing another photo taken by my niece Brittany Ruppert
On a brighter note...enough baby-cuddles to make everything else worth it!

Have you ever had to pay
For a smile
Or a stroll in a
Warm summer rain
Or an entrance fee
To the free-flung isle
Where new day spills
A pink and golden train

Did you ever buy
The blue sky overhead
Or tickets
To nature’s symphony
Of brook-bird-breeze
Or the buzzing, busy bees
Or the soft, lisping lyric
In the tree

Or the hymn in the dimming of the day
Or the wild-flower garden at our feet
Or the awesome color-wheel of mauve-crimson-teal
On yon fringe where earth and heaven meet
Or the giggle or the grin of a child
Or the hush of a white wonder-world
Or the croon of a dove or the moon hung above
But beneath the Milky Way unfurled
Or the sheen of the greenest green of all
As earth dons shawls and frocks and frills
Or the trill of the lark or the still after dark
Or the way day empties and refills

Have you ever had to pay
For a hug
Or the tug when
Your heart-cup overflows
Or an entrance fee
To the perfect company
Of a baby with a
Little button nose…

© Janet Martin

But Then Always May...

A few days ago hubby remarked to me that in two months the days will start to get shorter 
and we are still waiting for weather to turn spring-like! 
At this point I think we would settle for anything in double-digits Celsius for a few days in a row!

Earth is an egg waiting to be cracked
Nature agog with the life it had lacked
April is always a bit of a tease
Driving hope wild with her billowing breeze

Hunger feeds on flower-gardens of thought
Dreamlands run rife with forget-me-not
Hollow the wind through the wooing world wings
Looking for lyrics barred in budded strings

I spy the whisper of green, virgin green
Seeping through deeps where threadbare sweeps had been
April is always a slow work of art
Playing with colors of weather and heart

Soon we will slip from the grip of the gale
Watch as a fleet of sweet blossoms sets sail
Soon we will wade in jade silver-starred streams
April is always a river of dreams

Soon Spring will fling violets to field and dell
Soon on yon hill will chime the jonquil bell
Soon trees will burst with a hip-hip-hooray
April is always first, but then always May

© Janet Martin 

After seeing the forecast I/we decided to spend the day outside ! 

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Complete Confidence

PAD Challenge 24: For today’s prompt, take the phrase “Complete (blank),” replace the blank with a word or phrase, make the new phrase the title of your poem, and then write your poem.

My dear, we are not on our own
(Although some days it may seem so)
The One who frames soul’s skin and bone
Is with us wherever we go

Then, when we feel a little small
Beside life’s tall mountain or task
He waits to help us through it all
And all we need to do is ask

© Janet Martin

 Philippians 4:13
 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.