Friday, February 1, 2019

Let's Make Love

 Let's make love a daily celebration
Welcome (Lord-willing) to two weeks of focusing on the tenderest, testing-est,
loveliest, trickiest, truest topic above all; Love

(one of my favourite love-songs of all time!)

And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.

Let’s make love the utter reason
For each darling dream and dare
Touch the timbre of each season
With the reverence of prayer

Let’s be nicer to each other
Who knows who is next to fly
Past Passion’s dust-to-dust border
Through the reaches of the sky

Let’s dance, not like one-night lovers
But with a lifetime to learn
The fine art of hearts that hunger
For more than Time’s no return

Let’s be brave enough to utter
Words like ‘not my will but thine’
Let’s make love the bread and butter
In this life of yours and mine

Let’s not try to plan tomorrow
Let’s make love patient and kind
Oh my darling, joy and sorrow
Are like lovers, intertwined

For the laws of imperfection
Makes life’s making love far more
Than the intimate affection
That a kiss likes to explore

Let’s cast off our inhibition
Brave the fear of letting go
Bold enough for true submission
To the One who Loved/loves us so

© Janet Martin

Here's to two weeks of a whole lotta love songs


Happy February!

Because of schedules that keep me housebound more than I would choose if life was like that,
I feel like I didn’t quite get my fill of January’s thrills but better that way than the opposite, right?
Hopefully we live each day as if we didn't get quite enough of live-laugh-love,
always eager for a little more in the morning. 

A prayer of Dedication

Make me thankful for the moment
For the gift of now and here
Let me live as if the Present
Was about to disappear

Make me hungry for the hour
Tasting it with diligence
Counting blessings like the miser
Counts his dollars and his cents

Make me useful, careful, prayerful
Make me humble, helpful, kind
For with moment-measure’s sparkle
Soon a life is left behind


© Janet Martin

 Remember your Creator
    in the days of your youth,
before the days of trouble come
    and the years approach when you will say,
    “I find no pleasure in them”—

 Now all has been heard;
    here is the conclusion of the matter:
Fear God and keep his commandments,
    for this is the duty of all mankind.
14 For God will bring every deed into judgment,
    including every hidden thing,
    whether it is good or evil.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

This Plain, Age-old Appeal

 I laughed out loud when I saw this Bing-search on my blog; 
what is the point of a poetry-blog? someone asked
I hope when they find out they let me know😉

Below, part of my poetry-collection...

...this poetry-thing has been going on for a long time
but at the end of the day we still are not quite sure what to do with it;
especially in this day and age where poem-books are not on the Best-seller list
but rather perhaps on the Best cellar list😊
 Still, art has never been done for the money of it but rather for the love it
and I suppose a poetry-blog is one way to share the love!

There is no money in poetry
and no poetry in money!
Most publishers care more about the money than the poetry 
for obvious reasons so what does one do with poetry?!

From fathoms hung upon the air
As old as faceless Father Time
With seasoned hope and common care
The poet spins her winsome rhyme
And paints upon parchment-terrain
Scenes soft and oft somewhat surreal
For troubadour cannot contain
The ink that poets think and feel

Emotion’s oceanic crest
Is hard to harbour in the heart
The crash and surge of urge and quest
Ah, some must wrestle into art
Where skin and bone alone are small
For we are all mere mortal men
But what, after the madrigal
Makes worth the call of ink and pen

A poem seals upon a page
Time’s places, faces soon forgot
It sets upon thought’s open stage
The crashing sea, a flower-pot
It tugs at years and sets them free
It kindles fires with a spark
And stirs a tender melody
Where silence would be cold and dark

The poet, none can quite explain
Her heart and soul, thirst-cursed and blessed
Her Task-Master asks her to strain
And garner from life’s worst it best
But after thought has spilled its reel
(Heart-pieces for the world to see)
Remains this plain, age-old appeal
What does one do with poetry?

© Janet Martin


"I would go CRAZY after about 30 minutes of your life", remarked one of my dearly-beloveds
 as they helped themselves to a bowlful of homemade granola, (before heading out)
while surveying the wreckage of living in the 'not-so-background music' of tots!

Well, replied I, If it was the mere mechanics of Doing it would be dull indeed...

Life would be a doleful, soulful hole full of fear and despair
It would be a lonely, loathsome, longing-laden weight of care
Toil would be a mundane, mocking, morbid money-driven taunt
Where its filthy lucre’s purchase would be lacking what we want
And the most that we could cope for is to hope for bitter death
Without Heaven as the outcome as it severs soul and breath
But for this gear-grinding, mercy-finding, sorrow-binding Best
Love; ah love and only love makes worthy all the rest

© Janet Martin

 Love is the game-changer, I continued,
It makes all the difference in all we do!
I love making life lovely for those I love.
So, it's not always what we do but why that makes what we do worthwhile!

Though we give our bodies to be burned and have not love it profits us nothing...
1 Cor. 13

January and Juxtapositions

It's so cold
and so awesome!

Hard to hate a postcard heavy with the handiwork of God
Worship overcomes the burden; love makes worth each mile we trod
Beauty begets humble wonder while we bear The Ways of Life
Of Night always hinged to morning; of joy always hinged to strife
Of hope, always hinged to heartache, of delight hinged to dismay
Of desire hinged to blessing, of heaven hinged to today

© Janet Martin