Wednesday, August 22, 2018


When sorrow’s tear meets Mercy’s ear
What tender touch God’s love bestows
The mourner feels the Hand that heals
Oft soft upon grief’s anguished throes

For we are not alone, forgot
Though death may wield a bitter sting
Our Lord will bless grief’s loneliness
With comfort only He can bring

© Janet Martin

My friend who lost her mother at the end of June,
misses her deeply.(so I sent this little verse to her yesterday)
She was a stay-at-home-daughter who tended to the needs of her mother
(bed-ridden for years!!)  when the others were at work
so now the hole in her life is huge.
Will you pray that she can feel God's comfort near and dear?

Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted

For Track-Record Blazers

Sometimes there are pics I simply can't little fellows ( really cute too:)  on chairs facing the wall because they told a falsehood and 'he did too' is not an acceptable reason we talk about how this is not just about trying to get out of a consequence that telling the truth might bring(and that's a big decision for a little fellow) but then we discuss how terrible could consequence be compared to what is at stake if lying becomes a habit hard to break?!) 
because habits of today shape men of tomorrow, either trustworthy or not at all!? 
and which would they rather be?! 
Who we want to be when we are old begins today!

I'm not sure what actually happened because it all happened 'under-cover'😉after they
had played very long and well together in their spacious hideout.
A rainy day means couch-forts are allowed!...and various other in-door escapades!

The tool that blazes track-records into the sands of time
Can fool us by its common habits of humanity
Where touch and taste with moment’s haste makes more than echo’s chime
But something that tolls far beyond the grave; our legacy

The way we are is more than merely that or this, my dear
The footing we build on is set through simple do-and-say
Where choices made by long-gone men and women are still here
Like stitches in the fabric of the world we know today

The shirker and the worker will soon slumber side by side
And what they leave behind no up-and-comer can undo
Where a new era spreads its wings and sings ‘here comes the bride’
…where children teach their children what they learned through me and you

…where God is great and good and changeless through each age to age
His precepts infallible; the builder’s Chief Cornerstone
Then, come what may, where war against demons of darkness wage
Faithful abides The Rock that never can be overthrown

There is no new religion; we are all born Worshippers
Where who or what we worship we prove through the voice of choice
We frown or smile and all the while with fellow hims-and-hers
Leave mile on mile of aftermath; a path nothing destroys

Then we should all look long and well at what we leave behind
The tool that blazes track-records cannot be done away
But is a simple testament of footfalls of the mind
Ah, pray we set down trusty steps that lead no one astray

© Janet Martin

Our ancestors sinned and are no more,
    and we bear their punishment.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Keeping It Real

 The only way we can truly keep 'it' real is to keep Him real.
The only way to keep Him real is through His Word.

I have to confess I do not 'feel' excited 
when yesterday's 'undone' is the first thing I see when I wake up, 
even though I know these are all blessing-tatters.
Yesterday after supper, after dark I chose to calm kitchen chaos,
after I mowed the lawn,
 after I canned the pasta sauce
after the kiddos went home 😛
(one of my main helpers is away this week)

Oh, keep it real; the way we feel can take us down a tricky path
For feelings are subject to change; some days we weep and some we laugh
So, what we know, by this we go; and this world’s only certainty
Is love; the love that will not fail from God for all humanity

Oh, keep it real; the rise and keel of highs and lows will toss and test
Where what we feel is nothing but response to circumstance, at best
So then, where can we turn for assurance that will not fool or bend?
Aha, the word of God is sure; its promises will never end

Oh, keep it real; though zest and zeal falls prey to grays of doubt and woe
The hope for all believers is God’s saving grace whereby we go
Then, even when we feel we are a wreck and damned to deeps of hell
His Word, through ages undeterred will calm the storm with ‘peace, be still’

So, keep it real; where love will heal the hurt that we are all part of
Small wonder then of faith-hope-love, that ‘the greatest of these is love
And love will be enough if we make it the worth of all we do
Where love of God (who gave his Son) is love’s blueprint for me and you

© Janet Martin

1 Peter 1:3-6
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!
According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope
through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 
to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you,
who by God’s power are being guarded through faith for a salvation
ready to be revealed in the last time.
In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved
by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold
that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor
at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 2:8-10
For by grace you have been saved through faith.
And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,
 not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Monday, August 20, 2018

For Fall-lovers


Soon the tug of Time will triumph
…teeny tick and tock somehow
Siphons summer from the tree trunk
Giddy with the green of Now

Soon a scroll of gold and scarlet
Will unfold autumnal awe
Seduce us with apple-tartlet
And lands rife with nature’s law

Soon this sweat-sweet toil and tilling
Will fall prey to pumpkin pie  
Where winds will be bent on chilling
To the bone and to the sky

Soon we’ll dig for sweaters, furry
Finding knitted ways to brave
Worlds where we no longer worry
About words like ‘long heat-wave’

Soon we’ll stand and study skylines
Stripped of all but brittle sound
Of leaf-cartwheels or battalion
Of corn-fields still harvest-bound

Soon the g-r-r-r of b-r-r-r will tarnish
Lily-laughter with lament
Soon the swoon of bloom will garnish
Time’s tomb-room of summer spent

© Janet Martin

My friend wondered if perchance there will be a fall-flavored poem soon... 
for those not quite so fond of sweat-glistening hymns😉😀😂
so this is for all the eager fall-lovers!

But Mostly Lord, We Thank You For...

Yesterday many from our church family had the privilege of witnessing 26 baptisms, 
listening to 26 declarations of faith in Jesus in a language foreign to us in dialect 
but familiar to us in praise. 
One line stands out to me still as I reflect on the day; a line in a prayer,
"but mostly Lord, we thank You for Your Son, Jesus Christ"

Oh, what a glorious reason we have for Hope,
for waking up each morning and pressing on in spite of all that life seems not...
Jesus reigns, victorious over sin and death!

1 John 5:13-14
I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life. And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us.

…for courage to step forward
Into Time’s Great Unknowns
For kindness of new morning
To polish stepping stones
We thank You for each season
Filled with favors from high
But above all, Hope’s Reason
Your love and grace supply

…for bread to feed the body
For Word to feed the soul
For mercy heaped on mercy
While age to ages roll
For loved ones to come home to
For rest when toil is done
But most of all we thank You
For Jesus Christ, Your Son

For harvest’s holy humbling
For mysteries of prayer
Where words, oft frail and fumbling
Climb earth-to-heaven’s stair
…and there You release Something
That faith alone can see
Your peace past understanding
Through Truth that sets us free

For blessings that we hold, Lord
We offer songs of praise
For more than we deserve, Lord
You overflow our days
But then we think how beggared
Each earth-blessing would be
Without Jesus who suffered
And died at Calvary

…to purchase mankind’s pardon
To triumph over death
To grant to living’s burden
More than mere-breath-to-breath
…to put Your worth within us
Where hallelujahs swell
With thank-you God, for Jesus
Who saves our souls from hell

© Janet Martin

 Galatians 3:26
You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.

(doesn't this promise move you to humble tears of joy and worship?!)
Doesn't this promise move us to forgive others as He forgave us; fully?!)

What Jesus puts within us
Nobody else can give
Love's holy, highest purpose
In every day we live! 

1 Peter 1:3-6
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who by God’s power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.