Friday, January 26, 2018

Of Steadfast Struggle...(to survive)

We, set amongst a bower of hours that stilly slip
Through buds that spill to flower, like laughter upon the lip

Where Winter, like an uncle tweaking cherry cheeks and nose
Is soon wooed by a maiden laden with lilac and rose

Where like a stream, Time slides between tried trees that line its brink
And dreams, like paper boats float on its silver gleam, then sink

Where Time enough is not enough to learn the ways of Love
How all we give and get is nice and yet, not quite enough

Where woods are like a temple, all by one true God designed
And worshippers assemble on moss-pews, views vine-entwined

… the preacher is a whisper of the wind in lofty tress
Where creature comes to reckon, without God, sad emptiness

Where, Time unfurls fresh offers in blush banners on the east
And earth unchains its coffers in an awesome beauty-feast

Where in and out of season we don work-shoes day-to-day
Not as a curse but to keep hunger’s howling hounds at bay

Where we, in this together; rich with poor and young with old
Are tethered to a Myst’ry flesh and blood cannot behold

Where what remains to be seen sometimes steals our utter breath
Where time is but a prelude to a place succeeding Death

Here we are, shod with daily struggle to survive Time’s stead
Of tuning rebel-will to God’s and filling mouth with bread

© Janet Martin

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Of Wily Want...

...and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. 
This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming, 
and is already in the world at this time.
They are of the world. 
That is why they speak from the world’s perspective,
and the world listens to them.…
1 John 4:3-5 

I planned to peg a quickie today but it seemed another Hand kept pushing mine!
I'm over-whelmed with concern sometimes when I think about the world
 our precious, precious 'littles' are growing up in...

People teaching lies (with an eternal impact) that they believe are truth; 
Trying to teach youngsters not to lie, with a lie!
Why? Some have perhaps never been taught the Truth  


Sometimes I feel a sad sort of sympathy
 for country-leaders who seem unaware of what they do not know...
'cause maybe they only know what their daddies taught them!
As long as Bibles stay closed how is anyone armed with Truth?!
Without God's Word in our heart how do we battle the Tempter, full of lies?

What a wily Want, temptation
Fills the mind with silky sigh
Where thought’s wild imagination
Tricks the heart into a lie

Ignorance is like a cancer
Feeding on Moral Decay
Looking for another answer
Rather than the One True Way

Sad, the bane that follows after
The Deceiver does not care
Not in vain his heinous laughter
Sets a sugar-coated snare

Distraction is like pink frosting
Disguising death’s poisoned bite
Sample craves sample, thus costing
Loss of Wholesome Appetite

Without Truth, love has no basis
While the seeker of it chases
Hope, like rolling tumbleweed

Wanders the earth to and fro
Seeking who he may devour
Luring victims with The Show

What a wily, heartless hunter
After he is satisfied
Leaves his prey with howling hunger
In the street where wisdom cried

Run! Death’s cold, cunning tormentor
Tests the best of you and I
Robed as an angel, the Tempter
Tricks the heart into a lie

Beams His Light into heart-altars
Heaped with ashes of Want’s strife

© Janet Martin

 Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down,
    that the mountains would tremble before you!
 As when fire sets twigs ablaze
    and causes water to boil,
come down to make your name known to your enemies
    and cause the nations to quake before you! 
 For when you did awesome things that we did not expect,
    you came down, and the mountains trembled before you. 
 Since ancient times no one has heard,
    no ear has perceived,
no eye has seen any God besides you,
    who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Winter Walk Through Summer's Garden...

Sometimes I miss the perfect purple of plush petal’s tulle
Where winter wakens wishes in pulses bundled in wool
But beneath frozen bondage where the bluff of winter wails
The bud of summer slumbers until hallelujah hails

Sometimes I miss delphinium and blue corn-flower grins
While white on white kisses our bright red noses, cheeks and chins
And though Winter’s Painter spills wonder-worlds of grand design
Sometimes I miss the purple of lupine and columbine

Sometimes, while fully in love with what IS, I sense the knell
Even as I cradle IT close, the nearness of farewell
While torn between the white and green that seasoned tides annul
I miss the perfect purple of a flower two-thirds full

© Janet Martin

Up And At 'Em... Giddyup

 Above lines from the poem Reveille by A.E. Housman
Once in a while I come across a poem that makes me utterly swoon...
This is such a poem!
I can't believe how often the morning-poem I sip with my coffee ties in with present-life! 
Matt started trade-school this week. One of the guys he car-pools with lives on a dairy-farm and he told me this guy chores before they leave at 7:00 a.m. Another of his class-mates works at our neighbor's dairy farm and yesterday he worked an 8 hour day/night at the farm after his school day...
I love a 'lad' who jumps up, not afraid of hard work! 
The last verse of the above poem, words to live by for all of us!

These fields don't look like this because someone stayed in bed...
 “A little sleep, a little slumber,
            A little folding of the hands to rest,”
      Then your poverty will come as a robber
            And your want like an armed man.

I've kiddingly said more than once sometimes it feels
like the hardest part of my day is going from horizontal to vertical...
as soon as I'm up you couldn't pay me to go back to bed, 
but WOW! while still snuggled there it feels SO good😴

Up and at ‘em, touch them toes down
Pry the lid from life at large
In the belly burns a fire
In the fingertips a forge

Look, oh lyricist of laugh-lines
Time enough is hasting by
Where the orb of early morning
Drinks the darkness from the sky

…where the pink ink of permission
Spills a Holy Signature
From the Author of creation
To the hero and the cur

Sack soon siphoned of its music
Bag of borrowed bric-a-brac
Saddles both beggar and chooser
On time’s one-way no back-track

Days are not a dime a dozen
Time is not a fortune free
Mornings are a gift from heaven
Offered without guarantee

Listen, can you hear the crashes
Where Time’s surf rolls gray-gold-blue
'ere this turf of dust and ashes
Soon collects its ordained due

© Janet Martin