Friday, January 1, 2016

Oh, What A Life

Discovery makes new the ancient; what a life is time
Like a moss-covered milestone on which eager children climb
Clueless at how far hours reach; or what its gate unbars
We, fresh-faced foreigners, stumble-tumble toward the stars
And earn the song that yester’s young-at-heart learned through Time’s strife
Singing like they, the blue and gray of oh, oh, what a life

The take-and-make of moments is a sacred bread to break
Its crumbs of living scatter pink across dusk’s fired lake
Rhapsody and soliloquy, ballad, sonnet and prose
Unfolds in new-old poetry like fathoms of a rose
And because we are learning often we forget to look
Until its petals are pressed between pages in Past's book

Time’s tapestry of touch and taste haste’s blue through us; the grass
Once green is brown and brittle where the little hours pass
Like shadows first before us then behind us; solitude
Is often-times the playground for life’s teeming echo-brood
...where we, tongue-tired beam and dream dreams, rosy-cheeked and rife
Still singing on time’s way its melody; oh, what a life

The eyes of true love, darling, never utter condemnation
But buoy our want and will toward time’s obligation
And we would all be crying without cause for joy, but oh
Oh, what a life; the knife that wields in winds that brutal blow
Melts in the hand of Time’s forgiveness; winter turns to spring
Oh, what a life; oh, what a song Time's children learn to sing

© Janet Martin

Dear 2016

Your days a-wait beyond a gate we cannot trace with eyes
Nor spell what scenes convene where now we guess with hopeful sighs
At melodies and memories that waft soft on the air
Not rendered yet; dear year ahead, I pray we tread with care
…this unblemished appointing that you lay beneath our feet
Like midnight snow anointing earth with fresh and unmarred street

Your uprightness and downrightness and forthwithness abides
Hinged to what none can change you spill Time’s will in virgin tides
Dear year, I pray we treat each day like a prize, rare and fine
Before it melts like midnight snow in morning-gold sunshine
And when the tide goes out, as we ponder its garnered days
Pray what we see will be a testament of humble praise

…to He who sifts and grants through grace-scarred hands these centuries
Who breathes upon the bud and breaks to bloom cupped mysteries
Who tends what He kind-lends; dear year, I pray your aftermath
Will be within our memory, a smile; a precious path
In thought’s embrace and as we trace the echoes that remain
Pray, as your tide recedes we did not live your days in vain

© Janet Martin

Last night we watched the year come in at my brother Dave's house 
These celebrations often include music because we are a family of listen-to-the-words music lovers and he told me he thinks I will love this song and I do,
and oh, I love the singer too. What a voice!
This is a good song to begin the new year and remind us that life is a river...Lets cherish each twinkle on its tide...

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Drink Up!

Wishing you, wherever in the world
you are,
A Blessed New Year. 


Done With Guesses

Inspired by this post

Caught in between the old and new
…the done and what remains to do
Here, on Time’s forward avenue
Each one of us exists
Not by some feckless ordinance
Nor by mere hapless circumstance
But by the grace of second chance
That God with dawn untwists

The laws of night to day unfold
In dark to light, in gray and gold
And soon we learn what we were told
Was, is and will be so
That Time is but a tiny poof
Rushing through living’s little proof
It melts like frost upon a roof
A mystic ebb and flow

For in its onward, forward rush
With every bravo, tug and push
Its ilk recedes; the solemn hush
Of ‘Time Enough’ impends
And while its grin and sorrow drains
Into tomorrow’s sun and rains
It ebbs toward what Death unchains
Where nothing ever ends

Within the grave none can compete
Nor rival where all mortals meet
Time’s deadline; victory and defeat
Not that of flesh and blood
But of the soul; oh, who can tell
The joy of heav’n, horror of hell
We stand where grace still tolls time’s bell
And our forefathers stood

…caught in between the old and new
Where we have much we ought to do
Before we bid this Now adieu
Exchanging breath-by-breath
 And step-by-step and wake and sleep
And this which nobody can keep
For that which opens up the deep
Unveiled at last, in death

© Janet Martin

In the book Emily's Quest her beloved teacher/friend, Mr. Carpenter dies.
"Just, think, Emily, in a few minutes I will be wiser than anyone living," He says on his deathbed, "always wanted to know- to know.
 Done with guesses.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Since Cares of Living First Began...

Since cares of living first began
God has ordained a way for man
To still commune with Him

A rod and staff to comfort us
A sacred altar where
Nothing need ever hinder us
Our heart and soul to bare

The fellowship of God to men
Is still as sure today
As in those ancient days back when
Prophets bowed down to pray

A Shoulder in the storms of life
A beacon in the dark
And in the rise and fall of strife
An infallible ark

Before we rise, before we sleep
Before we break our bread
Pray to the One who broke five loaves
Then five-thousand were fed

Oh, pray we do not forget He
Who is our strength and stay
But that with glad humility
We don’t forget to pray

© Janet Martin

I Prayed a Prayer For You Today

I prayed a prayer for you today
I did not ask for sun-kissed slope
Or answers for the why of gray
But that the Lord would be your hope

I prayed a prayer for you, my friend
I did not plead for morrow’s length
But only for your need Today
I prayed the Lord would be your strength

I prayed a prayer for you Today
To One whose mercies never cease
I prayed that in each come-what-may
The Lord would be your perfect peace

© Janet Martin

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.
Isa. 26:3 

Would you join me in praying for Marina H. and Diane M. (and their families) as they struggle/suffer with concerns and cares that come with cancer...

'often all we can do is pray' remarked a friend on Facebook.
Amen and hallelujah!