Sunday, October 13, 2013


Before we left for the church...her last moments of living at home.

Strange, how a book of lasts turns into a book of ‘firsts’
How, as one door closes another opens
As bouquets are tossed
And limo doors close
The end turns into a beginning…


More photos will come, but I don't have any yet:) Next to the day Emily was born this was the best.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Wedding Day

Here we are…
About to walk
Through a door
We have rehearsed
A thousand times before
In thought,
But now Thought watches
As our feet follow a path
Not of fantasy
But of faith
And reality

Here we are…
About to embark
On a day
We will remember
As long as God
Grants us life
For today
If the Lord wills,
Robyn becomes our son
As our daughter
His wife

© Janet Martin

 We welcome you to rejoice with us in thought and prayer today as we celebrate Rob and Emily’s marriage.

I long to tread slowly across this Sweet Day
To gather its gold before Time claims its prey
Dear God, bless and keep us and let this day be
When night slips upon it, a dear memory

Thursday, October 10, 2013

This Moment Softly Stealing

We are 'playing' today:)

This moment, softly stealing
Like the nighttime from the sea
Melds its measure like a mantle
Gently tugging you from me

This moment, sweet enchantment
Of life’s ordinary things
Is all tangled up in memory
Tugging innermost heart-strings

 I don’t tell you how this moment
Of mixed joy and grief imparts
Tenderness into my teardrop
Tugging echoes to my heart

For in moments softly stealing
Love and loss and hope entwine
As we, at a moment’s mercy
Dream and leap, reach and resign

© Janet Martin

As Emily left the house just now it hit me; we worked side by side for the last time this morning, as her 'living' here in our home (she is doing all the bride-to-be stuff from now until Sat.)…yes, Lord willing she will ‘come home’ often, but it won’t be the same because she will be ‘visiting’.   

As I mentioned something about next week she grinned mischievously and said, I won't be here!

...Where Memories Grow

The rhythmic chant of tick and tock
Soon strips the rose and hollyhock
Its song of leaf and garnered sheaf
Wan remnants on hillside and walk

The minuet of rise-and-set
Cradles our victory and regret
And still the clock chants tick and tock
In dusk to dawn-sky pirouette

How soon the swoon of sun and moon
Slips over December and June
Its silhouette a seamless thread
Of midnight, morning, afternoon

The ebb and flow of bud to snow
Of holding on and letting go
Drips from life’s spoon, its tender tune
Falls to a place where memories grow

© Janet Martin

Here's to another day of planting memories!
(Victoria just now announced, 'tomorrow we can say, the wedding is tomorrow!';)

The Lord is my strength and song, and is become my salvation. Ps. 118:14

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Making Treats and Memories

Victoria was the camera-girl last night as we, with many friends, made 'memories'.

Life and
memories are not a practiced thing...
they fall around us
like rain in spring
or summer sun
or autumn leaves
or flakes of snow...
These gathered sheaves
adorn  thought's landscape
...precious glow.
and we pray
as days repeat
oh, come what may
that its harvest
will be sweet


The LORD is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion. Ps. 116:5

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Of 'Once, Those Days...'

We have been waking up to rainy mornings for almost a week! This morning the sky was gorgeous...

We do not live in picture frames
Or echoes of our former days
But once those days were mercy-kissed
As this new day rising from mist

Once, those days were the ‘new’ as now
Dawn tugs night’s mantle from earth’s prow
Where we, with holy acquiescence    
Should take its gift with reverence

...for soon its scribbles, spills and jots
Will fill our pictures frames and thoughts
And soon the ‘now’ will join the haze
Of memories and bygone days…

© Janet Martin

Looking forward to the 'pictures' that await today. Rob's (Emily's Fiancee) family from Nova Scotia arrived last night! They will be here soon to help.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Thus, Beneath Your Mercy, Lord

 We looked out to see this while we were eating supper...(no, it's not tomorrow:) The timer in my camera is 'off'.

We bear beneath Your mercy, Lord
Life’s triumph and its woe
Gleaning sweet comfort through Your word
As by Your grace we go

Each faltering and fumbling step
Would be our hopeless shame
But You forgive Lord, then forget
Teach us to do the same

The filament of mortal skin
Does not reveal the whole
Lord, you behold what lies within
Of thought and heart and soul

…and yet Your promises remain
You gather our guilt
And wash away its wretched stain
Where once Your blood was spilt

Once and for all You paid our debt
Removing every trace
We are vile creatures Lord, and yet
You save us by Your grace

…and thus beneath Your mercy, Lord
We bear life’s humble due
Teach us, as we look to Your word
How to be more like You

© Janet Martin

The Heart is Like an Autumn Day

The heart is like an autumn day
It holds the blue, the gold and gray
Where hope is heavy on the vine
As love and longing intertwine

The heart is like an autumn sky
A moody blend of smile and sigh
Its pulse a complex symmetry
Of euphoria and misery

The heart is like an autumn tree
Its pieces scattered silently
Along a dim and shaded path
Of summer’s precious aftermath

The heart is like an autumn day
It steals our impulses away
A minuet of raw romance
We close our eyes and dance…
And dance

© Janet Martin

The house is quiet this morning; a lot of thinking time while I stir popcorn and cut butters for the wedding...