Wednesday, November 11, 2020

This Is November

"This is November; the month to remember 
All those who fought for ‘true North strong and free’ "

What a blessing to be able to
cherish life's loveliness-es in a country where we are free to do so!
Free (covid-restrictions aside) to come and go as we please!
This freedom comes at a great price!
Lest We Forget

This is the season of silver-silk haloes 
Crowning milkweed in gauzy silhouettes 
Landscapes a-glimmer with stubble and furrows 
Shadows soft-stenciled like penciled vignettes 

This is the season of silence. Leaf-laughter 
Snuffed like a flicker from each woodland wick 
Now our senses are drawn to a rafter 
Now blue, now gray, now Day cut to the quick 

This is the season of tender surrender 
Baring of secrets that full foliage kept 
Doffed of the flower but never the splendor 
Where leaf-confetti is scattered and swept 

This is the season of Nature’s stark beauty 
Before heavens unfurl winter’s oriflamme 
Flinging white featherdown o’er town and country 
Muffling the brittle ballad of Autumn

This is the season of brook song refurbished 
Gone to seed thistle-weed-parachute flight 
Caught on a current of sunbeams, dusk-burnished 
Glint of gold gossamer soon lost to sight 

This is the season of Collected Treasure
Bloom dappled meadow, an echo of Thought
Playing back pictures of picnic-lunch pleasure 
Crooning a postlude of  'forget-me-not'

This is November; the month to remember 
All those who fought for ‘true North strong and free’ 
This is November; the last glowing ember 
On a hearth kindled with Expectancy 

© Janet Martin

An Oldie to remind us there is 

No 'Free' in Freedom

Somber and steady up a tree-lined street
A stream of solemn soldier-ranks are led,
As sun-beams dance to the drummer’s beat
Filtering through the branches overhead
Beyond the tears and past the arc of trees
The music of a small child’s laughter swells
Stark contrast to the mourning infantry
Bowing beneath the tolling of the bells

Then, as the weeping bag-pipe song exalts
The melody of sweet Amazing Grace
Then, as the banner-covered coffin halts
For it has reached its final resting place
Then, as the last note fades the cannon flies
Its echo fills the air from shore to shore
Yet pales in the wake of a mother’s cries
“There is no ‘free’ in freedom anymore

Put down your banners, lay down your guns
My sweet baby boy has died
Tributes, salutes, many battles won
Won’t bring him back” she cried
“Take away all the roses for nothing will be
Like it ever was before
The price of freedom is too hard for me
There is no ‘free’ in freedom anymore”

Freedom (part two)

Upon Golgotha’s rocky skull-strewn trail
A teaming, screaming throng of hatred surged
Swarming around a form blood-bathed and pale
Upon a place called Calvary they converged
Wild, wild with rage wages hate’s vicious roar
No one remains to defend Love unbound
Stark contrast to the cheers and praise before
Where palm-tree branches waved and decked the ground

Then as the violent blows of steel on steel
Accentuates the horror on the hill
Then, as they drive in hatred nail by nail
Against Love’s cries of ‘Father, not My will’
Then, as they praised and raised Life’s blood-stained cross
In victory, death’s maddened thousands roar
As Mary, his mother weeps for her loss
“There is no ‘free’ in freedom anymore

Take away your hammers, lay down your swords
My dear precious son has died”
As the lightning flashed and the thunder roared
There at His feet she cried
“Take away all your hatred, your jeers and chanting
For you have slain my Lord
Take away all your weapons and cease your ranting
There is no ‘free’ in freedom anymore”

There is no ‘free’ in freedom, Love pays a price
Where hellish horrors run
There is no ‘free’ in freedom, its sacrifice
Save in Christ, is never done
There is no ‘free’ in freedom, red the river
That flows on its behalf
There is no 'free' in freedom; its signature
A blood-stained autograph

© Janet Martin

Tuesday, November 10, 2020



I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession 
and thanksgiving be made for all people— 
1 Tim.2:1

last week's list just keeps growing!!

Did you feel God’s arms surround you with an ineffable peace? 
When the cry of my heart found you did your weight of worry cease? 
Did you sense Someone far greater step beneath your heavy load? 
Did you meet with your Creator on fear’s dark Jericho Road? 
Did you wonder at the whisper that seemed to come from thin air? 
Did you recognize your Master as He ministered through prayer? 
Did you feel His arms around you as you struggled up faith’s hill? 
When the cry of my heart found you, did He whisper ‘peace be still’? 

© Janet Martin

Our Father who art in Heaven
Grant us the courage to pray 
Thy Will be done
And faith to trust Your reply
For Thine is the Kingdom,
The power and
the glory,
 forever and ever,

One of my favorite renditions of this song!

One Awesome God


From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, 
the name of the LORD is to be praised.
Psalm 113:3

What a hallelujah hymn the heavens played this morning!!

"And so, once more Mercy’s compassion spills and fills the sky 
And holds back Heaven’s legions for the sake of you and I "

Today's Daily Bread Devotion,
inspired today's poem with this line;

"There’s One whose arms are open wide to receive us 
when we acknowledge our wrongs and seek His forgiveness. "

There's One whose arms are open wide to welcome seekers in 
Where forgiveness is not denied when we confess our sin 
Where redemption and mercy meld in love’s atoning claim 
And salvation is not withheld from all who trust His name 

There's One who cannot bear quite yet, to seal Time’s Day of Grace 
And rend the veil twixt here and There when all will see His face 
For God so loved the world that He gave His Beloved Son 
To pay sin’s gruesome penalty for each and everyone 

There's One whose perfect will it is that none should be cast out 
When faith beholds the promises that many scorn and doubt 
And so, once more Mercy’s compassion spills and fills the sky 
And holds back Heaven’s legions for the sake of you and I 

© Janet Martin 

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession 
and thanksgiving be made for all people— 
2for kings and all those in authority, 
that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
 3This is good, and pleases God our Savior,
 4who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
 5For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, 
the man Christ Jesus,
 6who gave himself as a ransom for all people. 

Monday, November 9, 2020

Settling the Doubt-Duel (With No Doubt About It)

Can you pick figs from thistles?

There is no doubt about it; By our fruits we are known 
Can we pick figs from thistles; or pluck grapes from a stone 
There is no doubt about it; we reap the seed we sow 
God is not mocked; and it is He who said that it is so 

There is no doubt about it; time is a transient toll 
And none can know the hour that shucks body from the soul 
There is no doubt about it; the tricks that we employ 
If we are apart from the Vine will never yield full joy 

There is no doubt about it; we fight an enemy 
There is no doubt about it; Someday, the recompense 

There is no doubt about it; we prefer kiss to kick 
And comfort’s pretty flower to conviction’s thorny prick 
There is no doubt about it; we are a broken breed 
Dependent on God’s mercy to supply our daily need 

There is no doubt about it; waiting is hard to bear 
But oh, how oft its anguish authors our most humble prayer 
There is no doubt about it; in the fist-a-cuffs of life 

There is no doubt about it; the Lord gives and He takes
And we are called to bless His name for He makes no mistakes
For there's no doubt about it; we come with empty hands
And we can carry nothing past this cast of sea-swept sands

There is no doubt about it; the greatest of these, love 
No other power can eclipse or ever be enough 
There is no doubt about it; if we seek God, we find 

There is no doubt about it; no matter what we face 
If we believe, will never be beyond God's realm of grace 
There is no doubt about it; after life’s race, my friend 

© Janet Martin

Sunday, November 8, 2020

God Is Love. Love is not God

Declaring the end from the beginning, 
And from ancient times things that are not yet done, 
Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure,’

Love does not annul the law.
Love is the fulfillment of the law.

Seems sometimes like we live in a world
that wants the fruit of righteousness 
without the righteousness
...wants the blessing of obedience
without the obedience
...wants the love of God
without the law of God

"well, I believe in a God of love"
said someone defending an immoral life-style.

God is love. Love is not God 
Love does not wrong-doing applaud 
Love is patient and Love is kind 
And true love keeps God’s decrees first in mind 

God is love. Love cannot lie 
Or wink at sin with easy eye 
Love does not defend negligence 
Or ignore blatant disobedience 

God’s love and grace are absolute 
His holiness, none can refute 
His love grants no excuse for pride 
Through Love’s/God’s righteousness man is justified 

God, author of salvation gave 
His Son the soul of man to save 
Love does not seek the wants of ‘me’ 
But is the pinnacle of true humility 

Love leaves no room for jealousy 
It honours God’s authority 
Love does not carelessly approve 
Of counterfeits masquerading as love 

Love is preeminent and just 
His confidence worthy of trust 
For love is noble, sincere, true 
Love needs not fear what a mere man may do 

Love fulfills; it does not annul 
The law and prophecy, faithful 
Love is the Perfect Judge because 
He, the perfect example proved love’s laws 

God is love. Love is not God 
Lest we love’s purity defraud 
We ought to repent of our sins 
And find the only place/grace where love begins 

© Janet Martin 

Love has no 'gray' areas...

Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; 
but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.

Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, 
for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. 
9 The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,”
 “You shall not steal,” “You shall not covet,”[a
and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command:
 “Love your neighbor as yourself.”[b
10 Love does no harm to a neighbor. 
Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.
Romans 13:8-13

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Fond Farewell-Forge

We are always on the verge of Fond farewells,
but hallelujah, we are also always on the verge of Hello's unfolding rose.

Farewell is love's most Bitter Sweet!

How, after all the autumns 
Where spent leaf-laughter lies 
Does Time’s meted momentum 
Still take us by surprise 

After being buried in snow 5 days ago
this autumn summer is ever so much sweeter!!

Ah, manifest momentum 
Of seasoned gravity 
The swaying of a pendulum 
We feel but cannot see 

Over harvest-cropped landscape 
A wave of hunger heaves 
Farewell is always taking shape 
In the summer of leaves 

How, after all the autumns 
Where spent leaf-laughter lies 
Does Time’s meted momentum 
Still take us by surprise 

…to force the heart to wrestle 
With tides it cannot vex 
Where Farewell is a vessel 
Laden with what is next 

Life’s white heat on love’s anvil 
Forges fond farewell’s art 
But cannot touch or trample 
The showcase of the heart 

So, as we ponder hours 
Where farewell fills the room 
Remember, hello’s flowers 
Are bursting into bloom 

…to steep life’s dusk or autumn 
With wonder to behold 
Gilding the most commonplace frond 
In etching of pure gold 

© Janet Martin

the past few dusk's have been 
as earth's echo-land is etched in gold

To everything there is a season, 
A time for every purpose under heaven:


Friday, November 6, 2020

There Is No Getting Around It...

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

No matter who we are
However great or small
There is no getting around it;
Pride goes before the fall

No matter who we are
However rich or poor
There is no getting around it;
God's promises endure

No matter who we are
Humble or full of pride
There is no getting around it
God's laws and love abide

Janet Martin

Proverbs 29:23
A man's pride will bring him low, but a humble spirit will obtain honor.

Matthew 23:12
For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

1 Peter 5:5
Young men, in the same way, submit yourselves to your elders. And all of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble."

Proverbs 16:18
Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.

Proverbs 8:13
To fear the LORD is to hate evil; I hate arrogant pride, evil conduct, and perverse speech.

Proverbs 18:12
Before his downfall a man's heart is proud, but humility comes before honor.

Proverbs 11:2
When pride comes, disgrace follows, but with humility comes wisdom.

I Wasn't Going To But...(The Futility of Excuse)

 PAD Challenge Day 6:

For today’s prompt, write an in medias res poem. 
In medias res means in the middle of the narrative. 
Or think of it as starting in the middle of the story 
instead of at the very beginning or very end. 
Like at lunch time or half way through eating your soup.

The Futility of Excuse

Confessions of four
the morning after
The sleepover...

it was 
it was
 Krispy Kreme
It was easy to eat
three or four
They were airy
It didn't feel scary
to devour
a dozen
or more.

Confessions of a Housewife...

I wasn't going to
but the afternoon
was gold and blue
and the wind was
and flirty
So I stayed outside
and therefore 
that is why
the windows 
and floors
are still dirty


Confessions of Concession

I wasn't going to
but then
I walked, smack-dab
into a pen
It looked at me
so pitifully
I couldn't just
walk by,
could I?

For in a pen
trembles, hidden
A veritable
We'd never see
If everyone
just used a pen
for things like

So when 
that pen
with silent plea
looked up 
at me
what could I do
but try to free
the agony
of poetry
from view

© Janet Martin