Showing posts with label sunday wordle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sunday wordle. Show all posts

Monday, February 27, 2012

Like Pipe-smoke on a Sultry Summer's Eve

You weave
through my senses
I’m entranced
by your lips
as they brush
my thought
in an ethereal kiss
and memories murmur,
a spiraling blush
into the dense
warm twilight hush
like pipe-smoke
on a sultry summer's eve
your presence
softly, you weave
your way to me
over cumbersome answers
with questions never breathed,
truth cementing
fact into place
Still, I remain
touching your face
reluctant to call it a day
though moments pelt
the deepening silver-gray
like snowflakes melt
they fade away
into history’s expanding clutch
without tangible touch
Oh, it’s strange
how thought can stray
needing no map
to guide its way
across oceans
of twilight nothingness
to you...


Monday, February 6, 2012

Virgin Moon

She walks in exile on the sky
or roams twixt lofty billows
etched in metallic-gilded dye
the earth, an argent pillow
She fuses daylight to the dark
Until the latch of twilight
Clicks; as the first resilient spark
Hinges the eve to midnight
And all the ruins of broad day
Which boldly scar life’s meadow
And all the dubious shades of gray
Tinting the lengthened shadow
Dissolve within the mystic spell
Their petulant rebellion
She weaves no staccato farewell
As stars in countless million
Bedazzle her infinite halls
No lovers dart can lure her
For none can climb the ethereal wall
To tarry in her parlor
And none can kiss her cheek so fair
Then kindly beg her pardon
Her silver tresses sweep the air
Her teardrops bathe the garden

© Janet Martin

The moon...she looks cold and lonely tonight...J~
Written for the The Sunday Whirl.


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Little Day

Where do you go and how little day?
Translucent feet touching earth’s fringe far away
as golden sun flames in a coral sea
Permeable moments of serenity
born, yet swift as a breath is exhaled
gone; frozen, impaled on history’s field
shocks decking a luminescent hill
Where anguish and ecstasy bond mutual soil
And a new day startles the dark’s solemn girth
In fresh potential of misery or mirth


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Daylight's Aftermath

The sun has tread the corridor
From dawn to twilight’s edge
The shadows, crisp and silver-blue
Recline on earth's broad ridge
As time, the great philosopher
Without apology
Inhales the spectacle of day
To depths of history

The woods sweep up against the sky
In dark still-life designs
Embellishing the modesty
Of winter’s dormant lines
As thoughts like dotted ellipses
On phantom skeins of thread
Emphasize vain memories
On reels inside my head

I contemplate the rush of years
A surface calmly stealing
The aftermath of smiles and tears
And even as I'm kneeling
Yet, still the moments haste away
With silent resolution
As one lone star pins back the day
In twilight’s dissolution


The wordle fit in excellently with some pictures I took while the sun was setting tonight...Thank-you Barbara and Brenda.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Forgotten Pond

It sleeps upon a still and frozen hearth
Forsaken, as the flash of childish dream
Attended by the Gardener of earth
Bejeweled by stones that line the bubbling stream
And I must go to this forgotten place
Of pine-thatched roof and rain-washed breathing space

A gate cannot dissuade my wanderlust
I’m drawn by leaf-notes fluttering aloft
Intoxicated by musk-laden dust
The wind is curved against me, cool and soft
I grope to touch the effervescent breeze
More hope have I, to rebuild memories

Veiled moments; thousands, pass in obscure schemes
The breath of nature’s grace dissolves their cry
There is a time to work and time for dreams
I spread my fantasies against the sky
Cattails like stalwart guards, cajole the fronds
Lacing the banks of long-forgotten ponds

It sleeps upon a still and frozen hearth
Jade broach garnishing winter’s stark lapel
Dazzling, rare, within its hidden berth
Ancient, forgotten and so beautiful
A jewel amongst the pine and cedar hush
Heaven dropped a sparkle from its brush


The pond lay beneath this pine-thatched roof
I saw it yesterday, on my afternoon trek through the woods.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Sudden Undoing

Who could have expected such numbing pain

Or that something as completely mundane

As a shovel

Leaning against the plum-tree

Would be the undoing

Of carefully protected stitches

Loss has many faces

And leaps from unwary places

The wind cannot set a-drift need

Anymore than a thousand friends

Can replace the missing of you, my love

How perpetually longing can bleed

Easily, as yarn unravels from torn sweaters

Memories spill from tear-worn letters

And mere thought cannot stop its undoing

‘Darling, remember our pledge at the plum-tree, because’

Your words blur; a shovel is futile

When trying to bury the past... and us


Monday, December 19, 2011

On Finding Contentment

Contentment is not found within
The resurrection of the past
If I could be a girl again
A year would soon be memory-cast

The citizen of earth is born
With naught but dreams on which to fly
Time states its wealth by what we learn
He wins the game who dares to try

Trouble and luck have lucent wings
Both happen to the faint or brave
To hope in resurrected things
Is but to lag in history’s grave

Contentment is not something sought
Nor found in memory’s purple mist
Contentment lives within our thought
In moments only that exist


…but if they could resurrect that old willow-tree, I would be content to climb it:)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

New Year's Eve Party...for Two;)

Vanilla-scented moments, smooth as silk
Melt on Time’s subtle trivet
Dripping over its crusted precipice
Without an inkling of thought
Mission completed
Fodder for genuflection
Air laden with desire
Amorous fantasies
Morphing reality...

...Somewhere a dog barks
As December becomes January


These Prayers are not Vanilla

A light on a precipice high above life
My bark laden down with its cares
But my mission will not succumb to this strife
I’m kept by my dear mother’s prayers

It’s more than a subtle inkling of hope
More than an amorous poem
In foam-crusted tempest my vessel will cope
As my mother’s prayers lead me home

Faithful trivet in life’s testing flame
A glow in the chill of December
In my mind I hear her whisper my name
As I genuflect and remember

Janet Martin

Sunday Wordle words are; 1.December, 2.vanilla, 3.precipice, 4.subtle, 5. Inkling, 6. Bark, 7.crusted, 8.laden, 9.genuflect,10. mission, 11.amorous, 12. trivet

Okay, the title is a stretch, I admit…but I wanted to use vanilla!

I also had not quite used up all my light-house ideas from 'real-toads' this week so this is what decided my theme for the first crack at these words...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Remembering Forever

The rhythmic swish of the dark ocean waves

Conceals the horror of uncharted graves

The warm dappled sunbeam sparkles and leaps

Over lost tombs in decade-pleated deeps

Across whitewashed sands carefree children run

Where once lay man with a prayer and a gun

As shell-fire and smoke and bloody tears fell

Bathing the shore in red rivers of hell

Nostrils burning with the grim stench of death

Time; precious yearning in every breath

As hatred and love and grief are laid bare

In volleys of terror piercing the air

Delirium offers tormented bliss

Twixt strident reality and her kiss

The rise and pitch of after and before

Launches the dying to a one-man war…

There is no glory in war; it may seem

As if its stories are simply a dream

Though they may emit a teardrop subdued

Or feelings of anguish and gratitude

Can we reignite what seems to be lost?

An appreciation for freedom’s cost

Across white-washed sands happy children run

Freedom’s banner gently blows in the sun…


Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Perfect Shade of Blue

Ragged, clouds, rusted out, nods, glaze, blade, bridges, drag, stretched,

straighten, rolling, beginning,

every now and then I still can see it

spilling from the ragged edge of a cloud

or tinting frost-glazed crab-grass

beneath the bridge

where we sat, dreaming out loud

and heaven would pass

softly beneath fingertips

and smiling lips

as long, barefoot afternoons

stretched across our sighs

reaching to the blue moon

and we would drag our toes across

the gurgling surface of June’s beginning,

but the rolling force of love's rushing streams

straightens our lop-sided fantasies

pointing our faces forward instead of back

to where I still can see

the perfect shade of blue

before you closed your eyes

and cold November's sky

nods over rusted-out dreams.


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Yours Forever

Forgive, shoulder, topples, shallows, bolt, broken, gathered, dancing, drop, burst, causes, feet, hoops.

My thoughts of you like shadow-hoops
Skim o’er the dancing shallows
I feel you warm against my mind
And cold against my shoulder

I gathered once, so tenderly
Your words easily spoken
Dreams topple in futility
As hearts lay sadly broken

To forgive you is easy, love
Forgetting seems unending
I cannot drop like work-worn gloves
The causes I’m defending

The door to you I cannot bolt
Or seal with firm endeavor
My feet may seek unbroken roads
My heart is yours forever

Janet Martin

Sunday Wordle

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Another Wordle

Morning intrudes on the darkness, and scrawls

A rose tinted circle onto night’s concrete walls

Its paint washes over the dull cobbled stone

Fearful hope and deep longing rival for the heart’s throne

Some view the dawning as an adventure ahead

Others feel the weight of its noose ‘round their neck

Earth’s temple is silent; the air is as still

As the church with no parishioners against the blue hill

A myriad of wishes rides on the sharp breeze

A sigh with no face stirs lost memories

…and suddenly I remember I am not alone

The signs of God’s mercies awake with the dawn.

Janet Martin

Lamentations 3:22-23

After witnessing Light break through a seemingly dense wall

I was inspired to pen one more wordle.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

More Than Impressions

Occasionally, in this temple beneath strolling cloud
Away from the jostle and shove of the crowd
I worship, as night recedes in slow-motion.
It is no accident, this moment in time
Though darkness may clutch this temporal clime
Light can move through shadow, a soundless ocean
Dispelling the gloom beneath the sky
As the bustle and chat of passers-by
Consumes this tranquil breath upon the sod
I look up; the sacred silence is beginning to wane
Outside these walls, day must begin again…
To toil, to shop or play on this quest to death and God
Janet Martin

Thank-you Viv, for this delicious combination of words.
There are so many directions in which they could lead!