Friday, February 28, 2025

A Give-Me Benediction

 And just like that February is over!!!

Don't you love the sound of a kettle whistling
the prelude to a cup-sized vacay?!!

Give me a kettle that whistles the lyrics
Preceding a cup-sized vacay
Give me a nook with a book and a window
To nurture a noon-getaway
Give me a morning, gold-polished with sunshine
And gladness for mercy renewed
Give me enough lack to keep me from nursing
A heart of ingratitude
Give me a child, innocent and eager,
Brimming with curiosity
Give me an ear that is always half-hearing
Snatches of untamed poetry
Give me the eye of Beholden Beholder
Where earth and sky glory abounds
Give me a cup, though its handle is broken
That joy over joy still confounds
Give me a will, not my own but contented
No matter what today brings
To trust the Giver whose Hand has oft mended
And tuned my oft off-key harp/heart-strings
Give me the goodness of grief-tutored chatter
Rich with mutual sympathy
Pleasureful cadence of voices and laughter
To frame in fond memory…
Give me love’s splendid delight, fierce yet tender
As season-tides rise and fall
Remind me when love cheers the charge of the duty
No task is too common or small
Give me the beauty of daylight departing
In backdrops of deep indigo
Give me a soul not afraid of the smarting
Waiting beyond every hello
Give me the kind of trust that kindles courage
Come whatsoever yet may
Give me a kettle that whistles the welcome
To a cup-sized holiday

© Janet Martin

Give me the eye of Beholden Beholder
Where earth and sky glory abounds...

Give me a nook with a book and a window...

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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!