Friday, January 31, 2025

Farewell, dear January...

January has been watered with many a private tear
and strengthened through many a private prayer!
Thank-you, everyone who has been part of this army
of casting our cares on God!

January granted some much needed down-time,
though not totally by choice but due to 
a variety of cold and flu bugs... 

January has given me a start in tackling
some long-procrastinated tasks;

January has thrilled my snow-loving 'inner child' with heaps of it!!
(good, old-fashioned winter in Ontario)

January always makes me extra-thankful
for warm homes and simple, wholesome food
gathered in glorious summer...

Prepping veg frittata and sweet-potato fries (an air-fryer fav!)

January has blessed me tenderly,
 with many words and mementos of love
from thoughtful friends and family

January is such a wonderful way to begin
a New Year; its slower pace
(if we discipline ourselves to make it so)
grants us opportunities to reflect 
on days/God's faithfulness past
and reevaluate our goals for hope's ahead.

Yesterday Victoria (daughter)
remarked how January flew by!!
yet, Christmas seems so long ago!
I agree!!

To every thing there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
Farewell, dear January...

Farewell, sweet January days 
Of earth tucked beneath stars and lace...

Of, 'oh, how can I count the ways'
I love your slower, simpler pace...

Of home-sweet-home contentment's blaze
Of tea-pot where happiness steeps...

Of awnings that command awed gaze
As heavens crown snow-swaddled sweeps

Farewell, sweet January days 
Of earth tucked beneath stars and lace
Of, 'oh, how can I count the ways
I love your slower, simpler pace
Of home-sweet-home contentment's blaze
Of tea-pot where happiness steeps
Of awnings commanding awed gaze
As heavens crown snow-swaddled sweeps

Farewell, dear January lull
The threshold of another year
If the Lord wills, of push and pull
Of laughter's vim and heartache's tear
  Where birth and death will lend life's best;
Love's utter joy and utter grief
Where Abraham's God still will test
Faith's untried measure of belief  

Cheers, January, bittersweet  
While Old Man Winter huffs and blows
We find a comfy window seat
To watch five-star bird-feeder shows
While wiggling toes in cozy socks
And giggling at bickering breeds
Where a flurry of feathers rocks
 Tables replete with supplied needs 

Farewell, fond January hours
Farmer and gardener's respite 
Before a fresh season of flow'rs
And fields to plant, awe and excite 
Farewell, fleet, fickle afternoon
Still twilight's early, easy prey
Before we welcome the glad boon
Of February's 'longer day' 

© Janet Martin

Cheers, January, bittersweet  
While Old Man Winter huffs and blows
We find a comfy window seat
To watch five-star bird-feeder shows...

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Oh God, The Giver of Our Days...

Create in me a clean heart, O God; 
and renew a right spirit within me.

Yesterday on Facebook, my youngest sister
 shared a treasured memory, from three years ago...
all the more treasured now,
 because never again will we three be together 
on this side of Heaven!
(I'm so thankful someone offered to take a picture of the three of us)

Click HERE for the last pic of the three of us,
on Lucy's last birthday...
(We three were together on my birthday in June as well
but no one thought to take a picture)

From left to right, Marlene, Lucy, Janet

Loss fine-tunes our hearts to the holiness of Today, doesn't it?!
because we are reminded that we never know
 what tomorrow will bring! (or today!)
Oh, how this perspective humbles our thankfulness for...
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, 
and cometh down from the Father of lights, 
with whom is no variableness, 
neither shadow of turning.
James 1:17

Oh God, The Keeper of our days
Anoint our lips with hymns of praise
For thy safe-keeping through the night
For mercy, kindling morning light...

Oh God, the Giver of our days
Instill in us a heart of praise
And fill our thought, not with want's trove
But with Thy hope, joy, peace and love
Waken anew, Thy sacred call
To serve Thee from morn to nightfall

Oh God, The Keeper of our days
Anoint our lips with hymns of praise
For thy safe-keeping through the night
For mercy, kindling morning light
For Thy faultless and faithful will
Thy perfect purpose to fulfill

Oh God, the Taker of our days
Instruct us in Your righteous ways
Equip us with Thy armour, Lord
The shield of faith, the Spirit's sword
In labor be our strength and might
In pleasure, be our pure delight

Oh God, the Lender of our days 
Evoke in us believing praise
To trust, rather than understand
The law of love's perfect command
And recognize, with humbler bent 
This Gift of Day that thou hast lent 

Oh God, beholder of our thought
Teach us to treasure what we ought
Where mercies past, in vast amount
Are far too copious to count
Then God, kind Giver of our days
Overflow humbler hearts with praise

In the Name of our almighty and everlasting God,

© Janet Martin

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Paramount Appraisal...

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or empty pride,
 but in humility consider others more important than yourselves. 
4Each of you should look not only to your own interests,
 but also to the interests of others...

'Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, 
do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.' 

Galatians 6:2
Carry one another’s burdens, 
and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

Romans 12:10
Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. 
Outdo yourselves in honoring one another.

A new day scales earth's eastward edge 
Worlds reappear to sight
As God maintains His ancient pledge 
Of seasons, day and night...


What are you up to today?
I am only doing childcare one day a week right now
and that day is Wednesdays
so I am enjoying the company of two
eager, affectionate and energetic little boys...

Ah, what we do with where we are and what we have, my dear
Is of far more Importance than at brief glance, may appear
Where train of thought (and sometimes not) turns into words and deeds
And what we say and do turns into potent, scattered seeds
Then, when the sum of it takes root and the shoot is full grown
We bear witness to steadfast truth, 'by fruit the tree is known’

Ah, what we do with here and now is how lifetimes accrue
No turning back, no leaping over present moment’s due
Where no one is forgotten, or of insignificance
No matter who or where we are, action bears consequence
So then, what matters most (because we all will give account)
Is what we do with what brims from time’s invisible fount

Ah, what we do with what may seem to deftly disappear
Is worth a second look because of what remains, my dear
From God’s goodness and mercy, morn’s fresh opportunity
And if we ask, He helps us who-wherever we may be
To do our best with what we have, not what we wish we had
This is the day the Lord has made to rejoice and be glad

…and recognize the value of a Prize we press toward
Where the fruit of the tree effects recompense of reward
For, what we do with what we have will verily become
Something we ought not to ignore; a lifetime’s sacred sum
Does this not stir humbler regard for what we have, before
Life's fruit is gathered into baskets of Forevermore….

© Janet Martin

Monday, January 27, 2025

Regarding Life's 'Musts'

Today's post was inspired, in part,  by a comment Jim (my husband, a truck driver)
 made this morning, as he envisioned another week 
of snowy roads, winter driving etc...
Not in disrespect to my 'I will pray for you'
he simply stated the matter of fact/must;
'all your prayers don't take away the fact that I
still have to face the weather and the highway...'
What a picture of life for all of us!!!
 and what a comfort of love!
When we pray for each other, 'for God to guide and keep'
the prayer does not take away the 'road ahead'
  but suddenly, gloriously 
a miraculous transformation takes place!

We go from this...

to this!!
(oops!! I missed a word in the reference below but
drawing is way too challenging for me to attempt a do-over 😂😐)
also, a glimpse at what happens when I look at the clock and g-a-a-a-asp!
“I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee”;

Life's storms come, and pass
just as one 'must' precedes another!

No matter what we say to someone
we cannot take their 'Must' away.
(Jesus, in Gethsemane, though he pleaded was not spared)
We cannot travel their stretch of highway,
we cannot carry their cross.
We can walk alongside each other and
encourage each other, but we cannot
do each other's 'must'.
How wonderful then, the holy opportunity
free to all, to ask God to help us,
 to hold our hand and to go before us.
We don't have to face life's 'musts' alone!
Oh think about this;
We alone, are responsible for our fellowship with our
Heavenly Father; surely the most sacred 'must' of all.
May we pray, as Jesus in Gethsemane prayed , 'not my will, but Thine!'
Or in the Lord's Prayer, 'Thy will be done'.

Isa.45:2-3 & 5-8
“I will go before you
and level the mountains; 
I will break down the gates of bronze
and cut through the bars of iron.
3I will give you the treasures of darkness
and the riches hidden in secret places,
so that you may know that I am the LORD,
the God of Israel, who calls you by name...

5I am the LORD, and there is no other;
there is no God but Me.
I will equip you for battle,
though you have not known Me,
6so that all may know,
from where the sun rises to where it sets,
that there is none but Me;
I am the LORD, and there is no other.
7I form the light and create the darkness;
I bring prosperity and create calamity.
I, the LORD, do all these things.
8Drip down, O heavens, from above,
and let the skies pour down righteousness.
Let the earth open up that salvation may sprout
and righteousness spring up with it;
I, the LORD, have created it.

Read the whole glorious chapter HERE


Life's burdens must be borne
Its highways must be trod
Its holy unknowns must be faced
Either fear or faith-shod

Its mornings must be met
Its tests must be endured
Its tempests must be weathered, pray
Hope's Anchor is secured

Life's deserts must be crossed
Its hurdles must be leapt
Its battles must be won or lost
Promises must be kept

Its choices must be made
Its voices must be heard
Its sorrows must be suffered, for
Love's due is undeterred

Life's lessons must be learned
Through much-mistake accrued 
Its crown of wisdom must be earned
Humble pie must be chewed

And each of us must choose
How we will heed life's call
Whether we will trust or refuse
The God who loves us all 

Life's burdens must be borne
Its highways must be trod
Its unknowns, betwixt morn-to-morn
Never too hard for God 

© Janet Martin 

Being a transport truck driver in the winter
is not for the faint of heart!
Will you pray for their safety and encouragement too?


...There is no other God but Me,

a righteous God and Savior;

there is none but Me.

22Turn to Me and be saved,

all the ends of the earth;

for I am God,

and there is no other.

Lyrics-Songwriters: Thomas Mosie Lister

… In the dark of the midnight have I oft hid my face
While the storms howl above me, and there's no hiding place
'Mid the crash of the thunder, precious Lord, hear my cry
Keep me safe 'til the storm passes by
… 'Til the storm passes over, 'til the thunder sounds no more
'Til the clouds roll forever from the sky
Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand
Keep me safe 'til the storm passes by
… Many times Satan whispered, "There is no need to try
For there's no end of sorrow, there's no hope by and by"
But I know Thou art with me, and tomorrow I'll rise
Where the storms never darken the skies
… 'Til the storm passes over, 'til the thunder sounds no more
'Til the clouds roll forever from the sky
Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand
Keep me safe 'til the storm passes by

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Joy Beyond All Compare

Happy Last Weekend of January 2025...already?!!

Last Sunday evening a much belated birthday celebration was enjoyed
(due to many cold and flu postponements)
in honour of the little lad who turned Jim and I into grandparents!

Happy 8th birthday, Grandson

Many, O LORD my God, 
are Your wonderful works which You have done; 
And Your thoughts toward us  
cannot be recounted to You in order;
 If I would declare and speak of them, 
they are more than can be numbered.
(find the whole glorious chapter at the end of this post)

The goldfinch doffed of yellow...

 is a dapper fellow still...
Though winter dims bright colour with a layer of brown twill...

The landscape, green and golden...

 or tucked beneath snowy fleece
Is like a priceless painting; a four-season masterpiece...

The heavens as they declare God's glory o'er all the world ...

The bud, arousing wonder for miracles, still unfurled
 Stirs in the human heart a hymn that overflows its brink 
To see God in creation is life's sweetest joy, I think...

In living rooms where laughter celebrates a birthday boy...
(before the ruckus, as little sister from across the table contributed a mighty PUFF!!!)

The goldfinch doffed of yellow is a dapper fellow still
Though winter dims bright colour with a layer of brown twill
The landscape, green and golden or tucked beneath snowy fleece
Is like a priceless painting; a four-season masterpiece 
The heavens as they declare God's glory o'er all the world 
The bud, arousing wonder for miracles, still unfurled
 Stirs in the human heart a hymn that overflows its brink 
To see God in creation is life's sweetest joy, I think

How small and trusting is the hand that tugs on mom and dad
Or Gran and Gramps; how suddenly love makes us humbly glad
For things we dare not forget to thank God for every day
Lest love we take for granted is suddenly drawn away
Wakening us to a more purposed response to God's grace
With ears to hear and eyes to see each other, face to face
In living rooms where laughter celebrates a birthday boy
To see God in our loved ones is surely life's dearest joy

Ah, I am wrong. When laughter's song is turned into a prayer
When sorrow tugs are more than hugs as farewells fill the air 
When teardrops fall and all that we can do is lean on He
Who is a Very Present Help in times of misery
For all who are inducted into ranks of those who mourn
He comforts us; and never fails us when hearts are grief-torn
He who knows love's great suffering does not forsake us there
Ah! to see God in sorrow is joy beyond all compare 

Janet Martin

Ah, I am wrong. When laughter's song is turned into a prayer
When sorrow tugs are more than hugs as farewells fill the air...

Ps.40 BSB (Berean Study Bible)

1 I waited patiently for the LORD;

He inclined to me and heard my cry.

2He lifted me up from the pit of despair,

out of the miry clay;

He set my feet upon a rock,

and made my footsteps firm.

3He put a new song in my mouth,

a hymn of praise to our God.

Many will see and fear

and put their trust in the LORD.

4Blessed is the man

who has made the LORD his trust,

who has not turned to the proud,

nor to those who lapse into falsehood.a

5Many, O LORD my God,

are the wonders You have done,

and the plans You have for us—

none can compare to You—

if I proclaim and declare them,

they are more than I can count.

6Sacrifice and offering You did not desire,

but my ears You have opened.b

Burnt offerings and sin offerings

You did not require.

7Then I said, “Here I am, I have come—

it is written about me in the scroll:

8I delight to do Your will, O my God;c

Your law is within my heart.”

9I proclaim righteousness in the great assembly;

behold, I do not seal my lips,

as You, O LORD, do know.

10I have not covered up Your righteousness in my heart;

I have declared Your faithfulness and salvation;

I have not concealed Your loving devotion and faithfulness

from the great assembly.

11O LORD, do not withhold Your mercy from me;

Your loving devotion and faithfulness will always guard me.

12For evils without number surround me;

my sins have overtaken me, so that I cannot see.

They are more than the hairs of my head,

and my heart has failed within me.

13Be pleased, O LORD, to deliver me;

hurry, O LORD, to help me.

14May those who seek my life

be ashamed and confounded;

may those who wish me harm

be repelled and humiliated.

15May those who say to me, “Aha, aha!”

be appalled at their own shame.

16May all who seek You

rejoice and be glad in You;

may those who love Your salvation

always say, “The LORD be magnified!”

17But I am poor and needy;

may the Lord think of me.

You are my helper and deliverer;

O my God, do not delay.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Stick your Nose Into a Tulip...(and other simple pleasures)

A week ago my cousin gifted me this midwinter splash of spring...
the initial inspiration for today's poem

For a taste of spring, when it's not!
and other simple pleasures...

Stick your nose into a tulip...

Sip some lemon-spritzed delight...

Page through gardens, picture-perfect
Waiting while the world blooms white...

Take a 'tropical' vacation
Via pages in a book...

Dream a summer celebration/destination
On the bank of frozen brook

Stick your nose into a tulip
Sip some lemon-spritzed delight
Page through gardens, picture-perfect
Waiting while the world blooms white

Take a tropical vacation
Via pages in a book
Dream a summer celebration
On the bank of frozen brook

Make the most of words like 'cozy'
Before tasks of sweat-and-till
Unearth work gloves resting easy
For a little longer, still

Stoke home-fires with thanksgiving
Thank God for warm, fuzzy socks
Say a prayer for people living
Under bridges in a box🙏💔

Be content to sing and putter
Make a decadent dessert
(never mind the extra butter) 😉😅
A few winter treats won't hurt 

Chuckle at the chubby junco
Watch the birds without a clock
Dictating strict marching orders
With nothing but tick and tock

Pour a second 'second coffee'
Mindful of a subtle string
Drawing winter, like a tugboat 
Closer and closer to spring

Tromp/ski through snow-swaddled creation
With an ear tuned to a clime
Where green and violet arrangements
Will emerge in perfect time

Though the sunshine, brief and sallow
Cannot melt the snowy strand
We know soon its warmer yellow  
Will trump Old Man Winter's hand

 So, stick your nose in a tulip
Sip some lemon-sparkly bliss
Page through gardens, picture-perfect
While the sun fine-tunes her kiss

Janet Martin

Pour a second 'second coffee'...

Chuckle at the chubby junco...

Watch the birds without a clock...

Song by Keith & Kristyn Getty
Magnificent, marvelous, matchless love;
Too vast and astounding to tell.
Forever existing in worlds above,
Now offered and given to all.
Oh fountain of beauty eternal;
The Father, the Spirit, the Son.
Sufficient and endlessly generous:
Magnificent, marvelous, matchless love.
Creation is brimming with thankfulness,
The mountains, exultant they stand;
The seasons rejoice in Your faithfulness,
All life is sustained by Your hand.
You crown every meadow with color;
You paint every shade in the sky;
Each day the dawn wakes as an encore of
Magnificent, marvelous, matchless love.
How great, how sure;
His love endures forevermore.
Magnificent, marvelous, matchless love.
What grace, that You entered our brokenness;
You came in the fullness of time.
How far we had fallen from righteousness,
But not from the mercies of Christ.
Your cross is our door to redemption;
Your death is our fullness of life.
That day, how forgiveness flowed as a flood:
Magnificent, marvelous, matchless love.
How great, how sure;
His love endures forevermore.
Magnificent, marvelous, matchless love.
United in Your resurrection,
You lift us to infinite heights.
Could anything sever or take us from
Magnificent, marvelous, matchless love.
How great, how sure;
His love endures forevermore.
Magnificent, marvelous, matchless love.