Saturday, January 4, 2025

Till Death Doth Part Is Not Word-art...

Mark 10:7-9
 7‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother
 and be united to his wife,
c 8and the two will become one flesh.’d 
So they are no longer two, but one flesh.
9Therefore what God has joined together, 
let man not separate.”

For all who are married
 or thinking of marriage,
or thinking of ending a marriage,
something to consider/ponder...

What God has joined 💕💗
He will sustain
through ups and downs of love
'as long as both shall live' remain
He will His witness prove...

No, not our anniversary,
no, no wedding today
Just pondering the inescapable,
exhaustless common ground
 of love

Before any marriage fails
a friendship fails first.
May this year be filled with
refreshed and restored friendships!! 

God will not fail
all who humbly and sincerely
ask Him for help and wisdom.

Till death doth part is not word-art by signatures undone
Love's solemn vow does not somehow recant as time goes by
These words 'I do' are woven through God's hands; two become one
A covenanted knot, God-wrought, only death can untie 

Husband and Wife are thus, for life; marriage, a Mystery
Where what was two with this 'I do' is transformed into one 
And no rebate can separate the sacred filigree
As vows of love are sealed above, only by death undone 

For better-worse is not a curse but a glimpse of God's heart
To have and hold while dreams unfold much to learn and forgive
 And keep the vow no matter how many urge 'one' to part 
Airing 'just cause' as if this was mankind's prerogative 

We are not God; and too oft awed by what is not Enough
Like pride of life, or selfish strife or trusting mortal ken 
God's word is true; He helps us through the thick and thin of love
Till death doth part is not word art, but God with us. Amen 

© Janet Martin


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!