Monday, February 7, 2022

For Faith-Olympians

Whether our 'fight/race' takes us to the Olympics, Ottawa,
across the world or close to home, the ultimate finish line is the same!
Face to face with He who is the author and perfecter of Faith!

This is not for nothing
This race of faith we run
For all who remain faithful
Will hear God say 'well done'

Though full of test and trouble
This race of faith we run
Is for the joy still waiting
When God will say 'well done'

Then, though we may grow weary
We spur each other on
So we may all be present
To hear God say, 'well done' 

Could any Prize be sweeter
After faith's race is run
Than to behold faith's author
And hear Him say, 'well done'

Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses,
 let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us,
 and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
  2looking unto Jesus, the [a]author and [b]finisher of our faith, 
who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, 
despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

In the Olympics, competitors see the finish-line or at least its proximity...
not so with faith; faith is certain of what it cannot see!

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things not seen....

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.
For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Oh God, you know our first impulse is not to honor You
Human nature is not humbly inclined to pray things through
Faith is the substance of things hoped for before we receive
Where we would rather touch, taste, see, hear, smell, than just believe

To keep desire tamed and tuned to righteousness and peace
Requires us to seek You first for love’s faultless increase
The Mystery of things not seen confuses and deceives
If first impulse prevails and doubts You rather than believes

The greatest of these, love, adapts to every shape and size
Where the race set before us does not guarantee the prize
The Author and Perfecter of faith helps us to achieve
The victory only if we love, obey and believe

Oh God, You know our first impulse inclines to vindicate
When confronted with evil injustice of greed and hate
Help us to love our enemies lest we Thy Spirit grieve
For the joy set before us let us endure and believe

Let faith fuel in us an Olympian energy 
To run toward the Evidence we know but cannot see
God, free us from the sin that would a worldly view perceive
Fuel us with the certainty You give when we believe 

© Janet Martin

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Of Love's True Joy

Recovering from the bug I had last weekend has left this poet a bit beaten in mind and body
(thus a few fewer poems this week)
But not without much laughter and joy amidst love's/life's lows/ frustrations. 
Yesterday I enjoyed the company of two favorite tots. 
Here they are waiting with Auntie  for some lovin' from the oven...

a little later, when asked if it tastes yummy Grand-sonny replied rather mildly,
'um, it's okay. They're not crumbly and they are homemade'

Kids are so delightfully honest 😂

These two fill this grandma's heart with utter delight and also sometimes utter frustration. 
This morning I couldn't understand why the house was FRIGID. 
Turns out my two favorite tots turned the furnace off! 
My frustration comes from thinking they are old enough to know better! 
How often God must shake His head at us 'tots'
 who are also 'old enough to know better'
 but we are a trying lot to train. 
Love covers a multitude of sins! hallelujah!
1 Pet.4:8
Above all, love each other deeply, 
because love covers over a multitude of sins.

The heavens laugh, His autograph always a perfect work of art...

Though yearning-lorn and learning worn we rise and shine and press toward
The places where God’s graces flare in the face of love oft ignored
Kindled anew, the gold and blue of mercy’s dew anoints the hour
And overflows yon height that glows with outer fringes of His pow’r

Life’s bubble-burst is trouble-cursed; joy’s sorrow is as old as time
The grin and groan of skin and bone all part of love’s rhythm and rhyme
Its highs and lows comprise, compose the faith that grows into a seed
The goodness of God’s love enough to exceed the vortex of need

The rise and fall of beck and call would crown a hollow undertow
Where bitter-sweet litters a beat of holding on and letting go
Where ebb and flow of yes and no would fuel a futile employ
But for the One that wills the dawn and fills its fount with love’s true joy

We, weighed with care thus made for prayer are darlings of our Father’s heart
The heavens laugh, His autograph always a perfect work of art
Though scoffers scorn, He authors morn, soft, soft above sight’s fret and fuss
Fresh fathoms of goodness and love cascade from God to likes of us

© Janet Martin

Off we go on a morning full of new mercy!

Thursday, February 3, 2022

A Someday Song

I didn't get a picture of Victoria's car stuck. So stuck.
because we were busy shoveling, shoving, etc to no avail till
my brother came to help!
The bright side...
I simply could not come up with a third-last line for this poem
till then😅

On a regular basis tot asks for 'window up?'

...remembering the good old days of no snow

Sometimes they ask for picnics outside and I say someday...

Someday we’ll fling our windows wide
And let the glorious outdoors in
The wind will warm the countryside
Where we will all be starry-eyed
To see another spring begin

Someday we’ll take our tea outdoors
And set a table in the yard
Neath leaf-laced limb, on green grass floors
While robins sing and sunshine pours
Like scenes on a vintage postcard

Someday without a second thought
We will not need the time it takes
To bundle up each toppling tot
No missing mitten to be sought
No floor dotted with snow-melt lakes

Someday no knee-deep white on white
No breath-clouds on the chill-sharp air
No field and garden tucked in tight
Beneath a blanket of starlight
No icy walkways to beware

Someday we’ll lie with eyes half-shut
On banks beside the brimming brook
No more shov’ling ‘cause car-is-stuck
For winter will be nothing but
A picture in a storybook

© Janet Martin

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

A Picture of Perfection

February debuted in a blaze of glory!

 A picture of perfection is a morning, mercy-kissed...

Across the seam where earth and heavens fuse new day is drawn
Conflagration of blush and blues crescendo; it is dawn
The brunt of Being braces for fresh graces, soon the art
Of gossamer-like faces pressed to windows of the heart

A glamorous delight is kindled on yon hearth of pink
First rush of silence mingles with brushes and wells of ink
So, we delay the pressures of love’s dawn to dusky gait
Worship partakes of pleasures only God can orchestrate

A little like a flower breaks the bud once hard and cold
The trembling of an hour wakens petals that unfold
In sight and scent profusion like sweet honeysuckle mist
A picture of perfection is a morning, mercy-kissed

A little like an arbor spangled with hope’s purest wines
Like lower heights entangled in tendrils from Heaven-vines
Today tumbles in fairness, not from some strange far-off place
But, (oh, humbling awareness) from the garden of God’s grace

© Janet Martin

Thankful to be feeling, not best, but much better!
Thank-you everyone who expressed concern💗

Psalm 36:5
Thy mercy, O LORD, is in the heavens; 
and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds.

Let us search out and examine our ways,
And turn back to the Lord;
Let us lift our hearts and hands
To God in heaven.

Monday, January 31, 2022

Let It Be...Winter!

And just like that, January 2022 is a memory!
Wow! Winter months really do seem to pass far
too swiftly to be fretted over!
(My truck-driver husband definitely begs to differ😅)

The distance between dawn and dusk 
dissolving ever-so swiftly...

We will soon be warmed with wonder
Where the orchard stark and still
Will burst with pale chiffon plunder
Of first blossom’s pastel frill
Where the creek, now sleek as satin
Will lure bare feet to its brink
And the children will laughin’
And the calf learnin’ to drink
And the mother will be singin’
In a world of blush and jade
And the garden will be ringin’
With the peal of hoe and spade
And the meadow will be gleamin’
With the aftermath of white
Where the whole world will be beamin’
With a poet’s sheer delight

Then, let winter be the willow
Bronze brush-stroked on brooding blue
Let it be a sequined pillow
The landscape of spartan hue
The midday third round of scrabble
While a vault of stars is spilled
While the birds twitter and squabble
Over feeders freshly filled
Let it be the woodstove’s glory
Days; the height of home-sweet-home
The vicarious life through story
-books; frost-fretwork of a poem
Let it be the bluff and bluster
Of Old Man Winter’s ‘hell-o-o-o ‘
Let it be the joy we muster
As he flusters plans with snow

Let it be the love of lamplight
Cup of tea and fireside chair
Knee-deep trek through rose-swept twilight
Autumn melted on the air
Let it be the wind berating
Dusk's unruffled shadow-piers
Poised between seasons in waiting
And the waft of yesteryears
Let it be the love of knowing
Every day is gone too soon
Reduced to a pale fringe glowing
Crisp dark singed with crescent moon
Let it be the rush of oceans
Tossed, white-glossed across the lea
Where Time’s salty spray is frozen
In a fray/frame of memory

© Janet Martin

Perfect For Love

The evils of this world cannot keep kindnesses at bay
Then give utmost attention to its Beauty every day
And live as if this life was heaven-lent for love alone
To be part of a mission that cannot be overthrown
To bite our tongue when stinging words could slip and hit their mark
To never mind if no one sees but God (He sees the heart)
And to do unto others as we would they do to us
To be gentle and patient; rather than shake fists and cuss
Because kindness is something that this world could use more of
No matter where we are, today is just perfect for love

© Janet Martin

Wouldn't it be wonderful if when God opens our
ledger of deeds on That Day it would reveal
one recorded kindness after another?!

2 Corinthians 5:10
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; 
that every one may receive the things done in his body, 
according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

I have been the recipient of a few kindnesses already today!
My sister and daughter texted to ask how I am feeling 
after a few days being 'under the weather.'

Though not completely recovered 
I am thankful to be feeling a bit better today.

Two of my sisters and I went on a walk on Friday afternoon.
It was very cold but beautiful.
I got a bit chilled as we sat in this gorge(ous)spot and chatted for a bit.
Maybe, if I was vulnerable that was the final nudge.

And be kind to one another, 
forgiving one another, 
even as God in Christ forgave you.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Contemplating the Incomprehensible...Love of God


To love You enough, God, to forget about 'me'
May this my daily desire be.

The Love of God- Mercy Me

1 John 3:1
Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, 
that we should be called children of [a]God! 
Therefore the world does not know [b]us,
 because it did not know Him.

The love of God,
Oh, cherished thought
Enough to satisfy
To turn our gaze
From lesser ways
That deceive and defy

Love without end
Oh, what a friend
Is more faithful than He
Who bids us come
And depart from
Profitless vanity

God, rich in love
Enough, enough
Ah, may our witness prove
The joy and peace
Of want’s release
Perfected though His love

How dear and sweet
Where fears compete
With faith’s meek confidence
To trust in He
Whose love sets free
An army of defense

The love of God
Oh, wondrous thought
While endless ages roll
Our melody
Of joy will be
The love that saved the soul

The love of God
Ah, thought cannot
Such vastness comprehend
The fullness of
The kind of love
That doth sinners befriend

That doth forgive
So we may live
Each day, devoutly awed
As we embrace
His gift of grace
The boundless love of God

Such love, proven
When through His Son 
Redemption crushed the foe
Enough, enough
This God of  love 
None but his loved ones know

The pleasure of
The lesser love
Of leisure's thirsting laud
Cannot console
Or fill the hole/whole
Shaped for the love of God  

© Janet Martin

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[k] 
neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 
 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, 
will be able to separate us from the love of God 
that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Friday, January 28, 2022

Of Footfall Frames

Each day is a 'footfall frame'! (no! not a football game. that's in a few weeks)😅
May we pay careful attention to the echoes we are composing
that will fill its frame tonight and eventually the frame of a lifetime!

Today a man I worked for, for eight years in days gone by, Merlen Kropf is being laid to rest.
Due to ongoing covid-restriction making traditional funerals impossible,
many will pay tribute to him by lining the streets of his hometown as the funeral procession passes.
We all have our own set of precious memories to accompany our tears...
And even though he lived to a ripe old age, 
Numbered Days is such a brief stage!

While I was employed by him
Merlen honoured me by taking a genuine interest in my love for writing poetry.
(a very busy businessman! Can you believe it?!)

Below is one from the archives that they put in their Christmas grocery flyer.

He often invited me to write something at Christmas for the flyer 
or the L&M Christmas Banquet 
one of those poems being In Search of Christmas Day,
many years later recorded by Scott Woods Band

I loved taking great pride in the instore bakery showcases and shelves
Below, photos of a few old photo-album pages

(And as I met Merlen occasionally throughout the following years
he took such a kind interest in my life/family
 and paid many beautiful compliments!)

Death makes us ponder more somberly
 the footfalls we are leaving behind
(doesn't it?!!) 
on this common ground of today!

This, while a Freedom Convoy rolls toward Ottawa
and passions are running at all-time highs in many Canadian breasts...

'God keep our land glorious and free'

as we are all part of a Convoy rolling toward eternity!
What/Who is fueling our cause?!!

The footfalls of a cast soon Past are rolling through the land
Where choice becomes the voice that draws its pictures in time’s sand
Where recompense of consequence always follows the act
No matter how we try to thwart the matters of this fact
Then pray as we step onto dawn’s fresh stage beneath our feet
For love, more kind and tender love for everyone we meet

How easily we prove by choice, what whets our appetites
As we move toward finish lines where we have set our sights
Desire is a fire that burns in each one of us
While morning unto morning turns into The Day That Was
Then pray desire’s flames are fueled not by spite or greed
But by love, kind and tender love for we of common need

The rise and fall of reason rolls with the call of the cause
Where carriages of Deathless Soul are like frail wisps of gauze
That appear for a little while and then we are no more
The echo of footfalls soon muffled by Now’s crowds that roar
Then pray, as each today is soon snuffed by a starry sea
For love, more kind and tender love to be our legacy

How long the Aftermath of Moment holds its frozen sway
How ever-so-important is the toll of day-to-day
Where, God, not time, is on our side and works for our good
If we love Him; then pray we love each other like we should
Before this life God grants becomes ‘their’ flood of tears that brim
Where how we love each other proves the love we have for Him

© Janet Martin

This verse is included at the end of Merlen's obituary

For God so loved the world
that He gave his only begotten Son
that whosoever believes in Him should not perish
but have everlasting life
John 3:16

Oh pray our lives may mirror His love in us
to our fellowman!

You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor i and hate your enemy.’
 44But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,
 45that you may be children of your Father in heaven. 
He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, 
and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 
46If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? 
Are not even the tax collectors doing that?
 47And if you greet only your own people,
what are you doing more than others? 
Do not even pagans do that? 
48Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.