Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Because Of His Mercy...

"He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy.
 He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit,
 whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, 
so that, having been justified by his grace, 
we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life."

You are invited to join us as we worship on Good Friday

and Easter Sunday!

Harmonica players have a special place in my heart
so I chose this version of a favorite hymn for this post


Does mercy not make worth the while of ‘smile and try again’
For mercy meets us in each mile it metes, of joy and pain
Life’s flight of forward measured mien would be a fear-filled Must
Without love’s merciful Unseen to anchor hope and trust

Oh Lord, increase faith’s sacred claim, as we press to the Prize
Let Your Name be the only name our worship magnifies
Let the sword of the Spirit (which is your Word) be our might
For by your mercy, we are brought/bought from darkness into Light

May the mercy that you have shown fill us and overflow
From vessels made of skin and bone, so everyone may know
That You loved us so much you sent Your Son to pay the price
So that no one may perish but all have eternal life

Because of your mercy oh Lord our faith is not in vain
By Your mercy grace has restored mankind to You again
The deceiver, the enemy of God is overthrown
Once and for all you shed Your blood sin’s verdict to atone

Your sacrifice has washed away the need for bull and ram
For blood of beast could never pay, only a perfect Lamb
So by the mercy of the One who beheld Calvary
I AM became the scapegoat for the likes of you and me

Oh, let the wonder of such love give weary souls a lift
God loves each one of us so much He still holds out His Gift
Of ‘all who believe will not perish but will be forgiv’n
And receive everlasting life; not death and hell, but Heav’n

Mercy holds wide the door; the Ark of Safety is not sealed
Look up, do not ignore the stripes whereby mankind is healed
Whereby Hope is an anchor though life's storms may surge and toss
Mercy secures faith’s armour in the power of the cross

© Janet Martin

Surely He took on our infirmities and carried our sorrows; 
yet we considered Him stricken by God, struck down and afflicted.
 6We all like sheep have gone astray, each one has turned to his own way; 
and the LORD has laid upon Him the iniquity of us all.…

...without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.

Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place
 by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us
 through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, 
 let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings,
 having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience 
and having our bodies washed with pure water. 
 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 
 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 
 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, 
but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

To God Be The Glory Forever

 To God Be The Glory

To God be the glory
He did not withhold
The wonderful story
The cross would unfold
From death’s scene, so gory
From grief’s gloomy knell
Christ rose in victory
Over death and hell

To God be the glory
Death did not prevail
For sinners so sorry
His blood will not fail
Faithful to the finish
He suffered the cost
Nothing could diminish
His love for the lost

To God be the Glory
His beloved Son
Fulfilled His Love Story
With ‘Thy will be done’
Knowing Mercy’s offer
Would make scoffers laugh
Yet willing to suffer
On scorner’s behalf

To God be the glory
Whatever we face
Is not without mercy
From love’s nail-scarred grace
Whatever the sorrow
We must suffer through
To God be the glory
For He suffered too

To God be the glory
All who have believed
Will share in the Victory
That Jesus achieved
Through Redemption’s story
Of Never Again
To God be the glory
Forever, amen

© Janet Martin

Lent to Lose (in order to find)

On Sunday our message was from Matthew 16
 including the challenge in verse 25;
"For whoever wants to save their life will lose it,
but whoever loses their life for me will find it."

Oh, how easy it is to forget
Life is a gift, lent!
...a gift with sacred reckoning
on how it is spent

This poem is inspired in part,
by a family tragedy...

On Sunday night my nephew's 19 mo. old son went missing on their farm.
His body was recovered on Monday in a manure pump.
Please pray for strength and comfort
for my brother Stuart and their family and
esp. for my nephew and his wife, Charles and Andrea!

Sometimes the certainty of sorrow tries to steal the glow
And make us worry ‘bout tomorrow and what none can know
Sometimes senses of satisfaction lose approval’s nod

Sometimes the trouble we are born to tests want’s willful way
Tempting man with doubt’s first question ‘did God really say?’
For we see only the pieces; the picture as a whole
Must wait until God’s will releases body from the soul

Sometimes people are prone to ponder Mercy’s Upper Hand
But we were born to trust and wonder, not to understand
Born to find strength in surrender, not in a fist we raise
Born to be a humble spender of numbered, gifted days

Sometimes our own idea of what should or should not be
Makes us rebel against replies of ‘be it unto me
Sometimes sudden loss reminds us not to take for granted
What we soon will leave behind us, back to He who lent it

© Janet Martin




Monday, March 29, 2021

From a Fount That Forges Memories...

Happy 2nd Birthday, sweet grand-daughter!

...though without a doubt the celebration is bittersweet this year!
This is not quite the poem I had in mind but
 circumstance sort of moved the heart in this direction today!

Details here on

From a fount that forges memory’s fond mementos, mercy-lent
Pours the future to a suture that weaves pictures, echo-bent
Who knows what will flow from heaven to bestow laughter and tears
Where dawn kindles what dusk dwindles until ‘lifetime’ disappears

From the hand of God (no other, lest we confuse hierarchy
And forget the One who numbers days before one came to be)
From His hand, (the fount of mercy) time’s momentous stream runs rife
Until the will of the Giver returns to Himself, each life

Sacred is the surge of seasons, slowly reeling farewell in
Holy is the toll of twilight, siphoning the soul from skin
Precious is each gifted hour, arranged step-by-steppingstone
Faithful is the loving Father drawing his dear children Home

© Janet Martin

Your eyes saw my unformed body; 
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
 before one of them came to be.
Psalm 139:16

Divine Design (updated)

.(here is the update mentioned this morning)

Last night my nephew's 19 mo. old son went missing
on their farm.
His body was recovered today in a manure pump.
Please pray for strength and comfort
for my brother Stuart and their family and
esp. for my nephew and his wife, Charles and Andrea!

I will say of the LORD, 
“He is my refuge and my fortress;
My God, in Him I will trust.”
Psalm 91:2

The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer. 
My God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield,
 and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

But the LORD has been my stronghold,
and my God is my rock of refuge.

No matter what designs the must of trials we pass through
In Thee oh, Lord we place our trust; our refuge is in You
With gaping wounds of heart and soul, beneath the blows of loss
We plead for faith to make us whole by looking at the cross
For when life’s cup of joy is marred by sorrow’s agony
You reach with Hands redemption-scarred; our refuge is in Thee

The places that once brimmed with love and laughter’s harmony
Are full of tears, our visage dimmed with groaning sympathy
To Thee oh, Lord we pour our prayer; when understanding fails
Help us to place our burden where Your faithfulness prevails
To lean upon your promises for they are kind and true
No matter what designs the test, our refuge is in You

© Janet Martin


Sunday, March 28, 2021

Wealth of Wonder and Love


Wishing you a wonder-full and lovely day!

This morning is a gray, rain-drop spangled lake
rather than the golden wake of a few dusks ago...

What if this would be enough; life’s wealth of wonder and love?
What if we were satisfied with the joy that these provide?
What if our words would brim with thanksgiving’s heartfelt hymn?
What if this was happiness; finding more by wanting less

Life is rich when love/God is first; wealth of days, wonder-immersed
In spite of hard hills and holes, love and wonder still consoles
Waking worship’s madrigal, making life so worth it all
While we learn to cherish more, so much to be thankful for

Let's not seek plunder of stuff but more of wonder and love
Overflowing cups of praise from a decanter of days
Taking sparkles from life’s fount, making every moment count
Filling fortune’s treasure trove with wealth of wonder and love

What if, for all that we lack we found something to give back
Finding in love's kindliness the secret to happiness
Deepening, as years go, reverence for  'you and I'
Finding love and wonder's laud grounded in the grace of God

© Janet Martin

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts,
 to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. 
 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom,
 teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, 
singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Ah, This Is Faith

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering;
(for he is faithful that promised;)

We do not have the eyes to see the ins and outs of doubt and dread
We cannot know the high and low of ways and means that lie ahead
That happiness of Mercy’s ‘yes’ is but the prelude to its ‘no’
Ah, this is life, where joy and strife run rife through grace whereby we go

Sometimes we strain to seize the rose forgetting beauty’s brutal stem
And he who suffered painful blows beneath its thorny diadem
How mercy bore without reproach, the horror of Golgotha’s tree
He did not choose to use His throne to refuse God’s authority

For this is love, the author of each sacrifice we choose to make
Without reproach, but simply for the glory of the Giver’s sake
Who offered to give all He had to prove the Father’s love for we
Who could not bridge the awful gap between God and humanity

Then pray, today our goal would be to wholly, humbly honour He
Jesus, who did not despise us, though He could behold Calvary
The brutal blows, the blood-bathed woes before His triumph over death
Then pray today our goal would be to praise His name with every breath

...for this is hope, to know in Whom we have believed and fully trust
In He whose sacrifice achieved once and for all, redemption's cost
Ah, this is faith to hold fast to the truth that His Word has made known
Until we touch the scars that tell how death and hell were overthrown 

© Janet Martin

Friday, March 26, 2021

Invisible Onus


While waiting for wild gales to subside a bit before going out
I seized the extra-poem opportunity without delay 😊

Opportunity is a bud begging to bloom!

It alights on the break of day like bird upon a limb
It spreads its fare like a buffet waiting to be a hymn
A sacred supplication from the moment we awake
An open invitation to be willing to partake
To rich and poor its coffer spills, minding ability
So we may seize its offer; it is Opportunity

It grants the chance to hope and pray, to do the best we can
To work with what we have today, and love our fellowman
To be a good steward with what God allots to our care
And not get caught up in the fruitless thought-life of ‘compare’
To bear the yoke of circumstance with meek humility
Aware that life is like a dance with Opportunity

…a bittersweet succession of love’s laughter, pains and aches
It lets us learn life-lessons, not through failure, but mistakes
It does not shake its head and sigh of us, ‘it is no use’
But with each day of granted breath we are without excuse
By the grace of the Giver, to embrace what waits to be
Where life is like a river rife with Opportunity

…that spills its ilk of silk and steel in an ethereal sup
Sometimes a milk and honey meal, sometimes a hard road up
Where nope and yup pour from a cup without jangle and form
Where Hope is but a wraith-like rope that dangles in the storm
Equipped by faith that makes us whole, for Opportunity

© Janet Martin

As we have therefore opportunity, 
let us do good unto all men, 
especially unto them who are of the household of faith