Saturday, March 13, 2021

Some Of Them Are Spring

 There is so much to live for when the sun unwraps the earth

But we embrace sere sweeps to start, the heart wild with delight
At prospects of what waits beneath the waning deeps of white

Yes, we are straining at the bridle and chomping at the bit
to remove words like 'almost' and 'soon' inserted in the verses below 
From Song of Solomon 2:11-12

For, lo, the winter is (almost) past,
the rain is (soon) over and gone;
The flowers (will soon) appear on the earth;
the time of the singing of birds (almost) is come,
and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;

Yes, in Ontario we know there will still be snow
but this bit of spring-wink the past few days has kindled the fever!

Last week I clipped some lilac and apple-tree branches and put them in a vase
...this week, a bit of indoor spring!

There is so much to live for when the sun unwraps the earth
Like a grand gift of hills and rills and woodlands primed with birth
When birdsong fills yon paling arc as darkness melts like snow
And wonder is a hunter, hungry for floral hello
And nature to put on a show of green in every shade
As bud and bulb begin to flow with posy promenade

But we embrace sere sweeps to start, the heart wild with delight
At prospects of what waits beneath the waning deeps of white
Of garden-getaways and farmers stirring sacred dust
To plant a whole new season’s worth of earth’s ‘in God we trust’
For spring will always find its way, though it may take a bit
To convince Old Man Winter we are weary of his wit

The brook bounces with ballads, bubbling, sparkling melody
After cold bars that swung ajar and set its music free
The corner of the porch where we shivered and hunched last week
Now leaves a kiss of summer on the pallid, up-turned cheek
The hour of first flowers starts to nudge, tickle and tease
Bowers of thought that long did not indulge such fantasies

There is so much to smile and dream and sing for as the world
Waves like a beaming banner beneath God’s goodness unfurled
Where joy and grief will fill the sheaf of days, but not without
The mercy of the One who turns time’s season-wheel about
And threads the lusty loom of life with multi-coloured string
That always first runs through His fingers; some of them are Spring

© Janet Martin

Friday, March 12, 2021


We love, because love never fails
...then trust the Author of it
 to work out the veiled details

Love takes pleasure in other people's happiness-es... 

and big or small successes

Do you ever feel like there's no way, in the girth of need, to do/be enough?
How misunderstood; for there is no dearth when it comes to love
It is when Self stands in the way we sense love's lack thereof

No, we don’t need to know the details when it comes to love
So, we pour out our heart-and-soul, then God makes it enough
We give out of what His love grants (ah, nothing is our own)
As we entrust the circumstance to ‘Lord, Thy will be done’

Love does not count amounts and tally up dollars and cents
It does not keep track records of ‘the heart’s full abundance’
But rather replies humbly in the way only love can
Love does not seek itself, but firstly God, then fellowman

Love does not doubt the Author and Perfecter of Faith’s ‘yes’
But takes a flying leap and lands upon His promises
Where a small glimpse of Heaven spills as need relies on trust
Knowing full well that hell on earth is greed inflamed by lust

Love does not barter to augment miserly treasury
Love is an ardent benefactor, grieved by poverty
Love does not need to know the why and wherefore of it all
Learning that in the giving IS living love’s miracle

Love lacks nothing and does not ask for recompense for deeds
But is a sower that goes forth and scatters fruitful seeds
Knowing though needs are many, we will always have enough
Not by the worth of penny but by the Birthright of Love

© Janet Martin

 Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, 
compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, 
 bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, 
forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.
  And above all these put on love, 
which binds everything together in perfect harmony.

Today, More Than Word-play Melt-away

May today be more than 
prattle of word play
but rather a vison 
with a mission! 
(or is it mission with a vision😊)

Part of my mission today? window washing!!
(to clear the vision a bit😀)

Oh! and may the snow-melt continue!!

Yesterday morning-

-this morning!

As much as some of us enjoy word-play,
may today be much more!

Circumstance grants participants the chance to do our part
Compassion is a soldier that shoulders the faint of heart
Desire is a fire that requires dire care
Where altogether tethered, we weather its 'whether' (or not) share

Emotion is an ocean of devotion’s counterparts
Persuasion, the invasion of temptation’s subtle darts
Assumption is the gumption to conclude truth without facts
Pride is a deadly guide that flatters, lies, lures and distracts

Redemption is exemption from an awful debt we owed
Forgiveness the divineness of God’s grace to man bestowed
Belief, the capsheaf of achievement, arrogance undone
Salvation; liberation’s restoration through God’s Son

Poetry is the pottery from think-ink’s spinning wheel
Success is happiness with less rather than More’s appeal
Peace is release from fear, my dear, as trust hoists up its sail
With Hope, faith’s rope secured in promises that will not fail

Today is more than word-play on age-pages signed and sealed
Choice is a voice that needs no noise to have the heart revealed
Dawn is the spawn of opportunity’s brawn beckoning
Time is a stair we climb toward the Lord and reckoning

© Janet Martin


Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, 
as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 
 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. 
It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Happiness, Heaven-on-earth and Love

This poem was written with young parents in mind but
has something in it for us oldies too😉😄
(yes, it's muddy boots and wet-everything season!)
(because I do childcare some 'memories' stay quite fresh😅)

"Me? Trouble?!! 
How can you even think it?!"

It doesn’t always look like much; the noisy thick of it
Can spill and spread in such a way to make you ‘sick’ of it
Yes, you confess the mess is often quite more-than-enough
It doesn’t look like happiness, heaven-on-earth or love

You slip on the spaghetti that your darling toddler flung
Next week you’ll find one dried to the ceiling or a chair wrung
The toy-box you replenished at Christmas with eager joy
Is like a decoration ignored by dear girl and boy

Between lost socks-boots-mittens, you find scribbles on the wall
Where budding artists practiced while you answered a phone call
First signs of spring are tracked across the fresh-mopped kitchen floor
‘Enjoy these Best of Days’ says ‘Mrs. Old’ who lives next door

The sink is full of dishes while fridge and cupboard run bare
Baby is teething so you do not have patience a hand to spare
You sure could use the nap your youngster refuses to take
It would work such sweet wonders for your arms, back and headache

The bills are due, there are a few you had not counted on
Thank God for work and by His grace you’ll keep chugging along
…where Something steals your breath as only Little Tot can do
And you forget all but the precious face looking at you

Yes, it can feel like quite a fight, the messy ‘stick’ of it
Keeps you from understanding quite, the tender quick of it
But some day you’ll look back and see (like we did) sure enough
That this really is/was happiness, heaven-on-earth and love

(Optional ending)

(…the point to this ditty I guess is, whether young or old
In the middle of muddle-cuddle-mess-blessed hug-and-hold
Or past the place of youth and grace as we embrace ‘what’s next’
And wonder at the mirror-face, half-laughing and half-vexed

…we ought to try to take and make the best of where we are
Nobody needs to be perfecto or a super-star
But learn to count the beauties and the blessings one by one
Because no matter where we are, where we are is soon gone!)

© Janet Martin

Of Gray and Gold


At day break gold put on quite a glow 
before gray lowered/glowered to extinguished its show

Soon, should we live to see it through
Dusk will obscure dawn’s virgin view
Soon time will gather gray and gold
As chimes of tick and tock are tolled
To bygone’s immutable mold
In words we say and deeds we do

As we look back then on today
At scenes that none can brush away
Will echo-fray we leave behind
Be patient, true, gentle and kind
With fellow-trave’lers first in mind
Where gold and gray tones interplay

We cannot see what waits to be
Where gates fling wide to set it free
On teeming tides of come-what-may
We sail toward the close of day
In ebbs and flows, now gold, now gray
While making history

© Janet Martin

After a gray shower passed through
the sun has returned,
 working its golden wonders once more!

Looks like cross-country skiing is running to an end for this season...hopefully!
As much as I enjoy it I would never choose it over an early spring!

Ecccles. 3:1-8

There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
2 a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
6 a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
8 a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.

Me, with a basket of laundry to hang out
am glad for 'a time for gold'...

Little girl with a new, polka-dot umbrella, 
was wishing for 'a time for more gray plip-plop of raindrops'!
(it kinda looks like she might get her wish😊)
...looks like a true March gray-gold kaleidoscope kind of day today!

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

This Holy Hush...

'The poet’s heart within us craves the holy hush.'
This is the last line in yesterday's Daily Bread Devotion..
My oldest sister called around 8:00 to see if I had read it yet,
and if it inspired any writing at my end😀 (bless her heart)

I had read it a few hours earlier as a quick devotion 
before an early morning tots-arrival day etc. .Beautiful!
I tried to squirrel the sparks away hoping the iron (or ashes) wouldn't grow too cold...

This, the last paragraph in the devotional, felt a poem :

"Nature sometimes seizes 
our attention in ways 
we don’t like
. Regardless of what happens to us 
or what we observe around us, 
each moment—
or mundane—
can inspire 
our worship. 
The poet’s heart 
within us craves 
the holy hush."

By Tim Gustafson

'Worship inspired by the ways Nature applies its brush'

The poet's heart within us craves creation's holy hush
Worship inspired by the ways Nature applies its brush
Where That which no one can annul is strange and sweetly drawn 
Toward Something Invisible This Holy Hush will spawn 

In woodland's deep, or break of day, or plush-prism snowfall
Or twilight as it tucks away the rush of beck and call
Or earth after autumn has stripped leaf-mirth from lofty limb
Or August nights stippled with cricket-choir's vibrant hymn
...or as we bask in waning winter's pools of golden sun
Where heaven tips a blue flask full of gardens, dream-dirt spun
Or after tot is fast asleep and childish noise subdued
Like the calm after storms that little girls and boys exude 

In the crook of a countryside brook-bank as we recline
Wooed by a wand of willow-frond or wild cucumber vine 
Or as we gaze at silver haze of stars on black backdrop
Or as we drink the winsome ink of rain-song's drip and plop

Or as we taste the brickle from a 'cicle, maple-sweet
Or as we dash with dusty splash through pastures in bare feet
Or as we pause beneath the gauze of apple-blossomed arc
Something we cannot quite explain ignites a sacred spark

The poet's heart within us craves This Holy Hush, God-bent
Worship whispers awe's spark into a blaze of wonderment
Where That which no one can annul is drawn with tender stare  
 Toward Someone Invisible, but also walking there 

 © Janet Martin

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

More Than a Birthday Poem...

Twenty years old!
How can it be?!
No more teenagers in the family!
We are all blessed by your kind, sweet and sunny personality!
God bless you, Dear Daughter, as you seek to honour Him
with your choices, hopes and dreams

This is more than a birthday poem
To wish you happiness
More than a toast to hopes and dreams
And their smiling success
More than sweet sentiment’s flourish
Of tender, loving care
This is more than a birthday wish
My dear, it is a prayer

A prayer, that He who has begun
His lovely work in you
Would always be the Faithful One
You trust to see it through
A prayer for God’s grace to bestow
Faith enough to proceed
Knowing for all we cannot know
He knows just what we need

This is a prayer for joy and peace
(for this is happiness)
A prayer that wisdom would increase
And with it, thankfulness
A prayer that life returns to you
The loveliness you give
That God will shine His face on you
For as long as you live

© Janet Martin

The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
26 The Lord [a]lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.” ’

Num.6: 24-26

Monday, March 8, 2021

Pure Delight's Promise


This wall-art was retired from one of the bedrooms to make room
for fresh décor, so I claimed it for an empty wall by the front door
 to read again and again to remind myself how joy may remain full!

Psalm 37:4

If we delight ourselves in He
Of boundless creativity
Who authored sky and sod and sea
With infinite authority

In He whose promises prevail
Whose love does not falter or fail
Who stands with us when storms assail
When mountains seem too sheer to scale

In He whose plan instills the seed
To sustain our physical need
But did for far more intercede
When from sin’s debt mankind was freed

…who became sin who knew no sin
Once and for all, an offering
Who saw the triumph death would bring
After the cross of suffering

If we delight ourselves in He
Who overthrew the enemy
And denied death its mastery
‘Ah grave, where is thy victory’

If we delight in He who gave
His Son, each one of us to save
So when we brave death’s sullen wave
Heaven, not hell will meet the grave

If delight in He whose art
Steals our breath and death’s cold smart
He will fulfill with joy, His part
In the desires of the heart

© Janet Martin