Saturday, January 4, 2020

Love and Glimpses It Grants

Can it really be three years since hubby and I
were introduced to a whole new world of love; Grand-parenthood.
Happy Birthday Grand-sonny!

oh, what a joyful three years it has been!

First Birthday..
(Brantley has overcome his fear of blue icing 😊)

Second Birthday...

(third Birthday pics will wait till tomorrow.
they are recovering today from a 2:50 a.m. arrival home 
from the other grandparents in Nova Scotia
 after multiple delayed/rebooked flights!)

Love, what strange familiar angles
Tries the keeper of its prize
Wrangling from tender heart-tangles
Happiness cut down to size

Love, what lessons stun the creature
In the thick of its regale
As we learn to trust the Teacher
Of a law that does not fail

Love, what pleasure fills its laughter  
Love, what pain its sorrow braves
Love, life’s bitter-sweetest After
In the echoes it engraves

Love, a little glimpse of heaven
On this stricken sweep of sod
Love, like a gift always given
Let's us glimpse its Giver, God  

© Janet Martin

Friday, January 3, 2020

Hour After Hour or To We Who Believe...

He meets us in the moment
To fit us for the task
Where hour after hour
Till time falls at His feet
He offers us His hope and love
To make our joy complete

Ah, what more could we ask for
Than confidence to trust
Where hour after hour
As through His glorious power
He makes His presence known

© Janet Martin

 Psalm 38:9
O Lord, my every desire is before You; my groaning is not hidden from You.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Like A Year...


Whispers riot in the quiet aftermath of having held
Twilight’s timbre tugs within her as woman and welkin meld
Longing lingers pointing fingers where her flawed farewells run wild
Mercy murmurs like a mother tucking in her sleepy child

Moment-tempo metes mementos dripping from the ticking clock
Breath-soft flickers harden into pictures solid as a rock
My, the saber of her labour can sever scenes subtly
As she staggers ‘neath a dagger that twists with what cannot be

Today’s mirror is much clearer than the one she used to hold
When much younger, she honed hunger bent on panning for fool’s gold
Now she grapples with the apple of time’s eye; sunset, sunrise
Gaping at the echoes taking shape before her very eyes

Seasons meter bitter-sweeter in the afterglow of youth
Reason reckons where proof beckons from the faultlessness of Truth
Wisdom humbles pride with stumbles teaching her about God’s grace
While the hour drops its flower like a tear year none can retrace

© Janet Martin

Bottomless Think-well...

 Seems a ton of these are written regularly...
Moaning like a wind through winter trees

Love hones its works of art
Where ink of highs and lows
Becomes a poem in the heart
That word cannot compose

It runs its fingers through
Places we cannot find
And surges like a sea, deep blue
Through channels of the mind

Its broken dreams are strewn
Beneath time’s tender toll
It gleams in salty sparkles hewn
Like diamonds from the soul

It wells and spills within
Torrent of grin and grit
That fills a book beneath our skin
With poems never writ

© Janet Martin

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Optimizing, Upgrading and Downsizing

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession 
and thanksgiving be made for all people—   
for kings and all those in authority, 
that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.  
This is good, and pleases God our Savior,  who wants all people to be saved 
and to come to a knowledge of the truth.  
 For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus,   
who gave himself as a ransom for all people. 
This has now been witnessed to at the proper time.   
And for this purpose I was appointed a herald and an apostle—
I am telling the truth, I am not lying—
and a true and faithful teacher of the Gentiles.
 Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, 
lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing.
2 Tim.2:1-8

I am sharing the scripture reading from today's Daily Bread Devotion 
as a springboard to the New Year!
Thank-you dear reader, for stopping on this porch and my prayer this year is that 
each of us may grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 
To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. 
 2 Pet.3:18

Below is my traditional New Year's Greeting...
a card my grandparent's received years ago.

What if instead of fearing, doubting
Arguing, debating, shouting
Slandering, boasting, back-biting
Worrying, badgering, fighting
Fretting, betting, wishing, wanting
Warring, criticizing, taunting
Belittling and berating
Jumping to conclusions, hating
Moping, grumbling, heckling, pining
Gloating, preening, undermining
Imagining what someone said
What if instead
we just prayed

© Janet Martin

Happy New Year

Note; sometimes the written word can be misunderstood or confusing.
If I post something that requires correction please do not hesitate to contact me!