Monday, October 28, 2019

Ocean-Front Property Or Something Like It...

This past week left me somewhat fatigued 
so I took a Monday-afternoon sabbatical...sort of.
To 'feel' an autumn day!

I had not yet taken the time this month to read the October chapter in the book
The Shape of a Year. Below is a peek at why this book is now in my top ten favs...

There's something comforting in the counsel of a golden, olden tree!

An autumn day can make one feel as wealthy as can be
A little like home-owners of ocean-front property
With cause for celebration for what creation achieves
Where earth is like a shoreline washed with waves of wind-tossed leaves

An autumn day can make us feel like colour connoisseurs
Although, we are all always awestruck autumn amateurs
The heart can savour flavours that evade the poet’s script
And it can sense an intense Silence, smoking-ember dipped

An autumn day can make one feel free and forever young
It tugs us from to-do lists to catch salt-breeze on our tongue
Before it is too late to seize its opportunity
Pretending we are owners of ocean-front property

An autumn day can make one feel unworthy of its ways
How sacred seems the canvas whereon Season spills its trays
The brush that paints its pictures for each one of us will cease
But not before we are all part of mercy’s masterpiece

An autumn day can make one feel undaunted by its spawn
Each moment like a leaf, one of so many, here then gone
Until the afternoon is drawn across a deep blue sea
That swallows all but echoes of ocean-front property

© Janet Martin

'why ocean-front property?" queried hubby...
'because the wind through the leaves in the trees and grass sounds like
waves washing across a shore,' I replied 😊

Exposition of Fall's Fruition

 The first verse of this poem was written on Saturday morning then duty prevailed, partly
so I could take fresh pie to a get-together celebrating my five favorite 'f' words...
family, friends, fall, fellowship and food!

This morning Victoria and I could do more than 'wish to wander'. We did.

Tree sheds its maroon halo in a mantle round its feet
The thread that wove its shadow cartwheels across yard and street
Time’s stark realities that do not spare the heart it seems
Are razor-sharp and easily slice through the skin of dreams

The chill wind is a fist that grips us by our swaddled scruff
And scolds us like a child in tones that feel a little gruff
And still, we cannot get enough where sweet and bitter meld
Leaf-petals waft as soft as thoughts of newborns we once held

The breeze through brittle cornfields sounds like summer’s midnight rain
I close my eyes and almost feel July steal through again
And I am glad that some things never lose their ‘my-oh-my’
Like distant fringe of blue-mauve hills that hinges earth to sky

A pageantry of pleasantries poses before it pools
The loom that weaves the plume begins exposing wooden spools
Yet fills our gaze with wonder as if we had never seen
The autumnal unraveling of gold, red, orange and green

The grace that grants the glance that soon we chase with rake and broom
Like unorthodox dancers in a four-season ballroom
Is the same grace whereby we weather winter’s chilling Must
And helps us brave the tether that teaches patience and trust

Creation heeds its Master, never sacrificing awe
Where Beauty breeds new beauty while subject to nature’s law
It does not grapple with the author of Authority
But yields what soon will dapple fields with life’s shucked filigree

Tree sheds its crown of glory, sort of like a jewel-storm
We feel a little sorry for its naked, gnarly form
But still are drawn toward its brooding, wooing masterpiece
Where the Creator’s touch stirs praise that will and cannot cease

© Janet Martin

To Read a Poem, Dear...

 A few poems read and reread recently...

To read a poem, dear
Takes very little time
Like tids-and-bits of love and cheer
Proportioned into rhyme

It creates common ground
Where we of sundry walk
Are somewhat all together bound
By simple tick and tock

To read a little verse
Penned for thought’s benefit
Can turn intentions we rehearse
Into ‘just doing it’

…and helps us realize
In just a line or two
How literature in bite-size
Is quite easy to chew

A poem is a hug
Across the years and miles
To mediate their tender tug
With ink-anointed smiles

Where, though Time takes its toll
And proof of progress spreads
The elements of heart and soul
 Are spun with ancient threads

To read a poem, dear
(though some may think it strange)
Helps us to balance now and here
With things that never change

© Janet Martin

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Moment In Hand

 What a gorgeous morning!
For one micro-moment Victoria and I were caught wishing 
for freedom to wander autumn's frost-kissed wonderland, 
where the clock dictates so much of love and life's duties and desires.
"if there's one thing I've learned," I said to Victoria,
 "is just to make the most of the moment in hand so we don't
 miss the beauty of it because we were wishing for something else".

We don't live in a world without time-and-toil constraints. That's what Heaven is for! 
So we dash or dally and try to make the most of moments...

Night’s nebulous cocoon unfolds dawn like a butterfly
Time spreads its wings, alights upon earth’s plume and fills the sky
Where frosty kiss of Autumn while the world was still and dark
Has shattered nature’s colourful collage of leaf and bark
And scattered lofty orchestras that crooned all summer long
Beneath our feet, a music sheet of woodland’s remnant song

Come now, come now, my darling, do not weep for whispers spent
See how above our hunger Hope has pitched a seamless tent
And pulls us toward places we have never been before
Dawn’s virginal embraces draw us to a ballroom floor
To teach us how to try new steps in time’s determined dance
Where to sit on the sidelines is to miss life’s sweet romance

Earth’s heaven-glimpse of happiness unfurls its world of choice
Where we, without a word will give our utterances voice
Then pray we do not miss the melody moments compose
Or trample Mercy’s Butterfly perched on earth’s frost-kissed rose
For where so much is taken much remains yet to employ
The worship that when wakened overflows Hope’s cup of joy

Hello, sweet moment within reach, teach me to revel in
The awesome anthem trickling from an ancient violin
Help me to hear the harmonies that waft then softly fade
Into the prelude of arrangements waiting to be played
Where Mercy is the Maestro of most a momentous band
And we all hold an instrument of a moment in hand

© Janet Martin

Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit,
...speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
 singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord,