Sunday, September 22, 2019

No Matter What-Where-When-Why-How

 Yesterday we attended our niece's wedding.
It is common on such a day to hear someone (more midde-staged) remark
'they have no idea what lies ahead' or what they are getting themselves into"
just as we didn't and still don't!

But if we begin on the right path when we are young
with God as the Leader, what many a wrong turn we can avoid
and what a comfort when hard times come, 
(as a few of the young men
in this particular wedding-party have already been through;
death of parents etc) to trust in God.
These young men's speeches made me laugh as they shared loving memories 
and shed tears as they shared words of encouragement through faith in God!
(the only meaningful or true encouragement there can be)

(Haven't shared this song in a little while)

No matter what this life may bring
To alter what had been our plan
We know that nothing comes between
The faithful love of God to man

No matter where life’s path may go
Or what this very day betides
Through each Unknown still this we know
The faithful love of God abides

No matter when, why, how that we
Experience love’s chastening rod
What peace precedes the destiny
If we trust in the love of God

© Janet Martin

 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.
 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, 
neither angels nor principalities, 
neither the present nor the future, nor any powers,
neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, 
will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.…
Romans 8:37-39

Saturday, September 21, 2019

A Daybreak Hallelujah

Black, black as ink dons hints of mauve then swathes of pink and gold
The way the day moves night away is something to behold
And with the light the onward fight of wrong and right proceeds
The noise of griefs and joys employs the creature’s words and deeds

The sky is like a choir bursting into glorious laud
Dawn’s hour like a flower unveiling the pow’r of God
Arise, arise, time flies silk-soft, like silver thistle seed
And draws us to the Awesome Throughway to which all roads lead

But it is not in vain; pleasure and pain of gain and loss
If we commit to suffer it as soldiers of the cross
The Prize beyond what dies and dawns instills hope’s drills with worth
And bids us climb the grid of time with more in mind than earth

Come now and bow beneath the wreath of heaven’s majesty
And raise a hymn of praise to He who loves us perfectly
He crowns the frowns and ups and downs of love and life with light
Where black as ink unshackles pink that melts away the night

© Janet Martin

 Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,
    for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go,
    for to you I entrust my life.

Psalm 143:8

Friday, September 20, 2019

For Joy In Spite of Sorrow (a Thankfulness poem)

Many from our church community are mourning the passing of a beloved man (Doug Barnes) today
gone from the pain of cancer to the Gain of Meeting his Master!
Therefore we do not mourn as those who have no hope...

Brothers, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, 
so that you will not grieve like the rest, who are without hope.
 For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, 
we also believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him.…
1 Thess.4:13-14

Thank-you gracious Heavenly Father,

...for grace that first makes possible the faith to which we cling
And bids us bear with humble prayer life’s burr-and-nettle sting
For hope that helps us through hard times that hone faith’s sightless eyes
For Word infallible lest truth be twisted into lies

For Goodness to refuel love exactly where we are
For mercy’s kind renewal where dawn dims the morning star
For Beauty’s kind surprises none can claim the credit for
But marvel at He who grants glimpses of a distant shore

For seed instilled with yield enough to feed five-thousand plus
For Wisdom when knowledge is not enough to answer us
For One who never changes in an ever-changing world
But sets His Cornerstone beneath Time’s groaning days unfurled

For purpose so much purer than the gain and pride of lust
For peace past understanding though we suffer what we must
And when we reach the Parting that approaches day by day
What joy to know a Greeting/Meeting waits to wipe all tears away

© Janet Martin 

Thursday, September 19, 2019

But Ah, Ink

Sometimes after a particularly draining day
 I need a good poem-purge before I tackle the tail-end of tasks 😊

You walk through rooms that talk cannot quite enter, but ah, ink
Can drown out frowning skeptics and the fear that of what They think
You put your arm around my sigh and draw me to that place
Where chaos and commitment and clemency interlace

You do not bid me hurry for the clock is running out
But like a patient teacher you encourage when I doubt
You listen while I pour out fondest joy and deepest woe
And never tell me halfway through, ‘excuse me, I must go’

You probe beneath the surface, go where none have gone before
And urge the poet onward till the surge rushes the shore
You bid her brave the waters that her voice would never dare
Until your ink-splurge fathers something akin to a prayer

© Janet Martin