Friday, September 13, 2019

Daily Sufficiency

I had the post ready to go at sunrise, but no internet! 

From the vault where starred deep dims
Morning’s oath of mercy brims
Brands the beck and call of days
With hope’s everlasting ways

Dream and duty’s darling spur
Tests the best of him and her
Wrests from beneath hope’s ribbed cage
Love and laughter’s healing wage

Rise and shine for it is dawn
Pray a prayer and carry on
God’s mercy is undeterred
Grace sufficient is His Word

© Janet Martin

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Like a Flower...

1 Peter 1:24
For, "All flesh is like grass, and all its glory like the flowers of the field;
 the grass withers and the flowers fall,

James 1:10
But the one who is rich should exult in his low position, 
because he will pass away like a flower of the field.

Job 14:2
Like a flower, he comes forth, then withers away; 
like a fleeting shadow, he does not endure.

 This time  of year always re-reminds me of how man's days are like a flower...

Soon dust will claim its Must once more
In every bud and bloom it bore
And just like flowers flare-fade-fall
We too will answer Maker’s Call

Dusk garners in Time’s daily death
We fuss, and draw its gifted breath
Then live, laugh, love, and pray, my dear
All that we have is now and here

Who can the scythe of Time evade
Who can escape the reaper’s blade
Who can the wrath of God endure
So, make salvation’s calling sure

..for who knows when death’s bell will toll
When dust will claim all but the soul
When we will falter like a flow’r
On the altar of Final Hour

© Janet Martin

Summer-heart Solace...September!

 A bunch of collages to give a glimpse of this poem's inspiration...

Cricket-concertos; no one needs a ticket
Front-row grass-bleachers to sunset-crowned thicket
Sun tans soft-swaddled in warm-knitted strings
September mingles sweet-summer-fall things

Cinnamon, persimmon-turmeric splashes
Summer and autumnal madrigal clashes
Kindling keened senses to Time’s roan and gray
Drawing earth’s chariot of flowers away

Fear-of-frost warnings and morning a-glitter
Dewdrops enhancing web-spun art of spider
Mountain-ash garnet against sapphire sky
Goldenrod glory runs wildly awry

 One day a scorcher, the next day a-shiver
Wind through the orchard sounds like a rushed river
Poplar tress quivers, silver violin 
Tucked 'neath an invisible minstrel's chin

Want and wish wavers where sun-shadow dapples
Fruit-havens laden with laughter and apples
Who can lament such a season as this
September soothes summer-hearts with fall-bliss

Gardens are bursting with bounteous offers
Cooks cater to its comestible coffers
So much to harvest from doubt’s faithless snare

Breath-taking worship to Time's Tender Lender
Moon rise and sunset in synchronized splendor
Who but our God could contrive such a show
Eyes to the heavens from earth's wee plateau

September sutures the wounds we would suffer
But for its dusky, musky beauty-buffer
Where summer-hearts feel farewell’s tender tug
September wraps us in a big bronze bear-hug

© Janet Martin

Evaluating the (Not-So) Hidden Motives

I have no regular posting time these days.
But, often if I have a poem on the go then kiddo's nap-time
allows a little window of opportunity to share it 😊

I couldn't really decide what photo relates to this poem
 so I chose some that showcase my motivation to plant a garden/zinnias!

What motivates us to the means
Of what we give for what we get
What drives us like half-mad machines
Toward the goals not conquered yet
What in the world makes us most glad
Most satisfied or deeply sad
If God stripped us of skin and bone
Who would He find on our heart’s throne?

What spins the wheels of want and will
What pleasure bids us suffer pain
What feeds our hunger for a thrill
Is it true love or selfish gain?
Sometimes when discontentment taunts
We ought to double-check our wants
And weigh the breath of would-be-boast
With who or what we cherish most

What fires our rise-and-shine
Or would we rather not confess
What drives us to the finish-line
Or fuels dreams of happiness
What, when the coin of time is spent
(and this is A Most Certain Thing)
Will who/what we valued with its Cent
Make worth the payday death will bring

© Janet Martin

How many of us absolutely live with the verse below as our utmost value?

What is more,
 I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth
 of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord,
 for whose sake I have lost all things.
 I consider them garbage,
 that I may gain Christ

Phil.3:8 NIV

...or, the KJV takes it even beyond the word 'garbage'!

 Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss
for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord:
for whom I have suffered the loss of all things,
and do count them but dung,
that I may win Christ,

Phil.3:8 KJV

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Of Vows Renewed


Lest we forget
Let's live as if
Today was life's final amen
Lest we forget
Let's love as if
We might not ever meet again~

 © Janet Martin

Remembering those who lost loved ones and those lost 18 years ago!



On Giving Thanks

 It's the Time of year when Thanks Giving reasons multiply by bloom-lent bushel!

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
1 Thess.5:18 KJV

Because giving thanks is no spectator sport
And because Christ died once for all
No one has no reason to worship the Lord
Who authored and honours Love’s call

Because giving thanks changes complaint to praise
And makes us more humbly attuned
To blessing and beauty that showers our days
To mercy, each morning renewed

Because giving thanks spears the darkness with light
And touches our sorrows with joy
No one has no reason to count with all might
What Self-centered want would destroy

Because giving thanks is not simply a whim
No one has no reason to not give to Him
Glad worship of head, heart and hand

© Janet Martin