Friday, August 2, 2019

Each Day...

 To rejoice on a glorious August morning is not a hard command to fulfill!
Pray we trust the Giver of each day in all it unfolds!

A heaven-to-earth nod
That fuels the momentum
That draws us back to God

Each day is like permission
To try and try again
To renew hope’s ambition

Each day, a celebration
A royal invitation
To serve the King of kings

Each day is like a treasure
That gleams with Great Unknown
Where He who grants its measure  

Each day is like a canvas
That captures vim and verve
And fills unmarred expanses

Then make each day love’s mission
From earth to paradise

© Janet Martin

The last stanza to this poem just kinda wrote itself first thing this morning as I prayed
before my feet touched down on the tarmac of Today...

The progress of this poem however took a few hours...
as Little Girl arrived
and we did our morning lo-o-o-o-o-ng swing-ride
a trampoline jump,
breakfast and so-forth
 while I tried composing stanzas in-between😉
Now its
Back to the Very Important Business of Swing Ride!

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Bittersweet of August Day...

August Day
tips its decanter
Beauty burgeons,
For we sense
in bloom’s bright banter
And in cricket’s
And in hazy, lazy
high noon
And in twilight’s
cooling sigh
That the season,
once a cocoon
Has become
a butterfly

© Janet Martin

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Ere Summer Like a Flower Fades...

Farewell, sweet July!

Ere winter drapes sugary shawls over the stooped shoulders of earth
And Jack Frost leaves his feather-scrawls on parchment void of flower-mirth
Where Queen Ann’s Lace and chicory and columbine and goldenrod
Have tendered their rainbow melee to rest in cold, dark chests of sod

Ere fence-line finery is doffed and orange lily-lanterns snuffed
By winds once green and whisper-soft as silk that pops the milkweed tuft
Ere songbirds launch a southward flight and woodlands shed their shushing tress
And all the land is staunch and white; shrouded in sterling quietness

Ere lap and slap of lake-song stills and surging splurge of surf is spent
And steely surface seals the rills; ere petal from pinion is rent
To moulder in the dust of days beneath a soldered garden path
Ere summer slips into the haze of wind-strummed wild-grass aftermath

Ere summer like a flower fades and Beauty dons more somber hues
Ere farmer wields the harvest-blades and winter-weather fills the news
Let’s love this season’s wonder-storm without wishing for something more
Ere What We Hold loses its form like waves as they are washed ashore

© Janet Martin

Look To Jesus...

 In case we've become disillusioned or discouraged...
and because devotion/dedication demands disciplined diligence!

Shoulder to lean on and heart of compassion
Mankind’s Redeemer, salvation secure
His thoughts much higher than ours, purely human
He is no liar; His promises sure

He never leaves us though often we grieve Him
Though doubt persuades us to trust what we see
Just like a loving dad cares for His children
He waits to welcome us back tenderly

His…Ear always open to prayers of surrender
His…Forgiveness free at the foot of the cross
His…Love, never-failing, fills service with splendor
His…Hope heals the hurts carved by longing and loss

Then rise to the race set before us to finish
Look unto Jesus as we climb Time’s stairs
Eyes on the Prize; let love’s Highlight diminish

Kneel at the feet bearing scars of rejection
(Now through glass darkly but then face to face)
Look unto Jesus; through His resurrection
Death has no sting; we are saved by His grace

© Janet Martin

I Cor.15: 54-58

When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable and the mortal with immortality,
 then the saying that is written will come to pass: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.”
“Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?”
The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.
 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!
Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast and immovable.
 Always excel in the work of the Lord, 
because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Dear Summer

Tender summer, take Time slowly
Linger on the garden path
Lead us through avenues tolling
With impending aftermath

Sweet, fleet summer, tame your hours
Teach the student of your days
To live gently among flowers
And give your Creator praise

Glorious summer, do not hasten
Do not leap into your grave
Where wheat fields like golden oceans
Draw the farmer to its wave

Dearest summer, linger longer
Where our bare feet stir your dust
Feeling younger, freer, stronger
In a world of wonder-lust

Soulful summer, sweet sun-strummer
Weave your blossom-binding spell
Ere we grasp at chaff-like shimmers
To hear sea-song in your shell

© Janet Martin