Wednesday, March 13, 2019

On Learning To Lean

On Friday while I was looking for something to read while the kiddos slept I found this book...

...given to me by a friend for my 50th Birthday,
 then tucked into a must-read pile, then tucked into a bookcase and forgotten...
(or maybe just saved by Someone for a season when its message would be so relevant and fitting) 
Sometimes life re-impacts us with the reality that there are things our love and power
 simply cannot fill or fix
and there are things we simply. cannot. do on our own!

Not in the season of fullness and favour
Not when love’s flavours are sugar intoned
But when the bite of life is sharp and bitter
This keens the hunger where hope’s heart is honed

Not on the hilltop beholding a vista
Stealing our breath with the view all around
But in the climb, in the sweat-blood-tear blister
This bares the crux where trust’s foothold is found

Not in the heaven of sunshine and flower
While we meander without weight of care
But in the brunt of ‘I can’t’s’ darkest hour
This whets the whisper that turns into prayer

Not in the beauty of bounty’s full forces
Not when thought’s field brims with hymns fair and green
But when life drains us of our own resources
This leads us to the Hand that helps us lean

© Janet Martin


' Your house is a little like heaven, I think', said one of the girls to me yesterday
as we tromped across a sparkling-like-diamonds field for a little while-supper-cooks walk...
'always so many children!'

Children certainly have a way of making one take kinder notice of heaven-glimpses!

John 3:27
John replied, "A man can receive only what is given him from heaven.

Blessed beyond measure
With life’s simple pleasure
Of love’s lilting laughter, hugs, kisses and such
Where joy in wee faces
Of life’s smallest ‘graces’
Reminds us to embrace what soon slips from touch

Blessed beyond reason
With season on season
Where time’s ether eons skim over earth’s halls
To tune (for a little)
The leaf that turns brittle
As nature’s green fiddle flares auburn then falls

Blessed beyond telling
Where whispers are felling
Time’s fervor soft-swelling the bud with full-bloom
Before we are startled
By the silver sparkle
That crushes the ardor that brushes the tomb

© Janet Martin 

For this little fellow sometimes frustration trumps fun
because when this chubby-cheeked cherub falls it is almost more
than his mite-y might can muster 
to hoist his snow-suit bundled body back to the upright position. 
...most often he resorts to a loud wail til Grandma comes to the rescue!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Winter's Recompense

This poem eked/leaked out amidst many household chores yesterday...
I'd love to finesse it a little but am on the verge of LOTS of kiddos today,
 due to March-break and 'we-miss-Janet's-house'

 (hopefully there will be fresh cinnamon buns for morning snacks)

Beneath a lofty latticework of woodland’s red-bejeweled limbs
Where nature’s violinist moves a breathy bow across primed strings
And where the air runs rife with life in harmonies we simply sense
I’ll take a chair and watch the unfolding of winter’s recompense

Where we must wait for rusty gates to groan beneath the weighted tress
Of vines that spill their bud to blooms that fill our cups of happiness
Where winter’s chill revives a thirst for summer’s sea-song serenade
And bare feet dancing to a tune immersed in knee-deep pools of shade

Where gardens grin with half-grown dreams and sparkling streams lure fishermen
Where afternoon bursts at the seams; its fabric blue and green again
Where all the world seems sweet and kind after winter has lost its grip
And left its grit and gale behind where nature’s eaves with blossoms drip

Where we will climb the highest hill to almost touch the lowest cloud
Where time unfurls the daffodil like school-girls standing glad and proud
Where we greet morning with a bounce and sport a smile upon the face
I’ll take a chair, and watch the woodland lose itself in leaf-green lace

© Janet Martin

A glimpse at what is waiting if we just hang in there!

Monday, March 11, 2019

Impressions of Majesty

 And these are but the outer fringe of his works; how faint the whisper we hear of him! 
Who then can understand the thunder of his power?"
Job 26:14

The Sculptor of mist
Where shadows untwist
Intangible menageries
Wakens in the heart
Sweet love for the art
Of simple ‘almost memories’

The Artist of air
That sets morn a-flare
Before its wick wanes on the west
Ushers to touch-taste
Meeker rev’rence and grace
Aware of time’s delicate zest

The Painter of awe
On determined law
Showcases so much come-to-pass
And makes moments feel
Like wisps on a reel
Serrated with feathers and glass

The Maestro of days
Wills ways to amaze
Even the most atheistic host
And makes us aware
That Someone Somewhere
Is bigger than man’s boldest boast

The sole/soul Author of
Life’s greatest gift; love
Allots and allows us to see
A glimpse, just a glimpse
Where earth-and-sky hints
At impressions of Majesty

© Janet Martin

 "The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth 
and does not live in temples built by human hands.
Acts 17:24