Friday, December 7, 2018

Beauty-Blessing Of A Big Wood-pile

Sometimes, as I start the fire in the mornings I think of stories I read about the pioneers scavenging the prairies for buffalo chips to keep the fire going, when they had no wood or dry wood!
Not only a fire hot enough to keep their home warm but hot enough to cook on!
It makes me so thankful for the old wood pile.
I wrote this poem for my friend's parents who moved into a retirement home without a wood-stove this fall, so they gifted to us some of their wood.
When I asked my friend what they would like for a bit of a thank-you she suggested a poem about a wood-pile, recalling how glad her dad always was for theirs!

Oh humble unsung hero; both of now and days long dead
It fills far more than corners in the cellar or the shed
For it is the begetter of winter-weather reprieve
Where we gather together to enjoy a cozy eve
With *‘Schizzel’ full of popcorn and a *schoze so full of book
Or maybe we are playing games like Lost Heir, Uno, Rook
And all the riches in the world could never make us smile
Like humble, good times we enjoy, thanks to the old wood pile

Now dad can put his sock feet up; set anxious thoughts to rest
Knowing that though the storm may rage, feathered will be his nest
And all his little fledglings need not dread the days to come
But live the best life has to give in simple joys of home
For wealth is not the number of its dollars we accrue
But rather gold-framed echoes of love’s happy me and you
Where the treasure of memories is worth each homespun while
And made ever the sweeter by the grin of a wood pile

The flicker of flame-dancers is a fine thing to behold
They leap and crackle where the warmth of it never grows old
And everyone is gladder while the wild of winter wails
With woodstove full of fire to grant comfort from its gales
So lest we overlook its quiet nook and modest pose
And lest we reserve poetry for romance of love’s rose
Let’s take a moment to applaud the gift of wooded isle
And thank God for the beauty-blessing of a big wood pile

© Janet Martin

* Schizzel- Pennsylvania Dutch Word for bowl
*schoze- Pennsylvania Dutch Word for lap

Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Way We Are...

 Inspired by the tributes to George H. W. Bush
His motto; Preach Christ at all times. If necessary, use words.

George H.W. Bush's historian shares stories that span 9 decades

 Yesterday George, through these loving tributes touched so many more lives in death,
 inspired by his life, not perfect, but well-lived...reminding us as long we we live, Life matters!

We never know whose lives we touch with what we do and say
Or how the way we are will help or hinder someone’s day
how big the smallest lives we shape; the lad at mother’s knee
Is the beginning of the man that he turns out to be

To make the most of here and now is all that we can do
For when the quilt of dusk tucks earth beneath its navy blue
The seal that sets the sun where none of us its course can trace
Preserves those battles lost or won in Bygone’s vast embrace

Where oh, we never know what, down life’s road, one recollects
Or what will paint the pictures only memory resurrects
For what we leave behind becomes a lifetime’s greatest worth
Each numbered day soon strews its dust and ash across the earth

Lord, pray we live each day to day humbly aware of This
That none of us can ever know how near or far death is
Or who is next to cross the ever-mystic Great Divide
While we stand back and wonder what waits on The Other Side  

…where all then, that remains of us is the Permanent How
Of touch and taste tendered to the haste of each Here and Now
The treasure of love’s moments turned into Mission Complete
The measure of a lifetime sealed in other hands and feet

© Janet Martin

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

A Bitty Joy-Ditty

 This is NOT just a Christmas Song!

What hope, such promise to secure
What grace, such suff’ring to endure
What love, such rebels to pursue
To save us from death’s endless due

What joy, the heart of man should fill
What purpose should each plan instill
What honor should invoke our touch
To serve He who loves us SO much

© Janet Martin

Morning Prayer...(roused by morning/mercy's riveting flare)

 Our heart's deep worship is wordless! 
but sometimes we try to find font to fit, 
though a stuttering shadow, to tell of its wonder!

Wake within my worship, wonder
Transfixed by Hope’s Covenant
Where without it, fear would thunder
Like an avalanche, hell-bent

Stir, through Thy Word, faith’s endurance
*Until sight annuls its need
Startle weariness with nuance
Of new morning’s mercy-deed

Fire desire with longing
For that which earth cannot grant
Keep my idle mind from wanting
That which would Thy love supplant  

Keep my feet and eyes from wand’ring
Where Distraction wields its vice
Lord, help me make Time my off’ring
Through love’s Living Sacrifice

Teach me, as I reach to others
How to make my love like yours
Where we, all sisters and brothers
Need the Hope Thy grace secures

© Janet Martin

 Yesterday, as we gazed at my friend's dad lying in death's repose
we couldn't help but wonder what his last breath's Sight revealed!

Hymn by Margaret Mackay...Asleep in Jesus
  1. Asleep in Jesus! Blessed sleep,
    From which none ever wakes to weep;
    A calm and undisturbed repose,
    Unbroken by the last of foes.
  2. Asleep in Jesus! Oh, how sweet,
    To be for such a slumber meet,
    With holy confidence to sing
    That death has lost his venomed sting
  3. Asleep in Jesus! Peaceful rest,
    Whose waking is supremely blest;
    No fear, no woe, shall dim that hour
    That manifests the Savior’s pow’r.
  4. Asleep in Jesus! Oh, for me
    May such a blessed refuge be!
    Securely shall my ashes lie,
    And wait the summons from on high
  5. Asleep in Jesus! Far from thee
    Thy kindred and their graves may be;
    But there is still a blessed sleep,
    From which none ever wakes to weep.

To Takers of Time's Latest Prize...

Emerging on yon eastward skies
A band of gold ignites the skies
Where breath of life has lent its prize
As eyes and sighs awake
While Mercy sets the diadem
Of dawn upon earth’s yawning hem
And beckons, with time’s rarest gem
It’s free-for-all, to take

…where man, who sees the outside knows
How sure and swift Time’s gift bestows
A labyrinth of highs and lows
To ‘whys’ and ‘ohs’ God-lent
To bridge the breach of doubt with trust
For this cradle of ash and dust
Is woven through with wanderlust
And worship’s wonderment

Then do not fear; the love of He
Who fashions heaven’s majesty
Then lends to likes of you and me
The rose to crown the thorn
Will not forsake us in the task
All that we need to do is ask
Then believe He who tips night’s flask
And fills time’s glass with morn

© Janet Martin

 ...and oh!!! what a morning!
 where we, a little sun-rise starved through all of November drink,
like thankful beggars from the well-spring of Mercy's surprise!

 (I had to laugh and laugh as I listened and imagined
what my not-so-morning people would do if I cranked this song up first thing when I got up!)