Saturday, August 25, 2018

Frames of Fading Awegust...

I spelled August 'Awe-gust' because that's what it is;
a gust of awe that leaves us a little
aw-don't leave-us-yet stricken!

The pulse of Mother Nature thrums
Buds breaks from bloom to burnished crumbs
The torch of golden rod is lit
The cricket minstrel does not quit
Long after day has met its mark
Its tweet-tweet-tweet stipples the dark

The garden groans with dreams come true (or work to do)
The sky, a sweep of satin-blue
The creek-bed overflows its edge
With streams of burdock, milkweed, sedge
The fence flaunts wild-bloom bric-a-brac
Where lands make up for much we lack

Bones ache with wear of honest toil
As we pluck summer from the soil
To snare its fare in jars and bins
Where through the pain of blood-sweat-tears
We gain the battle-wounds of years

The flower spreads its rainbow wings
The hour too; where summer sings
A hymn of farewell-flavored bars
In ditches stunned with petal-stars
In fields still filled or harvest’s sheaf
In butterflies of soybean leaf

The pulse of Mother Nature throbs
In musky, dusty dusk it sobs
In mid-day mid-task quick retreats
To backyard front-row window-seats
Where like forbidden sweets we taste
A second fistful of time’s haste

…and let a tear or two escape
To plop on non-stop echo-scape
As bud to bloom to seed runs rife
And death of days soon makes a life
Where August drapes its cape of sighs
Across earth’s scar-pocked paradise

© Janet Martin

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Coping 'Mechanism'

...after a few *milk-bag boots-in-the-garden mornings...(story below)
dawn's coral jewel is back!

 (For a few minutes yesterday morning the sun 
popped through a band of dark rain-blue clouds
turning plain puddles into polished gold)

That coral gem on far-east hem soft-chimes; time’s gong turns gold and grins
It washes from earth’s girth the brume of birth and a new day begins
Where what waits next, ah, who can guess; for care has many shoes to fill
But how we cope, ah, steadfast hope; God’s grace sufficient for all, still

That well-laid ‘plan’ so dear to man is subject to a Higher Hand
And if He wills for man's good, ills, then surely He will help us stand
For He who draws from Mercy’s laws morn’s misted gauze of blush and blue
Does not leave us to fret and fuss without His hope to help us through

That sash of dew on splash of ‘new’ soon trades its diamonds for plain dirt
Where sweat and toil is the grand spoil of health; a common wealth of hurt
But, what a gift, the bend and lift and grunt-heave-ho of work to do
Where Steadfast Hope will help us cope as God grants strength to me and you

© Janet Martin

Where Morning Prayer is often a plea for God to bless and guide and keep
Night’s prayer is often a humble ‘thank-you for strength for the day’ before we fall asleep

  *where did I get the idea for milk-bag boots?

From a woman in North Carolina featured on The Weather Network.
One day when the camera-crew dropped by for a visit. 
she was mowing her lawn with a riding mower at quite a speed!
Wow! they exclaimed, You are amazing for a woman of...70-ish?!
"92!", she replied in an emphatic make-no-mistake voice!
... they decided on another surprise-visit.
This time when they knocked she wasn't in the house so they followed the sound of an engine and found her tilling her garden!!! on a hot Carolina day (and this is where the milk-bags come in!)
She covered her good-support shoes with milk-bags so when, (after she showed them her substantial garden which she had no plans of stopping as long as she was able) she invited them into the house, 
and all she had to do was slip the bags off her feet and step into her immaculate kitchen 
where fresh-baked pecan pies were cooling on the counter.
(she insisted they take one) The camera-crew was speechless!
When they asked, as they sat with her on her sprawling front-porch 'how do you do it?!"
 the 92 year-old woman replied after thinking for a little as she rocked slowly back and forth,
"Well, I don't worry much. I do what I can and leave the rest to God"

That line has become my mantra!

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

A Mom-to-Daughter Birthday Poem

 Hi Melissa and God bless you on this day, your Birthday!
Twenty-four years ago Emily became a sister 
and I was delighted beyond words to be the mom of another daughter.
The delight and humble pride of motherhood has never wavered, no matter the 'what'!
So thankful for you, Melissa, and what you add to the fabric-work of our family and home!

Sometimes it would be easy to slip into ‘missing you’
In spite of knowing heartstrings/prayers stretch as far as they need to
The joy that daughters bring to mothers tends to evade speech
And when I try to spell it, it seems words are out of reach

Sometimes the clock eats up a year with shocking fluency
And sometimes mothers can’t help but recall life’s used-to-be
But this is not for nothing; it reminds us to embrace
The here and now before it joins the cast of yesterdays

Sometimes words seems so little to tell of love without end
The ‘love-you-as-a-daughter-but-even-more-as-a-friend’
And sometimes ‘thank-you God’ seems quite a mighty, teeny praise
When I think of all it enfolds in age-old three-word phrase

The heart is like an art-gallery filled with pictures, prized
A mother learns that hold and letting go is synchronized
So every now and then when one would least expect it so
She snares a simple here-and-now and adds it to the show

Sometimes her love spills into stars that land upon her cheek
And when she tries to tell you why it seems she cannot speak
Except to fumble with words old as time yet ever new
Where there is nothing in the world like mother’s  ‘I love you’

© Janet Martin

My mom often 'gave' me this verse...
I now understand more fully why!
It applies to us all, no matter what stage/age of life we are in!

 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding; 
 In all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.


When sorrow’s tear meets Mercy’s ear
What tender touch God’s love bestows
The mourner feels the Hand that heals
Oft soft upon grief’s anguished throes

For we are not alone, forgot
Though death may wield a bitter sting
Our Lord will bless grief’s loneliness
With comfort only He can bring

© Janet Martin

My friend who lost her mother at the end of June,
misses her deeply.(so I sent this little verse to her yesterday)
She was a stay-at-home-daughter who tended to the needs of her mother
(bed-ridden for years!!)  when the others were at work
so now the hole in her life is huge.
Will you pray that she can feel God's comfort near and dear?

Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted

For Track-Record Blazers

Sometimes there are pics I simply can't little fellows ( really cute too:)  on chairs facing the wall because they told a falsehood and 'he did too' is not an acceptable reason we talk about how this is not just about trying to get out of a consequence that telling the truth might bring(and that's a big decision for a little fellow) but then we discuss how terrible could consequence be compared to what is at stake if lying becomes a habit hard to break?!) 
because habits of today shape men of tomorrow, either trustworthy or not at all!? 
and which would they rather be?! 
Who we want to be when we are old begins today!

I'm not sure what actually happened because it all happened 'under-cover'😉after they
had played very long and well together in their spacious hideout.
A rainy day means couch-forts are allowed!...and various other in-door escapades!

The tool that blazes track-records into the sands of time
Can fool us by its common habits of humanity
Where touch and taste with moment’s haste makes more than echo’s chime
But something that tolls far beyond the grave; our legacy

The way we are is more than merely that or this, my dear
The footing we build on is set through simple do-and-say
Where choices made by long-gone men and women are still here
Like stitches in the fabric of the world we know today

The shirker and the worker will soon slumber side by side
And what they leave behind no up-and-comer can undo
Where a new era spreads its wings and sings ‘here comes the bride’
…where children teach their children what they learned through me and you

…where God is great and good and changeless through each age to age
His precepts infallible; the builder’s Chief Cornerstone
Then, come what may, where war against demons of darkness wage
Faithful abides The Rock that never can be overthrown

There is no new religion; we are all born Worshippers
Where who or what we worship we prove through the voice of choice
We frown or smile and all the while with fellow hims-and-hers
Leave mile on mile of aftermath; a path nothing destroys

Then we should all look long and well at what we leave behind
The tool that blazes track-records cannot be done away
But is a simple testament of footfalls of the mind
Ah, pray we set down trusty steps that lead no one astray

© Janet Martin

Our ancestors sinned and are no more,
    and we bear their punishment.