Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Grail of Grateful Gladness

 It's a drippy morning, but stunning still!

Color cascades, gray-blue-yellow
Over heaven’s wall
Morning, like a jocund fellow
Metes time’s madrigal

Gifts too manifold to mention
Pour from grace-gilt grail
Summer’s streams in green redemption
Over hill and vale

Slow thy hurried wish and worry
Lest thou skimmest bow’rs
Where man’s Maker, rich in mercy
Mentors us with flow’rs

Touch Time’s yoke of season-splendour
With love’s humble awe
For its tokens, swift and tender
Yield to nature’s law

Not Want’s futile sigh
June attunes the heart to wonder
At God’s kind reply

© Janet Martin

Monday, June 19, 2017

Oft Upon Soft Death of Day...

How oft upon soft death of day
We scan the fading fell
Of motifs pinkly borne away
On twilight’s hill and dell
And oft, the hour, doffed of light
Seems gentler in near dark
Where dirge of day and birth of night
Pastoral leas embark

The heart is like a sailor, oh,
On seas that surge within
A monumental ebb and flow
Beneath frail veil of skin
Where oft upon soft death of day
The undertow of years
Can move thought’s bark through darkling splay
To spill salt fray in tears

How uncommon this common path
That none yet all have tread
To stand on tinseled aftermath
Of light with lowered head
Where coral-purple choirs play
An intangible hymn
As oft upon soft death of day
We sense Time growing dim

The more and less of life and love
Runs through the hour at hand
Where we are at the mercy of
Something or Someone grand
Where oft upon Soft Death of Day
We hear without a sound
The tiptoe of Untrodden Way
Weave harbors underground

© Janet Martin

We never know what a day will bring! 
Thoughts and prayers with those in Portugal
where wildfires claim many lives.

Subtle Undoing

 ...and so it goes; baby grows! Grandson Brantley is entering the world of...FOOD!!! such fun:)

Subtle undoing of skylines and stars
Spars with pursuit and its dream
Circumstance siphons from infinite jars
Heart and soul’s earnest esteem
Fragile, the flower that blooms on the air
Tugging time’s bower twixt hope and despair

Unknowns unravel and leave in their wake
Fragments of what used to be
Darling, the gavel of life’s give and take
Falls with velocity
Who can undo what runs through to and from?
Tenacious, vexing, ubiquitous sum

Onyx annulment of middle-night wanes
Filling our visage with gold
Past, like a fasting beast on the east feigns
Fortune; it slips from our hold
Anguish and awe in raw fullness allies
With the undoing of dawn’s wooing skies

Breakfast, lunch, dinner, mouth’s sweet-simple joy
My, what a blessed bunch are we
Life lends us laughter with wee girl and boy
Home houses its family
When and where spills its allotment; we drink
Chins dripping with time’s invisible ink

Incessant circuit of morn, noon and night
Moves through yon, blue vestibule
Labyrinth woven with grief and delight
Shards of steel, whispers of tulle
What but God’s love, can comfort twilight’s toll
Subtle undoing of all but the soul

© Janet Martin