Friday, April 21, 2017

The Garden...

PAD Challenge 21: For today’s prompt, pick an object (any object), make it the title of your poem, and then, write your poem.

Soon, soon we can begin making this year's garden-memories!
 a few fond flash-backs

It favors mouth with flavor and the hand with work to do
It lets us greet our neighbors with an extra gourd or two
It teaches perseverance in a classroom flower-strewed
And at the first appearance of fresh shoots, faith is renewed

It turns the common labourer into an artist, oh,
And Tommy learns to name the weeds and vegetables that grow
A patience-testing paradise; this heaven-whispered sod
Where, after we have done our best, the rest is up to God

A turnip-tater temple, walls of sunshine, floors of dirt
A sanctuary where bees, breezes and butterflies flirt
A let’s-go-to-the-garden for a little getaway
A quiet place to work and worship, plant, prune, pluck and pray

A never-quite-like-we-saw-it in dreamland’s oracles
But always awed amazement, where seed-grace grants miracles
A sweat-inducing glory-land where hand and heart re-learn
How fruit of humble labor is love and life’s best return

© Janet Martin

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Loveliness of Task

PAD Prompt 20: For today’s prompt, write a task poem.

Of all the loveliness of life, in want and need's duress
Of finding finest treasures in measures of mundane-ness
(Though we may not always have sought or even thought to ask)
We often overlook the common loveliness of Task

The evidence of Providence is in each gifted breath
He grants through Adam’s curse, a chance to taste the bread of worth
Where often in the moil of toil we take and break and eat
Forgetful of Task’s loveliness that favors hands and feet

…and though the glance-value of come and go seems small and plain
If we live to give it our best we will not strive in vain
The saddest state of being, seeing only form and face
And missing how the loveliness of Task spills from God’s grace

© Janet Martin

The best way to -re-appreciate Task is to not feel well enough to perform them for a little while, then we covet the smile of Ordinary and Task! 

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,
Col. 3:23

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Of Earmarked Landmarks

PAD Challenge day 19; For today’s prompt, write a memory poem. 

Yesterday six of us oldest cousins celebrated another 'one of us' joining the ranks of 50 years and counting:) 
We don't all see each other very often so there was lots of catching up and wandering back to years when our lives were intertwined, especially at Grandma and Grandpa's house!

The birthday-girl celebrating fifty years is seen below (in the red sweater). 
She was my childhood best friend and here we are all packed up to walk up the hill to Grandma and Grandpa for 'holidays'...usually a 2-night sleepover. 
Side-note; I live in the house now that we walked to that day:)

We balance scars and stars
And wonder how it is
That Time, with nothing but its hours
Has turned us into this

We gather to compare
Its echoes we hold dear
To gaze on worlds etched on the air
At faces gone, yet here

We trace each tender while
And travel back in years
When grandma was more than a smile
We cherish through fond tears

Now we share middle-age
And stare at childhood’s knell
Cupping the sands of present-stage
Like lands marked for farewell

© Janet Martin

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Prayer of Faith

Oh Lord, you know
What we cannot see
And see what
We cannot know
The comfort of
Your love for us
The hope whereby we go

Help us, oh Lord
As we help those
You place within
Our care
For oh, we know
What sight won't show
That You are 

© Janet Martin

So many people to pray for such a capable God !
Hallelujah, He is able
for all we are not.

I love the Lord, because He hears
My voice and my supplications.
Because He has inclined His ear to me,
Therefore I shall call upon Him as long as I live.

Psalm 116:1-2

Better Than This

PAD Challenge day 18: Somehow we’re already on our third Two-for-Tuesday of the month; 
time is flying.
Here are the two prompts for today:
  • Write a life poem. The poem could be about the miracle of life, the complexity of life, the game of Life, or anything else that means life for you. Or…
  • Write a death poem. For most organisms, life leads to death. So this should be as full of possibility as the life poem.
Written in memory of Eileen Bowman

From urns of earth, spring’s verdant birth returns
With mist of violets purpling dormant slope
And robins chirping chiralees of hope
And silver brook-song sparkling through new ferns
…in bellies of lost love a fire burns

Morning is polished with a sheen of green
And limb embellished with bud’s ruby gem
And mud a flood of floral diadem
Where long the cold hold of winter had been
Before warmth stirred to sight, faith’s fond Unseen

Before the daffodil leaped from its bed
To bob like sunbeams on hills rain-drop pearled
Before time’s topaz color-wheel unfurled
A world of wonder; pink-gold-purple-red
Before love's heart in full surrender bled

…and love was torn between sorrow and bliss
Her body sleeps in graves beneath the sod
Her soul is in the keeps of Loving God
…but still, we think about what she will miss
Until Someone reminds us;
Heaven is better than this

© Janet Martin

Artiste Incognito

PAD Challenge day 18: Somehow we’re already on our third Two-for-Tuesday of the month; 
time is flying.
Here are the two prompts for today:
  • Write a life poem. The poem could be about the miracle of life, the complexity of life, the game of Life, or anything else that means life for you. Or…
  • Write a death poem. For most organisms, life leads to death. So this should be as full of possibility as the life poem.

We pretend not to mind
The way you turn a page
Like season-flickers on the wind
Of youth to middle-age

The mementos you make
Then take, ache in love’s sigh
The oceans you leave in your wake
Shimmer in days gone by

Where quivers on the air
Rush to finality
The resonance of here-to-there
A string of memory

How soundless are your feet
Your touch, a subtle knife
That sculpts from hours bittersweet
The echo of a life

© Janet Martin

I attended my friend's mother's funeral yesterday...
Nothing like a funeral to remind one of
life's brevity and death's finality