Thursday, December 8, 2016

A Thank-you Verse to Each of You...

I don’t know who you are, but thank-you
From time’s precious moment-fray
You choose to use a few minutes
To visit this porch each day

Not for quaff of tea and cookies
Not for handshake’s cheering grip
But for bonds of ink-twirled passion
…for sweet poem-fellowship

Not duty-bound by strict order
You drop by, again, again
Simply to share the meek measure
Of a homespun poet’s pen

...or camera:)
 Either way,

© Janet Martin

I most certainly would set out tea and cookies if I could pass them from here to there!

I got a bag of peak-freans that my 'littles' informed me are "yuck"....
so what to do?
I'm hoping I can pass them off on a Christmas-cookie plate!
(The miracle of white-chocolate drizzle and Christmas-colored sprinkles:)

Hallmark of a Life Well lived

The hallmark of a life well lived
For all that we may strive to be
Is he and she who daily gives
Their best in honest ministry

No quest for fame or fortune, they
With humble and earnest esteem
Commit to give their best each day
No matter how small it may seem

Thus, with purpose they heed life’s call
Knowing love is its own reward;
And that there is no task too small
To serve as honor to its Lord

© Janet Martin

 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
1 Cor. 10:31


My sister called me yesterday to see if I had ever heard of this poet: Grace Noll Crowell
As I read her bio this morning these words jibed with the soul of this word warrior...
"That quickened and awakened the desire to write poetry again." 

SO many things quicken that desire in me 
but none more than God's glorious handiwork.

A quickened wakening
Deep in the breast
A soul-sweet aching
Laden with request
A surging Urge like
A summons God-wrought
Beckoning word from
Soft stirring of thought

A roar that cannot
Be silenced or heard
Cupped in a vessel
Of hunger and word
Warrior-like wrestles
With whispers and then
Triumph that lauds
Its applause from a pen

Storm of devotion
Breaks barriers of fear
Want is an ocean
The page is a pier
As thought is set free
In poetry

© Janet Martin

Whatever Else
by Grace Noll Crowell

Whatever else be lost among the years,
Let us keep Christmas still a shining thing:
Whatever doubts assail us, or what fears,
Let us hold close one day, remembering
Its poignant meaning for the hearts of men.
Let us get back our childlike faith again.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Stop; Pause Because...

Stop; pause because the world is full of a-a-h-s and o-o-h-s and such
And if we do not pause to look again, we miss too much
God’s glory-touch is etched against the colors of the day
Where backdrops to our o-o-h-s and ah-h-s are blush-blue-gold and gray
Stop; pause where awe is manifested in love-notes we find
To compose melodies which play the harp-strings of the mind

So pause, because we cannot see the myriad of joys
Waiting for sweet discovery amidst life’s busy noise
The puddle is a mirror and a masterpiece of sky
The sidewalk is a canvas where loosed leaf of autumn lies
The child is full of why, the wild with winds unfettered jest
The dark is full of lullaby, the dawn with mercy’s Best

Stop; pause, because the world is full of awe if we but look
Perfection in a flake of snow, reflection in a brook
A wonderland of miracles too manifold for phrase
Are waiting for the likes of us to honor it with praise
To find among the hum-drum beat of Duty’s stringent laws
God-reasons to be joyful if we take the time to pause

© Janet Martin

 "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."