Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Way To Go

 Happy Nov. 1st!

For today’s prompt, we’ve actually got a two-for-Tuesday prompt. So pick one, combine both prompts into one poem, or write two (or more) different poems. Here are the prompts:
  • Write a stay poem. A poem about staying put, not leaving, and/or dealing with someone (or something) that refuses to leave. Or…
  • Write a go poem. Fans of The Clash probably know which song prompted today’s prompt. But yeah, this is basically the opposite of staying–you know, going.

Stay, go
Ebb, flow
Yes, oh,

Dark, light
Wrong, right
May, might
Beg, fight

Tip, spill
Empty, fill
Hollow, hill
Heat, chill

Shoes, socks
News, clocks
Keys, locks
Trees, rocks

Stand, sit
Rest a bit
But don’t quit
Just do it

Bloom, fade
Broom, spade
 Bought, made
Hoard, trade 

Sing, dance
Bring aunts
Take a chance 

Dirty, clean
Flirty, mean
Pretty, preen

Do, don't
Will, won't
Should, shan't
Could, can't

Love, hate
Settle, debate
Hurry, wait
Early, late 

Drive, walk
Be quiet, talk
Compliant, balk
Book, dock
May, must

Coast, crash 
Pause, dash
Keep, trash

Nope, tried
Cope, glide
Hope, hide
Steamed, fried

Take, leave
Braid, weave
Break, grieve
Wake, heave

Fast, slow
High, low
Stay, no
I must go

Crawl, fly,
Laugh, cry
Shout, sigh
Live, die

© Janet Martin

The American Dream...(a week before the election)

 the above is a sermon preached by Peter Marshall   
Click on the images to enlarge.
I realize this is a bit of a read but even a page or two leaves much for the reader to ponder.
 It seems this message is even more relevant now than then!
and not only for Americans.
This applies to all of us who enjoy freedom!
In a week is the American Election...
then a few days later Remembrance Day.

like blood-stained thunder roared
and strew death in its hellish wake
where buttercups and daisies nod
in innocence on
unmarked graves
as generations foreign to
the horrors
forefathers endured
loaf on street-corners
mindless of
the freedom
sacrifice secured
while clink of coffee cups, laughter,
spills to the bustling boulevard
that once ran red
where lost life bled
to build a dream
and it was hard
We ought to hold its
banner high
bought not with hate,
but love
and with the cost
of much life lost
...we NEVER want
to lose sight of

...or have we?!

Janet Martin

Monday, October 31, 2016

Last-Day-Of-October Postcard


Nature’s mantle is frayed; its tatters splayed beneath our feet
Autumn’s auburn-tinged guerdon drains the garden of its lark
Where stomping grounds of summer sleep, like a deserted street
And earth is like a courtyard or market-place after dark
When all the shops are closed but still the scent of Living wafts
Pungent, the dust soft-settled and the noise of barter stilled
Its fruit thereof is garnered into root-cellars and lofts
As Autumn cloaks the air with ambience of quest fulfilled
While we, the workers linger, roving skylines with our eyes
A-wonder at the deftness of time’s Ferris-wheel-like flight
It thickens limbs with bud then leaf, then leaf-by-leaf demise
Surprising us anew by its voracious appetite
And like a dirge, the winds converge and moan outside the door
The brittle aftermath of summer scuttles ‘cross the yard
Where nature’s harp is laid; futile to plead for an encore
Earth is a masterpiece; last-day-of-October postcard

© Janet Martin

While Winds Cajole and Seasons Flow...

It was a point-and-shoot-instant-masterpiece morning!

Holy, the toll
That strips the soul
While winds cajole and seasons flow
While softly sweeps
Fall's leaf-strewn deeps
Out to yon skyline rife with snow

Still, still the will
Of winter’s chill
Seeps into Time’s consonant stride
A seamless guile
Of nod and smile
And dozing by the fireside

Hush, hush the rush
Of dry leaf shush
-ing earth, encumbered with ado
While breath by breath
Each daily death
Abbreviates Time’s avenue

Tick-tock, tick-tock
The sky-wide clock
Chimes blush, then blue, now warm, then cold
And we forget
The Awesome Yet
Hinged to its pendulum of gold

With holy toll
It strips the Whole
Until, until all that remains
Of skin and bone
And grin and groan
Is the Unseen that breath constrains

© Janet Martin

'God of the seasons and sky,
You have always been holding my life' (from above song)

Our Very Death Depends On It

The Choice we make
And what’s at stake
Can steal one’s very breath away
This course we climb
On shores called Time
Leads to a deadline none can sway

Holy, the toll
Where seasons roll
Toward a Goal of soul and God
This day of grace
To human race
Is more than trifling traipse on sod

Consider this:
When what now is
Comes to the very end of it
Where will we be
Our very death depends on it

Thus Who we choose
Or else refuse
From He whose Son died, souls to save
Becomes the Door
To Evermore
Heaven or hell waits in each grave

© Janet Martin

 Anyone whose name was not found written 
in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.

Please, please, (I beg you unashamedly)
if you are uncertain of where you are going after you die, 
or how to get to where you want to go when you die, listen to this message
your very death may depend on it!
More messages here

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: 
While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Poems like this are not written
because they are 'fun'
but because everyone
will meet
with The Choice we lay
before Jesus' feet

Excerpts from the Book A Man Called Peter
If you want to read the rest of it I strongly encourage buying the book available on Amazon.

Sunday, October 30, 2016


Because this is temporary
Each season comes to pass
And we are all but sojourners
On Time’s glimmer of grass
Where want and wish and waiting
Are part of me and you
Because this is not our destiny
But just the passing to

© Janet Martin