Thursday, November 5, 2015

Autumn Aria

Autumn is a tree undressed
Russet-dripping thoroughfare
Tart and sweetness coalesced
In the presses of the air

Autumn is an apple squeezed
Amber acquiescence soft-snared
In a cup, like memories
Vintage nectar, sipped and shared

Autumn is laughter revered
As we sense earth’s raw decline
In moment-ranks commandeered
By Authority divine

Autumn is a gold-rush quelled
Bronze and brittle lullaby
Summer’s sylvan sally felled
‘neath the sickle of the sky

Autumn; nature lingering
Like a mother over child
Kissed and tucked to bed ‘til spring
While Her tender tears run wild

© Janet Martin

PAD Challenge day 5: write a festive poem

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Once Upon November's Day

PAD Challenge; day 4;For today’s prompt, take the phrase “Once Upon a (blank),” replace the blank with a word or phrase, make the new phrase the title of your poem, and then, write your poem.

Oh, once upon November's day
When Autumn’s color-show was weaned
And orchard-fallow harvest gleaned
To leaf-lyrics that fell away
And earth succumbed to stiller hues
Beneath a port of brooding blues
And purple-misted avenues
Or noon’s unyielding gray

…oh, once upon November then
We too felt time’s incumbent will
Inept to push against the chill
That stripped the moorland and the glen
And heaped its deep with yester-leaf
And stirred the mind with kindred grief
As one more autumn slipped beneath
A consummate Amen

Yes, once upon November’s girth
We sensed, where nature’s vale was rent
And every laden limb unbent
In a requiem that lulled the earth
With filaments of somber gray
And portraits of life’s dying way
Here, once upon November’s day
We watched the end of birth

© Janet Martin

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

A Simple Case of Keeping On...

Words are a chariot; they bring us together
Words are a weapon; they drive us apart
Darling, words bind us and oh, words can sever
But never untether the strings of the heart

Tell me with nothing but touch what you’re thinking
Darling, sometimes it seems words miss their mark
Write me a poem that needs no rehearsing
Where wordless whispers are lost to the dark

We’ve been together with eons between us
We’ve been apart in a heart-to-heart dance
Darling, no matter what happens; we’ve been ‘us’
Far too long to give ‘giving up’ a chance

© Janet Martin

PAD day 3 prompt, 2-for-Tuesday prompt.  pick one prompt to follow, do both separately, or combine into one prompt.
  1. Write a United Poem.
  2. Write a Divided Poem.

Irrevocable...Two-for-two Tues.

“We are talking about God. 
What wonder is it that you do not understand? 
If you do understand, then it is not God.”

– St. Augustine

Sometimes we stand on time's little blue dot 
Surrounded by eons of stars
and dare to point fingers at Almighty God
because of life's sorrow and scars 
While He wears the nails prints and offers His grace
to pay our sin-debt in full
While He with infinite love for human race
pours morning into night's dark hull
While He fills the seed and provides for our need
While He tunes the tides of the air
While He sends the rain
and then sunshine again
And tends to the answers of prayer
with ceaseless compassion; sometimes we forget
and draw a cold dividing line
between we and He who is faithful yet
even while we doubt, or pine
gorging on good and craving what is not
Thinking we know what we deserve
Sometimes we stand on time's little blue dot
Forgetful of God and His love
...but still He is near
we cannot commandeer
with our thought
His Amen
Nothing can separate us from His love
We are His precious

Janet Martin~

PAD challenge day 3: two-for-two Tues.
  1. Write a Divided Poem
  2. Write a United Poem.

A Culinary Equation

PAD challenge day 3: two-for-two Tues.
  1. Write a Divided Poem
  2. Write a United Poem.

One squash
Divided in two
Baked then
Anointed with 
A sprinkle of brown sugar
A dash of black pepper
And a drizzle of butter
Equals a culinary

Janet Martin~

(I was going to add the picture tonight after supper
but I ended up working outside
until it was almost dark so no time to bake squash...
 maybe the squash-tease will come tomorrow night;-))

A Prayer Concerning Us

This day had an extremely hectic beginning, not the least of which involved some parenting-teenagers frustration...

Lord, in life’s leased appointments
Of laughter, loss and strife
Help us as we attend them
To live a humble life

This thoroughfare of learning
Sometimes seems harsh and cold
With welts beneath love’s yearning
That only You behold

But in joy’s surge to sorrow
Beneath its keening knife
Stir in each step pure fervor
To live a thankful life

We cannot know the future
It unfolds as Today
A carousel of moments
Sutured to Yesterday

Thus in this never-pausing
Out-pouring, pure and rife
With hope, instill a passion
To live a lovely life

© Janet Martin

Monday, November 2, 2015

The Perfect Size

Too small for school
Too small to skate
Too small to stay up late
Too small for all
The things tall brothers
Do ‘til half-past eight

Too small to tie my shoes
Too small to reach
The up-high shelf
Too small to understand the news
Or read
All by myself

Too small to walk the dog
Too small to count
Past one-two-three
Too small to button buttons
Or zip zippers
Or pour tea

But I am the right size to lick
The spoons when
Mommy bakes and cooks
I fit just right
In daddy’s arms
To read my bed-time story-books

I'm the right size to play
With toys and
Sleep with teddy bears
Or jump in a Big pile of leaves
I’m not too small
To say my prayers

Or ride my bike
Or try to be like
My big brothers too
And oh, I am
The perfect size
For hugs and ‘I love you’

© Janet Martin

'Look, Janet', little guy grins with pride, 'I made 'I love you' 

The little just-turned-three-guy I babysit (after being away for a few weeks) returned today, all smiles and sunshine!