Friday, September 19, 2014

God-granted Gift...

 A crisp morning startles the countryside as Time extends its gift beneath that diamond in the sky...

 ...and when we lay us down to sleep and pray the Lord, may we not be ashamed of how we claimed God's gift to you and me...

Ah, little moments interlocked
And gently set adrift
You create for each of us
A wonder-woven gift

With shimmering of air you shape
A thing of weighted worth
And all that we can do is take
This gift from heav’n to earth

Then, with this rendering of grace
Oh, may we learn to live
In such a way as not to waste
What God saw fit to give

© Janet Martin

John 9:4...  I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day:

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Intangible Transit

It fades fluent before our eyes
Intangible, tangible dies
Where leaf-lorn crooners eulogize
Its passing beneath solemn skies

This transaction of here-to-there
Is an illusion, gossamer
A metamorphosis of air
Disguised as evening to snare

A tear against my face yet far
You dissipate through gates ajar
Shepherded by the evening star
To lands where your ancestors are

That wide, slow place of yesterday
Fits one more foundling to its fray
Where we, imbibed with gold and gray
Will wake to find upon Time’s tray

© Janet Martin

Ageless Innocence

 How is it after all this time simplicity still amazes us most?!

This bedrock of centuries where dawn is hung
Boasting no newness beneath its old sun
Unfurls new morning on hinges of grace
Teasing our touch to its guiltless embrace
Come, for the hour is rife with Time’s kiss
And all we know but a glimpse of what is

Discov’ry lures and draws us from our tents
We are all children in its innocence
Fully amazed by Time’s dauntless demise
Like ancient trail-blazers we, no more wise
Struggle and stumble to learn what they knew
Drinking like foundlings the dawn and its dew

Ah, ageless innocence; simplicity
Stuns us to silence where babble would be
But then the laughter of nature and child
Rouses a chuckle in us as God smiled
Knowing regardless of our blatant boast
Man cannot fathom mercy’s uttermost

How can it be after all our fuss
There is still friendliness in this old dust?
There is still innocence; how can it be
After desecration of centuries
Over and over our visage is awed
And all we can murmur is, thank-you God

© Janet Martin

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

September Dusk

 One night last week it seemed like the very ground was charged with cricket-song...this week dusk steals in on much-too-early feet and the cricket-choir has thinned to a sporadic 'chirp'...

It is dusk; the noise of life muffled beneath a quilt
Of crickets in the thicket where another summer spilt
The green tree etched on azure noon is raven, solemn-stark
We gather behind windows lit like beacons to the dark

It is dusk; mulled musky 'musts' feather the fraying field
Its dust harbors a postlude where September wills its yield
The froth of full-leaf lullaby is amplified, it seems
By the impending solitude of stricken wood requiems  

It is dusk; the brusque breeze lolls where daylight duties stop
We rearrange to-do lists like a merchant closing shop
Where twilight’s tent is softly rent with burnished pink and gold
As pastures disappear into night’s vast, black velvet hold

It is dusk; the four corners of east, west, north and south
Dissolve into blue nothingness like candy in time’s mouth
Our sense of touch is charged by the relinquishing of sight
As dusk surrenders to the tender troubadour of night

© Janet Martin

"Observe", said Da Vinci, "observe at twilight, when the day is cloudy the loveliness and tenderness spread on the faces of men and women"

p.s. It feels good to be sitting in an upright position after a day in bed! there is a nasty flu-bug making its rounds...
... to-do lists were abruptly 'rearranged'!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

To Marvel...Twice

We marvel at flowers
Because they are nice
But to turn them over
Is to marvel twice

A smile is a marvelous marvel of life,
We know that this is true
But it is twice the marvel when
Someone smiles back at you

How marvelous the sunrise
Of God-painted terrain
But then in spite of us at night
He paints the sky again

Peaches and cinnamon
Fresh eggs, oh my!
Put them together
For marvelous pie

Thank-you God,
for filling life
 with opportunities to marvel


  Janet Martin~